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Suggestion For The Canadians


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Your profanity filter is absurd. Not that I care, I'd hate to be screamed at by a 13 year old about how he thinks my mother is a F**got. Regardless...


I do believe I sprung an idea for this game. Seeing as how it's made by canadians, the blood particle effects should be replaced by red maple leaves spurting out of a bleeding character, and that every death of a character, NPC or otherwise, that the character should apologize.


It's only fair.

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You missed one part. After dying and apologizing for shooting you, you are rewarded with 100% pure maple syrup and plate of pancakes as a resource.


Either that, or don't give them guns at all. You instead take damage from verbal insults, then re-gain it as they say sorry and open doors for you.


As a Canadian, I approve this message.

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