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Turn Ordis Off, Please?


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In the latest update, I am aware of the volume slider for Ordis.  This was a welcome addition as his constant yammering (I take my time between missions) was really grating on my nerves.  When he first popped up I said "oh, cute, an AI!" Now he's gotten repetitive and I want to shut him off.  Being able to shut him up is a boon, but I don't want to see his box pop up, either.


As I recall, when Ordis says something, his text box comes OVER the UI of whatever you're using.  So if you're trying to highlight a fusion core while fusing mods, he obstructs your view for a few seconds.  It's not game-breaking, but it is irritating.


I could understand if Ordis said or did something useful, like give gameplay tips or tell you about alerts, for example:


"Ordis has detected an alert on Mercury."  


I would be much more inclined to leave him on in such circumstances.  But having Ordis natter at me because I'm taking too long between missions or he doesn't like the fact that I could potentially get a pet.  I don't want Ordis' opinion.


As he is, though, I'd like to be able to shut him off, entirely.  I'm not sure what DE was going for when designing Ordis, but we got a disembodied C-3P0, and even 3P0 had the decency of an off switch.

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I'm fine with him being just muted, but it'd be nice if we had the option to remove him from the picture entirely. That may come off as a bit rude to the folks at DE who spent time giving Ordis a voice, a dialogue box, and lines, but I'm sure there are far more players who enjoy being reminded about the view every two minutes than not.

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Agreed. I'm tired of Ordis and simply muting him is not enough. If this is simply a non-functional feature of the Liset, I want to be able to disable it. If they are going to expand upon it and add some functionality and more dialog, that's okay. I just hope they do something about Ordis. I'm down for ejecting that annoyance into the sun. Good riddance. 


edit for typo

Edited by SHOCKED
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This is already a thing. Only that the Lotus says it

Perhaps Ordis should be saying it, then? Lotus could let us know when we're in our dojos, and Ordis can say it on the ship.  I'm sure more lines for Ordis are coming, but frankly if it's all flavor text I couldn't care less.


And I don't want to be rude to the folks at DE.  They've made a fantastic game, and I'm sorry if my criticism is unfair or insulting, that certainly isn't my intent.


Unfortunately, Ordis is pointless.  I'm reasonably confident a simple patch would make his window appear below my setup/mod/etc windows.  Beyond that, I'd rather not see him at all unless he had something useful to say.  C-3P0 gave his colleagues information, even if it was R2-D2 doing so vicariously through him.  I don't hate Ordis or have him ejected into the sun.  I understand that some fans like him, and I understand why he is liked, but at least C-3P0 could serve as a decoy, Ordis can't even do that.

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...people just can't be satisfied on this unless we have an option to get rid of Ordis entirely.


Is his textbox popping up on the UI for 5-10 seconds every so often such a massive burden? I almost never hear Ordis talk anymore.


It's just that the popup is random... often at the worst time like when modding, changing weapons, etc. and the popup appears over the stuff you are looking at. That's not a deal breaker, but annoying enough because it's pure fluff. When Lotus pops up, it's a different story as there's real information being conveyed. Ordis is only babbling and that drives me bonkers in real life, too.

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Yes.  Do you remember Clippy in MS Office?  Everyone hated that little bastard, and he was actually useful and didn't have voice dialog.

I see your point but I doubt you'll be doing anything on Warframe as potentially important as on MS Word. Lol


I semi-doubt that there will be a patch to completely turn off Ordis, he's sort of a main feature since they have an update named after him and all.

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...people just can't be satisfied on this unless we have an option to get rid of Ordis entirely.


Is his textbox popping up on the UI for 5-10 seconds every so often such a massive burden? I almost never hear Ordis talk anymore.



Yes he is...it actally stops me in my tracks sometimes and have to wait for him to go away. As far as sound; I will be honest I don't even play warframe with sound because (I know she can be muted) but locus and ordis talking is just stupid...I'm sorry I know that sounds so rude, but I don't want that kind of stuff talking all the time...Like before she was mutable...playing survival....wait no..i stopped playing that mode because of that.



Yes.  Do you remember Clippy in MS Office?  Everyone hated that little bastard, and he was actually useful and didn't have voice dialog.


Is that the same dog that was on search in XP?


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Is that the same dog that was on search in XP?



No, that's the search companion.  I kind of liked him, but I'm a dog person (without a Kubrow! The injustice! lol)


Sometimes I wanna dig thru the ship to find Ordis's CPU and put a blend of toxin, heat, ice and electricity after the ice melts :)


LOL, good gravy I don't want Ordis corroded, burned, frozen, and shocked.  Just want an off switch, lol.

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I vote to unplug Ordis. He is completely worthless in the game. He is always popping up and covering stats or mods when I am trying to mod something. He is even worse than the warframe at covering up vital information in the UI.


I am having a hard time not ejecting myself into space every time he says that "He has been thinking and I should know about it". I know the game is free and all, but that is no reason to subject us to that kind of nonsense.

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I find it funny, that all it takes is a few repeated lines for something that was widely accepted by the community to turn hostile against something.   


Ordis when first introduced was accepted by a wide number of players.  Myself included, and still enjoy the voice and idea that my ship has an AI that is active and doing something.    More Lines for Ordis has been talked about and promised, yet the people that do the voices for things like that.  Also have other jobs to do in the DE office so can't always be pulled from that job to spend possibly all day doing sound bites.   They added the volume slider for him to help with his repeativeness.   Yet... even then..  The core of peoples complaints seem to be, and wanting Ordis gone is....   "He needs more lines so he's not repeating himself so often"    Same argument is going on with the radio.   


Update 15 could be when those lines are added to the game, or it could be part of a weekly update.    


Personally The Image card that comes up, I rather enjoy and doesn't effect me in the slightest.  Same goes for image cards for other characters that have them.   So honestly I don't see what the big deal is about.   Its a part of the game, and gives some good immersion for the game.  Giving it more life then just being a gun and sword game.    Only time will tell, if those lines he speaks about thinking or being ha- angry.  Are clues into what Ordis really is, or if he is developing a will of his own and becoming sentient 

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My main issue was the frequency with which he would be yammering.  At this point, he's popping up less, so maybe DE already modified something.  It's different for each player, but it seems clear that Ordis is a very "love it or hate it" kind of idea.  Once he started complaining about turning into a petting zoo, that's when I lost it.  If you're part of my ship, you're there to serve me, not complain about a dog (that I will likely never get due the ridiculously low drop rate).

Edited by (PS4)IkariWarrior83
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