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Which Wf Should I Try Next?



I started the game with Excalibur and I loved that warframe. Once it was maxed I decided to try Rhino (currently lv 28), but I didn't enjoy it much. It could be because I was lacking the mods he needed, or that he felt too slow for me taste even with the Vanguard helmet. So now that he is nearly maxed I have to prepare for the next experiment and I would like to hear your opinion. Just to get an idea about where I stand right now here are some facts.


- I just made it to mastery rank 5 so I consider myself a low/mid tier player

- I enjoy being part of a team more often than not, but being able to solo missions (not necessarily bosses would be desirable)

- I would like to try a more DPS/speed focused warframe than one that focuses on survivability


Warframe blueprints I already own include Ash (missing sustems), Ember, Nova, Nyx, Oberon, Trinity, Valkyr, but I wouldn't mind getting blueprints for something else as long as my level allows me to. For example, getting prime frames is fairly difficult for me right now since they require Void missions and I doubt I am sufficiently equipped or experienced for that, and I don't like trying and dragging the entire team down in the process.



Lastly, what weapons would you suggest for the new frame? Those I use right now are also maxed (or getting there soon)

- MK1-Braton, Boltor, Sobek

- Magnus, Sicarus,Vasto, Dex Furis (lv17), Wraith Twin Vipers (lv22)

- Orthos, Dual Heat Swords


I would also appreciate any suggestion about where to farm mods at this level since it appears they are what makes each warframe and weapon shine. Thank you.

Edited by Damoroth
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13 answers to this question

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farm mods in low lvl nightmare missions and and defense/survival in normal missions, also try to find some secret rooms in the void, once you get the hang on them they'll be easy to figure out, they give pretty good mods

as for the wf, since u like a bit fast and your style is a team player, go for ember (she deals pretty sweet dmg), nyx (a supportive wf, not much of a damager) or nova (very annoying >_>), ash and valkyr are good solo wf (only if u keep spamming their 4th ability :P), oberon is a solo wf sometimes, but for easy missions   

as for weapons I suggest u stay away from the boltor/prime, cos he'll suck the fun out of your heart and if u use it, I best you'll leave in like 2 or 3 weeks XD, try the braton prime 
the W twin vipers are very good I hear, the D furis too and I see no problem with your 2nd weapon
your melees are very good for your lvl and the orthos p would be great for you since you have the normal orthos 

enjoy :D

Edited by Kenshin98
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Things changed a lot from when I was rank 5... Now you got so many option with stuff to level that you can't barely decide :).

I'll give 3 different suggestions, depending on what your ideas:


1st- Serious about the game and want to progress Mastery ASAP

          You'll need every Warframe & Weapon leveled to 30, just pick something and level it (this is how you'll try new things & get gameplay knowledge);


2nd- Play mostly for fun & enjoyment

          I would do what I did, check Wiki for all Warframe abilities and pick whatever attracts you. For me with was Chaos, maybe Invisibility is your cut, want to fly? possible! Weapons on the other hand feel different, you'll really need to try some variants (rockets, lasers, arrows, shotguns, others)


3rdHigh level content, that's my slice of pie!

          2 Things, get a high scaling frame & "OP" weapon, prime versions will allow faster performance. For high scaling I'm talking about Frost (prime), Nova, Loki ( prime), Vauban; less efficiently Trinity and Nekros. In terms of weapons overall: Soma, Boltor Prime, Dread, Paris Prime, Attica, Brakk.

This method will allow you to easily get everything in the game much faster. However it may cut the fun factor really fast. You'll also need potatoes and to level your mods asap.




In terms of getting mods, you can very easily trade or ask clanmates to give you essential ones. Also Corrupt mods from Orokin Vaults will definitively change how you see the game, fleeting expertise allows you to level frames much, much faster than normal. Mods should come from gameplay naturally, as some are faction specific /reward specific, just get the essential ones from the drop tables you need (multishots & ele mods).

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki (This page will tell you where to find them all)

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Cant say too much about a frame...  but I will say that at our level (I am just now rank 6) a frame that has a solid AOE attack at the 25 cost is a good bet.  Later you can get mods that cut the costs and increase your power pool allowing spam of better skills.  So that makes something like oberon played for dps difficult --- his big aoe costs much power and needs mods to get a decent radius.  Something like mag is much better; her aoe is huge, cheap, and can kill stuff up to at least level 15 in one or 2 uses per group for the most part.   Speed can be modded on anything, and if that is not enough, there are a couple of frames with a higher base speed and a couple with power sucking skills that buff speed.  Buffing speed with power at our level seems like fail to me most of the time, though;  we don't have the power pool and management to waste on it IF you want to kill with powers (dps frame, you said).


For sure you can eliminate oberon, trinity, and nyx IMHO as they do not seem to meet your goal without mods you don't yet have.


On weapons -- I used sobek almost exclusively; it one shots most things up to level 15 or so, good enough to level stuff to rank up.   If you like it, use that until you unlock the weapon you want to try.  I just got phage (rank 6) which is *extremely* high damage (it literally kills mid level targets in one touch unranked) but a little tricky to use.  Also trying sobaris (sp?) the 2 shot burst rifle and I like it (mag is too small, but otherwise pretty solid).    I mostly go for the one big hit guns, though.  I do like boltor (not prime) but its one of the few autos that does not take half a mag to kill each target.  Again, at our level it is an issue that without the best mods stuff like the gorgon is total trash because it rips out 30+ rounds into one target and next thing you know you are out of ammo. 


For offhand, I really like seer.  Everything else I use is just leveling for points currently.  I need to get a marlok (sp?) and some of the other top items but to be honest I rarely use the offhand and when I do, the sniper pistol works well for me.  I use it for cameras and long range pests when soloing.


For melee, I also use a dual sword (nami & skyla or something like that).  I also found a glaive recipe somewhere and that is a nice alternative -- a silent, 0 ammo consumed ranged attack that does a lot of damage.  Its not really very good at hand to hand though, the swords are better.  My low ranked (15 or so?) glaive has hit unaware targets for over 3k thrown (probably headshots, its hard to see), and with practice, you can nail guys that are not in LOS by bouncing it off walls.


As for farming mods, just keep playing.  You get a lot of mods from survival and defense type missions, even lower level ones drop a ton.  But its really just the simple fact of #monsters killed total (group helps) * chance to drop mod each = more mods.  Exterminates to kill 35 mobs gives you 35 shots at a mod.  Defense 5 waves gives you 250 chances in the same amount of time.   So the short answer is to kill stuff, and the long answer is to kill more stuff faster / efficiently which means grouped for the mob spawning content.   Some missions (cough, sabotage) spawn enemy just by leaving a map zone and going back to it (or maybe just on a timer, but they spawn tons) if you want an alternative to group efforts.   You can look up on the wiki which mods are dropped by what.  For example, I am seeking hell's chamber shotgun so I am trying to kill the blasted suicidal osperys on corpus levels.   Your level or mastery rank or total score or something seems to govern what mods drop.  Seems like every few days I hit some sort of bar that changes my drops, and new mods suddenly begin to drop off the same old enemy.   I don't know how that works,  but all of a sudden I am getting stretch, for example, every few runs whereas before, never seen it, and I am actually back in lower level content with my new weapons and a low ranked frame, doing level 10 ish enemy missions.


And finally, you can do some of the tower/void/OD missions.  Just do them with your clan and choose wisely.  The rank 1s are only level 15-20 enemy I think.  And with max ranked gear (all about 30, that is) you can do the t2 and t3 runs so long as its not a marathon survival or endless defense effort.  Do one of those, stay for 2 or 3 sessions, and leave with a sackful of mods and experience etc.  Give it a try!

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I would suggest mirage if you are able to get it. Or even nekros to help with the farming for starters. 
Of course, it'll be good if you get warframes that people tend to favour, such as Frost in defense.
Nova is a good choice as well. Basically warframes that has more team synergy going so that you actually have the available options for picky players to invite you to certain games.

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As always, I suggest Ash.


1. Looks cool

2. Amazing all-rounder....good for stealth and tanking

3. Equally powerful and end-game, and generic missions

4. Looks cool

5. Fast and mobile

He was the first frame I got after my starter (Excal), and he's still my main frame, among Frost, Loki Prime, Oberon, Ember, Vauban, and Excalibro. I've pumped 3 Formas into him so far, and I'm leveling him up for a fourth.

Oh, and the whole thing about only certain frames being good for team-play is bull. Its depends on the player, at the end of the day.

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I started the game with Excalibur and I loved that warframe. Once it was maxed I decided to try Rhino (currently lv 28), but I didn't enjoy it much. It could be because I was lacking the mods he needed, or that he felt too slow for me taste even with the Vanguard helmet. So now that he is nearly maxed I have to prepare for the next experiment and I would like to hear your opinion. Just to get an idea about where I stand right now here are some facts.


- I just made it to mastery rank 5 so I consider myself a low/mid tier player

- I enjoy being part of a team more often than not, but being able to solo missions (not necessarily bosses would be desirable)

- I would like to try a more DPS/speed focused warframe than one that focuses on survivability


Warframe blueprints I already own include Ash (missing sustems), Ember, Nova, Nyx, Oberon, Trinity, Valkyr, but I wouldn't mind getting blueprints for something else as long as my level allows me to. For example, getting prime frames is fairly difficult for me right now since they require Void missions and I doubt I am sufficiently equipped or experienced for that, and I don't like trying and dragging the entire team down in the process.



Lastly, what weapons would you suggest for the new frame? Those I use right now are also maxed (or getting there soon)

- MK1-Braton, Boltor, Sobek

- Magnus, Sicarus,Vasto, Dex Furis (lv17), Wraith Twin Vipers (lv22)

- Orthos, Dual Heat Swords


I would also appreciate any suggestion about where to farm mods at this level since it appears they are what makes each warframe and weapon shine. Thank you.

how bout just any Warframe you happen to have the most pieces?

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Wow, so many replies. I really appreciate it guys (or ladies - can't really tell). Jonnin, I think this was the first time I read a wall of text and found it so enjoyable.



- Mag is certainly interesting. I don't know how I missed the fact her first ability is a cool AOE for only 25.


- Mirage is very difficult for me to evaluate simply by reading her abilities (especially Sleight Of Hand and Eclipse) so I will pass for now. I don't even know what is considered a light/dark area.


- Ash is also interesting. I guess mostly because of Blade Storm. The ability looks very strong. It says he and 2 clones teleport and attack up to 18 (max) enemies inflicting 2000 (max) Finisher damage with a 100% Bleed chance. Additionally,

"as long as Ash has not reached the attack limit, and as long as there's more than one marked target, Ash and his clones will continue to attack all marked targets until they're killed. The same enemy can be attacked more than once."

Does this mean that if there are 2-3 enemies within the area of the effect (applies to bosses as well?) and Ash attacks 10 times he wll deal multiple hits to all enemies, with each dealing 2000 damage (before armor reduction and other penalties are applied)? This looks very strong compared to other abilities and should down most enemies. Am I missing something? Also, what type of damage is finisher? I read the wiki entry, but didn't quite get what's special abou it.


- Nova is the least impressive for me. I think it's because I like mostly her cheap and expensive abilities (the 25 and 100). As for the other 2, Antimatter Drop sounds like a very slow ability and Worm Hole doesn't do much.


I was also considering Valkyr because her stats are so different than most frames, but I lack a couple of mods she requires to make her strong and I doubt I will be able to handle her properly due to lack of experience. I guess I'll go for Mag or Ash for now and then jump to something different. I really want to try Valkyr so I hope I get the mods I need soon.



I checked Nami & Skyla, but they are too similar to the Dual Heat Swords and I wanted to try something that isn't focused on slash damage so I went with Amphis which should be good against corpus. For secondary, I will craft Seer since I've had its blueprint for ages, but never really tested it.


Thank you all for yout input and I'll see you ingame. Be well.

Edited by Damoroth
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who recommended Mirage? are you simple? you need parts from ODD missions to build her, Dragon key runs are gonna be way too much for a MR5 player without any potato'd frames and those terrible weapons.




I'm a similar rank, just hit 6, and I'd suggest quickly choosing, potato'ing and levelling a frame and then forgetting all about them for a while. looking through those weapons of yours is a horror story lol, you need to focus on weapons and mods for a while. you should be able to solo most missions by MR5 too, of course it's easy with a good Valkyr, Rhino build but I can solo Dark Sector defence runs to wave ten with a non potato'd Nyx(a frame I can't stand) thanx to my arsenal. in fact I could solo T1 void missions by MR5.

frames are great when you have the weapon loadout to suit, but trying to get the best from any frame and a good understanding of it with a weapon loadout that's not up to the job makes it doubly difficult. a potato'd, 2 Forma'd Quanta will have you levelling a frame from 0-18 in a handful of 10min survival runs(I've done this twice so far, Oberon and Loki) easy. then you put the OP, game breaking weapon down and focus on tuning the frame.

in any case, it looks like you've got a million taxi's to bosses to get all those BP's, and spent a huge amount of creds on frames, I think it's time to focus on mods and weapons lol.

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Mirage when built with max power str and duration on Eclipse and Hall of Mirrors can increase your weapon damage by 628%. It can make crap weapons decent, regular weapons great, good weapons awesome and OP weapons crap their pants. Eclipse and hall of mirrors also grants mirage more survivability since eclipse can reduce the damage you take by 95% when you're standing in the shadows and hall of mirrors will make it so that the enemy only has a 1 in 5 chance of targeting you.

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Mirage when built with max power str and duration on Eclipse and Hall of Mirrors can increase your weapon damage by 628%. It can make crap weapons decent, regular weapons great, good weapons awesome and OP weapons crap their pants. Eclipse and hall of mirrors also grants mirage more survivability since eclipse can reduce the damage you take by 95% when you're standing in the shadows and hall of mirrors will make it so that the enemy only has a 1 in 5 chance of targeting you.


that's great and all but do you see a nood MR5 player running ODD missions?

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that's great and all but do you see a nood MR5 player running ODD missions?


I could solo OD exterminate at rank 5 with sobek and my starter frame.  I did cat/tater them, though, but my mods are not the best yet.  I can hang with a group on ODD runs so long as not seeking to play hours in endless missions.  But a good 3-5 wave run?  Yea, I can do it and am not holding my team back too much. 

Edited by jonnin
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I could solo OD exterminate at rank 5 with sobek and my starter frame.  I did cat/tater them, though, but my mods are not the best yet.  I can hang with a group on ODD runs so long as not seeking to play hours in endless missions.  But a good 3-5 wave run?  Yea, I can do it and am not holding my team back too much.

Well again that's great, but 5 Orokin Cyphers? That's 5 dragon key runs minimum if a full team carries 1 each. I don't see this guy pulling that off, nor any other MR5 player. Imagine the laughter if an MR5 put a call out on chat.

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