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Playstyle Issues.



Okay so here's my problem: I have a Vauban,Rhino,Ash,and a Frost prime. These are my only frames and recently i've been wanting to get a new frame and my playstyle is mostly being aggressive and cleaning the ground, now i'm not sure if I should buy a Nekros or a Hydroid because Nekros isn't a aggressive frame but I love how he supports and I like Hydroid but if I already have a CC frame like Vauban is it worth the buy?

And the real question here is : Will Nekros or Ash survive well at end game like T3/T4 missions?


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7 answers to this question

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Yes. 40 minutes at T4 Survival is quite easily achievable if you know basic movement and what you're doing. And if Life Support doesn't screw you over too. Recently Nekros also got a instant revive upgrade, which should come in handy. Reviving becomes extremely difficult eventually. Ash is just good all around.

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Well, getting any frame isnt a bad idea. But 2 that you want are decent, not the best ones at what they do.



Nekros is one trick pony and is mostly used for farming purposes. Pain in the @$$ to balance and mostly used for desecrating. Extra loot is always nice. Except that you wont see him doing much. 



Hydroid is great for crowdcontrol, but can be annoying as hell. Undertow is one of the best crowdcontrol abilities in game, and Hentai Tentacles are decent also. Problem with Tentacles is that they throw mobs around and mobs like that can be a pain to deal with ( kill them ).



If you like the frames and how they look, you should go for them. If you want crowdcontrol and support, go for Nyx, Loki, Trinity or Volt.



Ash and Nekros can be viable in late game, depending on modding. Ash has probably highest damage output ( not dps ) out of all frames, and Nekros is needed for farming.

Edited by RoboDoge
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Nekros is one trick pony and is mostly used for farming purposes. Pain in the @$$ to balance and mostly used for desecrating. Extra loot is always nice. Except that you wont see him doing much.

He can soul punch revive players now if you have the mod so that is a least 2 tricks that are worth using...

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