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Ordis Halloween Prank


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You login friday night, Ordis is silent. No radio chatter either. If you have a kubrow, the incubator appears with its white cover, prompting you to click it to see what's wrong: your kubrow is headless! 


Suddenly, the Liset lights flicker, and all turns dark. The black smoke starts appearing everywhere, you hear the Stalker sounds and his avatar dialogue shows up.





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The one concern I would have about this would be the time put into it. They would have to create an animation for every kubrow and some of those effects can take a lot of time.


If anything, it would definitely hinder the progress of Update 15 if they spent 24+ hours making this happen. If they did consider this, however, I have a feeling they would just mess around with Ordis and the Stalker, and leave the whole Kubrow thing out. This would happen for a couple reasons:

1. People would complain about some dog cruelty thing. Unfortunately, a lot of people cannot take a joke.

2. Takes time and effort.

It probably wont happen, since they are working on U15, even after its release they will need to iron out the bugs through hotfixes etc...

Having bugs would be the least of their worries if this was a one time thing. They'd just make it and move on to hotfixes as usual, though I could be wrong.

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The one concern I would have about this would be the time put into it. They would have to create an animation for every kubrow and some of those effects can take a lot of time.


If anything, it would definitely hinder the progress of Update 15 if they spent 24+ hours making this happen. If they did consider this, however, I have a feeling they would just mess around with Ordis and the Stalker, and leave the whole Kubrow thing out. This would happen for a couple reasons:

1. People would complain about some dog cruelty thing. Unfortunately, a lot of people cannot take a joke.

2. Takes time and effort.


Yeah, you have a point on the kubrow thing. The stalker bit seems pretty easy, though, just create an event triggered by login on specific date, prompting light changes for a short duration and replacing Ordis avatar for another for the duration of it.

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Yeah, you have a point on the kubrow thing. The stalker bit seems pretty easy, though, just create an event triggered by login on specific date, prompting light changes for a short duration and replacing Ordis avatar for another for the duration of it.

Oh yea totally. The Stalker would need little work at all for it. Light changes aren't that bad, especially if they want it to look cool but be lazy, and fog is abundant in the game as it is. I don't think they'd spend more than a day on some of those things.


I really want to see this happen now haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excalibur was tired. The mission assigned to him by the Hexis was far more difficult than he anticipated, but in the end, he emerged victorious. Excalibur streched out his back as he slipped his favorite mug into the coffee maker and turned it on. He looked behind him as the machine began to hum, only to notice that his kubrow was missing from the incubator. He scanned his eyes across the room but saw no trace of his furry companion anywhere.


"Ordis, where has my kubrow gone?" he said aloud, retrieving his hot coffee mug and taking a small sip.


"Your kubrow's DNA has unstabilized while you were gone and is now deceased."


Excalibur frowned at this news, but he didn't his kubrow's passing get to him.


"Well, I thank you for cleaning up the mess it left behind." He sipped more coffee from his mug.


"It was my pleasure, though the process was not easy. Since my ejector pipes are still malfunctioning since the incursion of Saturn last week, I took the liberty to store its remains in a small capsule in front of you."


"You mean my coffee machine?"

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