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Hacking Recovery


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The hacking game is very simplistic, and mainly just seems to take up time. Whilst I'm all for a little variety in missions, and I don't mind the hacking game at all, the main reason I find myself avoiding it sometimes is that it takes a good two seconds or so to get back into the game after the hack is complete, and another 5 seconds or so for the hack to take effect and doors open. I don't really understands the mentality behind this other than allowing the pretty "hack plates disappear" animation, which is all well and good but doesn't really excite me after the 20,000th try.


Summary of suggestions: 


Give player control instantly as a hack is completed

Open doors instantly as a hack is completed

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A point in hacking is to also make the player vulnerable. You're supposed to have your team watch your back, or your abilities protect you (Iron Skin, Snow Globe, Decoy, Invisibilty, etc) while you are hacking. Otherwise, you should have to wipe the room clean.


Basically, one of the reasons why it is fairly sluggish is to present the player to dangers. You can't just swipe a hack while 10 enemies are shooting at you.

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A point in hacking is to also make the player vulnerable. You're supposed to have your team watch your back, or your abilities protect you (Iron Skin, Snow Globe, Decoy, Invisibilty, etc) while you are hacking. Otherwise, you should have to wipe the room clean.


Basically, one of the reasons why it is fairly sluggish is to present the player to dangers. You can't just swipe a hack while 10 enemies are shooting at you.

Exactly this, I love the way hacking is (some variations on the little minigame would be nice though). Especially playing solo, it can be tense wondering if you actually cleared the room or if there's still an enemy or few hiding somewhere. Because if there are, the second you start hacking is when they're gonna swarm you

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