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Crafting...this Is Madness!


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Fluff: The ‘techno-blacksmith’ needs time to actually forge your custom made equipment.  We’re Tenno – no one size fits all from Walmart will NOT do.


Reality: Instant gratification is possible – but like most things it cost (more) money.  Otherwise, yes you WILL get the better item/upgrade, but you will have to wait for it.  Why is that so bad?  (is waiting vs. not having at all worse?)  Games of old (and still) make you wait to reach a certain ‘level’ of the game before you can even find/field a certain better weapon/item.  Not the case here.  You can get it super early on, but yes, there is a cooking time. 


Just like cookies.  You can get ‘Chips Ahoy’ cookies right F’ing now at the store.  Or you can WAIT for your Grandma’s home made awesomeness to be cooked for a few hours and enjoy them all the more.  Totally your choice.


But the key IS – you have a choice.  Most Pay for Play/Win games are only PAY for the better stuff.  Here, we can still get the goods – just tomorrow – not today.


Stop being such a “now generation”, who will never actually appreciate the instantly gotten goods, and savor the game.  When that new (free) item pops out of the oven all fresh and hot – you will SO enjoy it. Otherwise, you are just wanting to rush through the game, missing the forest for the trees.  And at that point, why play?


Or maybe I am just an old man, trying to enjoy a well crafted (beta) game.


Either way, chill.

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Erm..as an Economics student, I would like to add in some perspective.


The playing of the game itself is supposed to generate satisfaction/utility to the player. It does not directly generate revenue to the developers.


The developers in a P2P game earn revenue by collecting money at the start so they depend heavily on first impressions before people buy the game. If they add in subscription, then the more fun (utility) players get, the more they will be willing to pay to continue getting this utility. Their revenue is thus directly related to the players' utility.


The developers in a F2P game earn revenue usually through microtransactions and this is indirectly related to the utility the players get from the game. The more fun (utility) players get, the higher the PROBABILITY of them spending money on the game. It does not directly translate to revenue since it is only a probability of getting revenue. There are people who could care less of what these microtransactions offer (eg. I don't care about the colour palletes).


The act of grinding can be taken mainly as a cost to the player. However, during grinding, you are essentially playing the game and still deriving utility (X) at a cost of what you could have otherwise done with this time (G).


You must be deriving utility (probably from the anticipation of a new item) because otherwise why would a rational person like you continuing doing it? Therefore, (X > G)


The time of 3 days is essentially an added cost to the player.


Assuming getting "Warframe X" generates a utility of X.


The time spent grinding cost G utility.


The wait of 3 days costs T utility


The player will now look at the "Rush button" and assuming the paying of Plat costs M utility (money which you could have spent buying other things),


The player will be willing to pay for the "Rush" if


X-G-T > X-G-M


Both (X-G-T) and (X-G-M) must be positive otherwise why would a rational person even want to continue building the warframe?


So T > M, for the developers to even earn any revenue.


The problem for the developers is determining what M is.


Naturally, M is lesser for rich people and higher for poorer people.


If they adjust T (as suggested by OP) or M and causes T < M, they can expect no revenue at all from the "Rush" feature.


Assuming it cost the developer K utility to run the servers and allow the player to grind and play and all that, we can take K = G


In other words, while the player can expect to get (X-G-T) or (X-G-M), both of which are positive, the developers only get -K in the former case and (M-K) in the latter case.




Player: X - G - T (positive)

Developer: - K (negative)


Player: X - G - M (positive)

Developer: M - K (positive)


Keep in mind that if it is always negative utility for developers, it is only rational for them to completely remove crafting. In other words, you will no longer be getting non-plat items.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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I don't have a problem with wait times, i have a problem with the platinum cost of rushing. If you want to rush Volt after getting all the blueprints you will have to pay 25x3+50 final BP= 125. Not really fair IMO. They should be 15 for systems, chassis and helmet and 30 for the whole BP, making the total 75 platinum.

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I can more than relate to the beef people have with this kind of time-lock on craftables


It takes long enough to farm the random crafting drops - things like Morphics, orokin cells and whatnot - that can take a few days depending on how intensely you play the game (and due to the random generation of the maps using the same map components over and over then the game does get rather repetitive after a few hours of non-stop gameplay)


After I've run through what looks like the same spaceship 15 times to get the alloy plates I need - then I find it quite silly that I have to wait a day or two before I can have my cake and eat it. This is not a smartphone casual game meant for 15 minutes of gametime a day - especially if you're playing with friends via teamspeak. That there's limited daily free self-resses I can get, since that also greatly promotes cooperative play, but doing over crafting like this? Its bad enough that things like Orokin Reactors are one-time blueprints (which totally doesn't make sense...) but this?


I just seems like such a blatant cash-grab (Hey, wanna speed things? pay us money!) with no regard for how PC games usually works. Sell us cosmotic enhancements for Plat, sell us blueprints for Plat (which can also be bought for creds at a much higher price) and sell us consumables and boosters for Plat - but don't hold crafting hostage.

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Don't try to make this about "entitlement". It's about psychology. It's not about YOU owing anything,........................................................................................................................................................ And if I craft so many items I run out of reserves and have to either wait multiple days for more or pay platinum to refill my stockpile, now that wait time is directly correlated to how much I have been making, and it feels like I am paying to get something extra, instead of paying for something that should be mine.



- You go to a forest.

- You chop down some trees.

- You bring the wood home.

- You split it. 

- You carve it.

- You glue and fit it together.

- Congradulations - you have just made a new chair. 


Just because the wood didn't magic itself into a chair for you, the 'man' ain't holding you down. 

In the real world, it takes time to make something from materials.

In Warframe, it takes time, to make something from materials.


And the best part is, you don't even risk getting any splinters. 

Edited by 11.11.11
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I like the wait times, really builds up anticipation of your new gear and gives you something to look forward to which is a good incentive to keep playing.


Agree! It just gives you more when you get the item at last. Anyway it takes time to build something, think about IKEA :)

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I'm fine with a 12-24 hour wait time on things, only thing I don't like is the 72 hour warframe build time on top of the 12+ that it took to build the components, and that's after farming for said components.  I think warframes should have a 12-24 hour build time, 1 to 1.5 days feels a lot more feasible than 3.5 days, don't think half a week is a reasonable amount of time to wait for a frame, especially after farming bps and resources.  

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I actually think the waiting time is a good thing. I would much rather have 3 days to do whatever I please in-game or outside of the game while my frame crafts than be locked into grinding the same mission for materials for 3 days, as was suggested earlier. Warframe is already miles ahead of most other f2p games in regards to the fairness of the cash shop (everything that actually affects gameplay can be earned for free with minimal grinding), and complaining about a crafting timer is, in my mind, just nitpicking. DE even gives you 50 free plat to start which is enough to skip the 3 day wait for a frame if you want.


Of course, I will concede that if you actually like grinding the crafting timer would seem stupid and make you feel powerless, but I've yet to meet anyone who has said "Man I love *insert MMO here*, there's so much nonstop grinding in it!"


Edit: I'd like to point out I do actually agree with tweaks to the crafting timer such as scaling the cost to time left, and perhaps slightly shorter frame crafting times (2days + 12 hours for parts maybe?)

Edited by Skoll85
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