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Devs; I Will Buy Founder If


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I noticed in this thread:



It says that buying into the Founder's program leads to discounted in-game currency. How much is the discount on future platinum purchases if I buy Founder's now?


By the by, the point of the original post was mostly to have fun. The math is arbitrary of course, I have no way of actually determining what the cost of most of those items is. It still doesn't change that they state each tier has a 'value' much greater than anything in the package, but regardless, original post was for fun. =D

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It still doesn't change that they state each tier has a 'value' much greater than anything in the package

Have you been reading all the other posts that explain how the value is, in fact, correct? The only thing that's off in that page is that they value their own platinum too low.

$5 = 75 plat.

$1 = 15 plat.

Based on that exchange rate, at Disciple level, 370 plat = $24.67, not $20. Rounded up, that's $25, or you could argue that the forum badge is worth $0.33.

At Hunter level, 1220 plat = $81.33, not $60. This values the Excalibur Prime warframe and forum badge at $8.67. Still quite fair since Prime isn't exactly a reskin, and the actual price of the package is $50.

At Master level, 3210 plat = $214. Valued at $225? $11 for DC access, Prime warframe and weaponry.

At Grand Master, 8875 plat = $591.67. Which means that if anything, you get a discount on the extra stuff, plus your name is tagged in game for even less than at the previous tier.

Edited by Quetzhal
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This thread = comedy gold.

how about more comedy. bunch of fools forfeit their rights in a purchase just because they like the product, and bashing other customers perform their rights by asking the seller to clarify products pricing structure.

quit sitting in front of your computer all day and walk out to the real world.

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how about more comedy. bunch of fools forfeit their rights in a purchase just because they like the product, and bashing other customers perform their rights by asking the seller to clarify products pricing structure.

quit sitting in front of your computer all day and walk out to the real world.

I am totally ignorant with my money and have no idea when I'm being blatantly ripped off, but you obviously have more of an idea of how to invest your money, so please, teach us how to buy more platinum for a better deal without purchasing the LIEthat is founders...

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The OP has a point. How the value is calculated isn't clear.


But then it isn't clear for most other pre-order and founder packages sold by different games. Everyone does this sort of thing nowadays, it's a standard marketing practice. That doesn't make it right, but it does make it commonplace.


I actually thought about this when I purchased my Founder's status, but then I figured the platinum value alone was a decent deal. Plus it wasn't really about the value for me, I just wanted to support the game by throwing money at it. It's the same logic I use when supporting kickstarters - it's not about what I'm getting for my money. Not exactly.

Edited by Acyl
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Have you been reading all the other posts that explain how the value is, in fact, correct? The only thing that's off in that page is that they value their own platinum too low.

$5 = 75 plat.

$1 = 15 plat.

Based on that exchange rate, at Disciple level, 370 plat = $24.67, not $20. Rounded up, that's $25, or you could argue that the forum badge is worth $0.33 cents.

At Hunter level, 1220 plat = $81.33, not $60. This values the Excalibur Prime warframe and forum badge at $8.67. Still quite fair since Prime isn't exactly a reskin, and the actual price of the package is $50.

At Master level, 3210 plat = $214. Valued at $225? $11 for DC access, Prime warframe and weaponry.

At Grand Master, 8875 plat = $591.67. Which means that if anything, you get a discount on the extra stuff, plus your name is tagged in game for even less than at the previous tier.

There's a couple more things to add to this post. The potatoes that come w/ pimp-calibur and the prime weapons add a small amount. Master and GM packs also give access to an in-game council chat. And DE may even add things to the package bonuses if more drastic changes occur.

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how about more comedy. bunch of fools forfeit their rights in a purchase just because they like the product, and bashing other customers perform their rights by asking the seller to clarify products pricing structure.
quit sitting in front of your computer all day and walk out to the real world.

I am flattered that your first post on our forum is an answer to mine.

And yes, your post added even more comedy. Not Eddie Izzard's level, but still pretty funny. Edited by SabreUr
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I do not want to see OP in the council chat.




I personally bought the Founder package to support the developers. And the option to have a hand in future developments is a nice bonus. That, plus plat, a unique sword and warframe make it worth the money, imho. Still, it would be interesting to see how the prices were calculated in the first place.

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without founders (making the biggest purchase combos possible):

$20 - 340
$50 - 1000
$100 - 2100
$250 - 3400

With founders

$20 - 370 (arguably not a $25 value unless you take away the 40 bonus plat, then it's just shy of 25)
$50 - 1220; consider Excal is 75 plat, and the inventory is 20 plat and tack that on to get 1315. $60 in plat would be 1170.
$99 - 3210, plug the extra 95 plat from above and then add the cost of the skana, 150 and an extra 6 for the inventory slot, 3461.
if you were to buy $225 of plat you would get 4615 but without bonus, 3375
$250 - 5665, with the extras it comes to: 5972... this is the odd bit... if you were to purchase 600 dollars in plat you'd get 12,600 or 9,000 without the bonus plat. The other ones are close to the listed value, but this one is 200-260 dollars removed from the $600 listed value.

All that being said... who cares? You get discounted plat via the founder program (more than just buying it straight up)

plat without founder / founder plat converted


340   / 370 (+30)
1000 / 1315 (+315)
2100 / 3461 (+1,361)
3400 / 5972 (+2472)

And this is without considering the value difference between the primes and their regular counterparts, the increased mastery possibility, the Design council access or the landmark.

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You should be getting into the founder pack because you want to support the game and in return you get a little more bang for the buck. The listed "value" that is being harped on is really quite arbitrary and hardly relevant to the topic...

Do you want to support the game?
Do you want to get more plat than you would by just buying it?

If you answered yes to either of these, look at the founder package appropriate to you.

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I will agree with the OP that the breakdown is pretty ridiculous (it is currently why i have yet to buy a supporter pack, id like to have more options personally)


but the gist is that you support DE/Warframe with as much money as you want to give them, and the extras are just that, extras


there's plenty of ppl that have bought the $250 package and don't use any of the primes, they just wanted to support a game and a company that they like


that's basically it


and since im a ninja, I play for free

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As a founder you're helping the game. You also get access to the founder part of the forums in addition to the things you mentioned.

Did I mention it's optional?


Heck, I would've sent them about the same amount of money that I did for my Master's package even if the rewards didn't exist. Why? Because I like the game and want to see it progress. If you're looking for a "Pay to Win" type of "donation" game, I suggest you take your business elsewhere.
(as that's what your post is coming across to, not getting enough in return for your payment or 'donation')


I'm a fairly easy going person, but things like this "grind my gears" sort to say.

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Most of the prime stuff looks nice but isn't really worth actually using (but still worth leveling for the mastery points)

Point and case, Excal prime... the additonal V polarity slot is not helpful other than for Radial Blind; a maxed out focus will do everything you need in terms of amping up your slash dash distance (and super jump) on top of making slash dash and radial jav much more powerful... adding continuity (the only other v polarity mod atm) really is point inefficient and blocks off a spot.

However, if they do something similar to what they mentioned in the live stream about the potential to re-roll polarity slots Excal Prime will easily be the "best" frame in the game with that additional slot.

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Played 20 hours, and I do like it, but I'd much rather pay full-game price to access the content of the game. As it stands the bang-for-buck is incredibly low no matter which way you swing it. Drop $60 as you would for an off-the-shelf game, and you barely get access to two new classes. That's pricey, right there! Having more classes open for a bit less would be nice, then I'd have incentive to replay the levels many times over, leveling every class and getting them all unique mods and weapons. As it stands though, it's far too expensive and/or too much of a time sink to see even small results.


Someone suggested the Founder program as an alternative, and then I saw the value vs cost on their buy page and was like "what is this nonsense?" None of the values match up, and I'd really like an explanation as to why.


There's a difference between an off the shelf game Vs this game. It's one package VS one constantly growing package.


The game will keep growing if there are enough supporters and the contents given to you will be FREE. You don't even have to buy crappy DLCs. You pay up to $60 for a triple A title and then play 50-100 hours maybe before it gets dull. Then comes the DLCs which cost 10-20 bucks per DLC making another $30 bucks if you buy the full set. But for this game, with supporters, it gets constant updates that some people don't even have to coin in a dime to get.

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Also, frankly speaking, if you're *buying* the warframes directly... you're kinda doing it wrong. Currently at least, the bulk of the game is to build more frames and gear and the cash shop is mostly a pay vs time deal.

What you should do is drop some cash and buy yourself plenty of warframe and weapon slots and then potatoes as you go, aiming to only buy potatoes for the gears you really feel are worthy and trying to craft as many as possible.

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You can adequately explain the 'value' system that the founder buy page touts.


Let's look at the first tier. I get 370 platinum, alleged at a $20 value, and a cute little forum badge so that I may proclaim my greatness over other players. Then, at the bottom, it says this is a $25 value, for only $19.99... But wait. Where does that extra $5 come from? I get $20 of credits and... a badge? Is the badge worth $5 somehow? Last I checked, it's just an image that confers no value at all.


Next tier pls! A $60 value of platinum, another cute little badge (which we can assume is worth $5, based on previous estimates), and a reskin of a starter class. Somehow, this is a $90 value for $49.99. Again, where is the extra $25 coming from? We have $60 of platinum, a $5 badge, and... the reskin is worth $25? Are you kidding me? I can buy whole packages of reskins in other games for $5, if not less, and here a starter class reskin is $25. Alright, whatever, let's move on.


Tier #3, up for assessment. $150 in platinum, another assumed $5 badge, a $25 reskin (lol), and now a starter sword reskin, valued at $225. Maybe I am bad at math, but $150 + $5 + $25 = $180. So, where does the extra $45 come from? Oh wait, the one extra item we get; a starter sword reskin. So the starter class reskin is worth $25, and the starter sword reskin is worth $45?! That's almost double the price of the earlier reskin!

Alright, final tier. A $600 value, whoa! We have $400 platinum, a $5 badge, a $25 reskin, and a $45 reskin (I am seeing a pattern here), totaling $475. That's a huge jump to $600, we are missing $125 of value! Oh, wait a second, we get... (drumroll, please)... A starter gun reskin! A $125 reskin! I can reskin game assets in a few hours of spare time, and you have the audacity to value an infinitely reproducible image file at $125 -per purchase-?!

Anyways, devs, go for it. You justify the blatantly false 'value' claims beside each purchase price, explaining how you came up to the exact totals you did with a breakdown of every item, and I will buy into your 'founder' program and feel superior that I somehow helped to actually found something.


I'm sure this will prove very valuable to anyone curious about the true value of your founder nonsense and gratuitously overpriced platinum system.


You just go Full $&*&*#(%&, you never ever do that again.

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This game is going places I'm positive the longevity of this game will entertain for a long long time. So as long as the game makes money the company will keep producing that simple. So if you like what you can play now then support cause it will only get better.

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OP is half right. The bang for my buck ratio is TERRIBLE. I just got the $20 founders, and I must say I feel like there should have been a message saying "Don't spend it all in one place, kid." I only plan on buying Reactors/slots anyway, but I shouldn't have to check all this out for $20. I should get enough to buy 6+ slots for frames, 10+ slots for weapons, a few reactors/catalysts, and a frame/weapon. That last 170+ plat is just not there. That's where i see the problem.


btw, I still got the founders because I like the game and want to support it, even though the plat system sucks imo.

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Questionable exchange rate aside, it's a founder pack. "Founder". It presents the notion that you supported the game and the people who make it. The fact that you get "bonus" platinum and possibly other limited content is superfluous. If it doesn't make you feel good knowing you contributed no one is forcing you to do so.


As for the math, stated by someone else already, the estimated bonus value is based off the lowest possible platinum increment: $5 = 75 platinum. 


IE: $20 = (75*4) = 300 platinum; A bonus value of 70 platinum, or about $5.

     $50 = (75*10) = 750 platinum; A bonus value of 470 platinum, or about $30.


Edited by Tenebraex
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