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Team Oriented Weaponry


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I've been juggling this idea in my head for some time but what about team oriented weaponry? For example, a gun that fires a projectile that does a little damage but in addition, also reduces the target's armour for X amount of time. Maybe even make that projectile have an AOE effect?


My fellow tennos toss up your ideas here as to weaponry/effects here.

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lol i support this!!!

But more like.. a team shield recharging bot ,sentry or thing

A knockback mine ,grenade or thing
Smoke screen or similar aoe effect (not to go invisible like ash or loki or to make a cover like volt) that impairs enemy aim when shot through

A toy that let u see your team mates life /shield/energy

Another toy thant let u give energy to your team mates

Agroo thing? or.. more like tank thing that let u absorb the dmg did to a teammate?.


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Considering how quickly Tenno tear through regular enemies, allot of these weapons seem impractical from a game play perspective. Why bother with a weak weapon that lowers an enemies armour when I can one shot him in the head with my Hek\Paris? 


The team work from this game usually comes from the creative use of war frame abilities. Rather than coming up with new ideas for weapons, you might want to consider coming up with new utility powers for war frames.

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Considering how quickly Tenno tear through regular enemies, allot of these weapons seem impractical from a game play perspective. Why bother with a weak weapon that lowers an enemies armour when I can one shot him in the head with my Hek\Paris? 


The team work from this game usually comes from the creative use of war frame abilities. Rather than coming up with new ideas for weapons, you might want to consider coming up with new utility powers for war frames.


While I really like the idea of team oriented weaponry, this pretty much sums it up. We need more warframe synergy and you'll get more teamwork.

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how about a  chain held at each end by a team member... run around and passively trip enemies. run round and round an Ancient and pull at both ends to hold it at a comfortable distance in the middle. Bonus if we can run electricity down the chain or to set it ablaze. However, run pass a pillar from opposite sides and ... *wham*... you've just chest-collided with your partner..


That's TEAM weaponry. lol.

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