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Petition To Bring Back The Original Moa Design.


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Real Talk - One is a low poly version of the other.


The robotic shock troopers built with only the most advanced parts and pieces is just that, automatic sentries.


However if you look at them closely you can see bio-organic traits in the "face."


Just because the textures don't merge on a flat surface making it look kind of like skin, doesn't mean the MOA has to lose it's personality. It acts like an animal and it bleeds liquid when shot.

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Real Talk - One is a low poly version of the other.


The robotic shock troopers built with only the most advanced parts and pieces is just that, automatic sentries.


However if you look at them closely you can see bio-organic traits in the "face."


Just because the textures don't merge on a flat surface making it look kind of like skin, doesn't mean the MOA has to lose it's personality. It acts like an animal and it bleeds liquid when shot.


I can agree with that take.

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Madotsuki, on 19 Apr 2013 - 10:05 PM, said:

The new model looks SO much more badass. The old model's legs looked too organic and plastic! What's wrong with a little metal?


BobDillinger, on 25 Apr 2013 - 6:34 PM, said:

The new model still has a very organic flow to it's legs, with soft curves and all that, just more mechanical detail.

The Moa hasn't suddenly become exclusively composed of right angles, despite what you may want to see.

Errrr. I'm not seeing the organic flow you're referring to. From the back, it's completely mechanical, and the front became separate platings, and are no longer flexible-looking. Also, there are those "exhaust vents" (the slits that look like | | | | , you know in the back of your microwave ovens and stuff) and bolts clearly visible on the front as well.

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Sorry, but the newer model is FAR better than the ye olde one. The old ones just looked too damn much like chickens for my liking. The new ones arn't much better in that regard, but they are a little better, and at least they have the decency to have a little detail to go along with it.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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Think about it, the organic look wasn't a good choice, Corpus specialize in robotics, not organics, the new look for the Moa's is much better, they don't look so bland as they used too and they actually look more robotic. Same for the Hyena and Jackyl.


There is no petition here to sign. 

Edited by __Kanade__
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Think about it, the organic look wasn't a good choice, Corpus specialize in robotics, not organics, the new look for the Moa's is much better, they don't look so bland as they used too and they actually look more robotic. Same for the Hyena and Jackyl.


There is no petition here to sign. 


It was a sleek design it wasnt organic.

The MOAs went from looking like the car in the left to looking like the one in the right.


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how about this?


1. small green MOAs are not in the game anymore

2. big green MOAs have old design, orange and blue have new (improved, tougher) robotics design (+ increase spawning rate of blues)


Pretty much given up the fight at this point.  


Seems like the popular taste is "robot is cool."  Some of us like the subtle look that suggests highly advanced robotics, but I guess it's not cool enough.


We'll get used to the rock n' sock em robot, bolts and platings legs eventually.  

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BTH, easiest way out for all of us and would make DE be happy to put it back in is if it came in as an enemy skin selection. This way, we both get to keep the old one and the new one PLUS DE gets to earn a small bit of cash (maybe having it cost 5 Plat since it isn't that significant, the visual change).

Edited by matrixEXO
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To be fair, I'm almost 90% sure the Moa ARE organic life-forms with  armour plating and attachments, much like a Strider from Half-Life 2. I think they should look like they have armour plating. I like the new look. Don't believe me about the whole organic part? Think to yourself about why the Moa bleed upon being shot in their faces. Why would they put blood in plain old security robots?

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To be fair, I'm almost 90% sure the Moa ARE organic life-forms with  armour plating and attachments, much like a Strider from Half-Life 2. I think they should look like they have armour plating. I like the new look. Don't believe me about the whole organic part? Think to yourself about why the Moa bleed upon being shot in their faces. Why would they put blood in plain old security robots?


They bleed because its a glitch... derp...

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First and foremost, I vote for the idea of having the "smooth" ones serve as front-line units while the more boxy/robotic-looking units come out as a rapid-deployment force, 


Either way, I would appreciate returning the "stompers" to their original orange color. Having everyone in green is quite annoying; you don't know who to prioritize.

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BTH, easiest way out for all of us and would make DE be happy to put it back in is if it came in as an enemy skin selection. This way, we both get to keep the old one and the new one PLUS DE gets to earn a small bit of cash (maybe having it cost 5 Plat since it isn't that significant, the visual change).


Haha! Like having a big head mode and stuff like that?


You can have an "Original design mode."

But, again, DE is going for a game that isnt that much of a hog on comps so they want to keep everything as lean as possible.

In fact, those new benches they added in a couple of places could be the memory that was used for loading that different color.


Down with benches!

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Haha! Like having a big head mode and stuff like that?


You can have an "Original design mode."

But, again, DE is going for a game that isnt that much of a hog on comps so they want to keep everything as lean as possible.

In fact, those new benches they added in a couple of places could be the memory that was used for loading that different color.


Down with benches!


What are these "benches" you speak of?

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