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First Nail In The Coffin.


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Taking away mods from defense failure.


Find the guy/gal who decided this and hand them their P45 as quick as possible. Do yourselves a favor and stop even more bad decisions like this from being implemented.


We now dont play with our under geared friends or people in public groups as failure isnt an option.

We only play with highly geared friends or people online as failure isnt an option.

Look ^ ^ ^ this is what you have created. This is how you want Warframe to be?


Wow died cos it was the same thing over and over again for too many years.

Diablo 3 died from bad decisions being applied to the game.


You have removed 75% of the fun from Warframe for me and my friends with this patch. We loved defense and seeing how far we could push the level of mobs etc. Now its a Chinese farm fest of 5,10 or 15 rounds and out. If too much loot being dropped in defense is the issue try employing someone who can use a calculator. Sort Nyx's Chaos out so its not so game breaking in defense and people cant push to wave 35+ so easily. Dont ruin the overall feel of the game.


Player death - removal of mods i accept. No revives = your out.

Cyro death - Floor looted items should stay. This would be correct. Did a gnome come and loot my pockets when the cryo was destroyed? Did a hole appear in my little mod bag? Why? Why? Why? dropped loot is NOT a reward.


You farm for loot. You get loot. Your happy. You upgrade.

You get no loot. Your unhappy, Cant upgrade.

You stop playing ^^^ 


You have created a noob vs elite scenario. Noobs will hate elites cos they wont push past wave 10/15 ever and elites will hate noobs cos they cant ever go past wave 15 with them.


Sort it out please. 

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Even tho you're a bit overreacting in my opinion, you are right, the change that you get nothing from Endless Defense Missions if it fails was just not the right decision.


Hope they fix that soon, because its not the right way to go. I like the changes for the normal missions tho.


Btw, WoW isnt dead, it still has 9 Million People playing it who pay 14 bucks each month. Thats still 126 Million Dollars each month.

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Hyperbole much? Just have faith that the very responsive devs will refine their initial decisions and make the game flow that much better. In the meanwhile, take a break, play a different game, and check back lster when new patches are released because you clearly arent having fun, which is the point.

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Change "The" to "My" in your title and you may have something.

Real mature. Why don't you go and take that maturity back to 4chan?


In regards to the OP, the attitude seems to be overreacting a bit, but you are correct, although Warframe (at least on the forums) has always been a noob vs elite situation. Simply speaking, the new "fail/abort = wasted time" system is a step in the wrong direction for this game, and does not even solve the problem of stopping quit farmers, only succeeding in inconveniencing honest players and ruining Endless Defense missions.


Oh and, you might not want to use such a controversial title as "first nail in the coffin". The white knights are gonna be ALL over you.

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Nerd Raged cos i spent £250 on a game i really liked and invited my long term internet friends to it. Also not sleeping much in last week or so:) Bad decisions are bad anyway. Wow doesnt have 9 million subs per month anymore btw. Nowhere near that. Thats down from 11 million + per month:)

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Real mature. Why don't you go and take that maturity back to 4chan?


In regards to the OP, the attitude seems to be overreacting a bit, but you are correct, although Warframe (at least on the forums) has always been a noob vs elite situation. Simply speaking, the new "fail/abort = wasted time" system is a step in the wrong direction for this game, and does not even solve the problem of stopping quit farmers, only succeeding in inconveniencing honest players and ruining Endless Defense missions.


Oh and, you might not want to use such a controversial title as "first nail in the coffin". The white knights are gonna be ALL over you.

Let the white Knights come at him; We all know they either have drank the kool-aid or would do the same if the change actually affected them. They just don't care because they find the game incredibly easy because they have maxed out everything they actually want already.

Anyone considering incoming and new players knows how devastating a decision like can be to the future of a game. I want the game to grow, not to die off. I think the OP's response is shared by many of us (even if not in such a dramatic way) and that I'd rather see more of this than the "hardcore" crowd responding with "screw the n00bs or anyone else cause this doen't effect me" as per usual.

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Real mature. Why don't you go and take that maturity back to 4chan?


In regards to the OP, the attitude seems to be overreacting a bit, but you are correct, although Warframe (at least on the forums) has always been a noob vs elite situation. Simply speaking, the new "fail/abort = wasted time" system is a step in the wrong direction for this game, and does not even solve the problem of stopping quit farmers, only succeeding in inconveniencing honest players and ruining Endless Defense missions.


Oh and, you might not want to use such a controversial title as "first nail in the coffin". The white knights are gonna be ALL over you.

What is immature about suggesting a title that implies opinion instead of fact? There is no evidence at all that this change will "kill" the game. There is no reason to believe that they may not tweak this change in the future. It's a one sided rant that is completly opinion, and I just feel the title should express that. The op may very well leave the game over this issue, therefore "MY" in the title is appropriate.


You didn't think I actually wanted the op to die did you?

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What is immature about suggesting a title that implies opinion instead of fact? There is no evidence at all that this change will "kill" the game. There is no reason to believe that they may not tweak this change in the future. It's a one sided rant that is completly opinion, and I just feel the title should express that. The op may very well leave the game over this issue, therefore "MY" in the title is appropriate.


You didn't think I actually wanted the op to die did you?

And what is feedback other than opinion? Yes there is no evidence that this change will "kill" the game. It is indeed his opinion that it will. But so what? So you have to make a stupid "gag" to mock him, without actually writing feedback to his feedback? You didn't say why you think this change WON'T kill the game. You simply made a stupid comment to mock him. How is that not immature?

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Just joined a pug Xini infested inside defence. Rounds 10 the 2 excals died and i was on trinity so couldnt do much about it. To many mobs to kill in a short space of time. 10 rounds and no loot because the other 2 are not as experienced as i am at Xini farming. So now i cant play defense online unless i leave at round 5. Or just accept the fact i wont be upgrading anymore in Warframe.


This sound like a good move to all you uber dudes?

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Playing Xini defense without Nyx is not an option for me now, risk of losing mods is too high, in fact risk of getting past wave 10 is still too high because even if 1 guy makes it to the pod he can shred it in a matter of seconds. Not to mention the toxic ancients and being unable too melee them at later levels and 100hp/s poision damage, no way people will go past wave 15 because reward chance is totally random, you can get redirection at wave 5 and at wave 20, same goes for banshee blueprints or fire elemental mods, reward pool needs to be reworked.

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Defense in general just isn't very fun for me. The mode doesn't scale well to solo play, and even when I had a team of three and I was spamming Decoy like a madman it was still too tough to even get past wave 12. I need Wave 15 to get the blueprint for a Banshee part blueprint, so not being able to hit that target is basically just making me rage to the point of avoiding Defense mode entirely to play other modes.

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And what is feedback other than opinion? Yes there is no evidence that this change will "kill" the game. It is indeed his opinion that it will. But so what? So you have to make a stupid "gag" to mock him, without actually writing feedback to his feedback? You didn't say why you think this change WON'T kill the game. You simply made a stupid comment to mock him. How is that not immature?

He has represented in a lot of threads already, and I have given feedback. I gave feedback on his title being wrong. I love how you use white knight to discribe people who disagree with op's rant and then don your own shiney white armor against my opinion.


We are done here right Sir Lancelot?  

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I'm very confused by these threads. I thought it was weird you ever got anything for a failed mission. If you don't succeed you don't get rewarded. The farthest I've ever made it in a level appropriate Defence mission is 10 and I'm OK with that.


People have this strange thought that they should still be rewarded even though they failed.  I, myself, don't quite understand why either.

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I'm very confused by these threads. I thought it was weird you ever got anything for a failed mission. If you don't succeed you don't get rewarded. The farthest I've ever made it in a level appropriate Defence mission is 10 and I'm OK with that.


People these days generally don't like things to be difficult, or to be punished for failure. They sign up for a team game and are surprised that it's possible to lose because of your chosen team.

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Talking about wasting time ... about 15 minutes of defense mission?


I think this change is a stepping stone in forcing players to learn tactic/mechanic in the game and appreciation of good/smart teammates who use brain playing the game instead of relying on raw power of weapon stat. Decision making has become a more powerful factor than the previous patch.


Without failure and proper punishment, a good tool to teach new strategy/mechanic, players will use FOO strategy until they reach the point that they can't use it anymore and quit the game complaining that it suddenly becomes too hard to play.


I really like this patch since it will be very, very good thing in a long run.


(Don't try to exaggerate the matter into losing should destroy your gear/frame/account whatever - It's childish argument)

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<p>Another Xini pug. 4 players. 1 nyx runs around using chaos and we get to round 9. Then the cyro is destroyed and we fail losing all mods at "rank 9". Nyx chaos is destroying the AI and gameplay of the game as it is but its also teaching players bad habbits so they fail when things need organisation or skill.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Round 9 failure ¬_¬ how sad is that. Players were rank 3's a 5 and an 8 so they all had game time under their belts.</p>

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