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Lost Connection, Yet Again...


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I didn't lose connection or have internet problems.
On wave 30 on ODD, this is the 3rd time this happens, just says lost connection to host and kicks me out, I am able to play, alt+tab and check on Firefox or whatever else works, can play other levels on Warframe. The problem is that on all maps there is one host, and if you are unaware of that, then let me elaborate: whenever the host leaves everyone loses all rewards! Dark Sector conflict, if other side leaves you get disconnected and no reward. DE knows that, you know that, this is nothing new. On defense after wave 25, host leaves I play with the rest to wave 30 and get reward only for wave 30 after host migration (one reward). If you want I can keep posting and making examples, but of course its always the user, since they are mindless idiots who have bad machines and play it the "wrong" way.
I wanted to say something like this:

"Even if one player drops make it so that I/we can continue. Specific detail? Lol. Happens everywhere, all the time...

How about lost connection, waiting to reconnect?
This is more and more annoying...
If you cant do it, get someone who can and pay him/her/them.
How many of this did you hear?
Spent the key, no exp, no reward,... And all are online... Happened to me that just I dropped, the rest continued. Happened to my friend, he dropped we continued. No reconnect option.
Make it more impossible for people to get good drops, that require long plays and then the game crashes on long plays... Bravo... But you can fly now, add more on top of things that don't work... Yesterday on alert we spent a while hoping it was a feature to look the map to find targets, but alas it was a bug, yet again...
Did you watch last episode of South Park? Please do, I think you inspired them.

DE can set it up to detect if the host is gone to pause game, then migrate host or just put the option wait, because omg the game crashes A LOT, so pause the game someone else is hosting and the dropped player can rejoin with same everything, but its not like it matters since the game is made once you lose all shields and life and then teammate revives, full shields and hp... The concept is laughable and yet on single mission once you die you are perma dead and instant failed... This is good since it got fixed after a year? But still no continue...

Improve the basics of the game then worry about stupid sigils... Which again is made to spend more money, and for what if you cant play endless mode to lvl up weapons that you get by grinding endless hours or even worse you paid for?
There I said it, not like anybody will do anything about it. If I/we are to test the game might as well pay us for it."
But that would be rude to say...
So I said enough said...

I sent the logs, plus after crashes it has the automated crash report that is sent, I think they set it up to send all data required. If not, well not my problem xD

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Today I played again, similar problem occured.

Pictures or it didn't happen xD

After host migration I got archwing weapons :D xD but they weren't working, which is a shame, I would enjoy killing things with a huge gun and a huge sword.



Next game again:


Then this happened:


And this:


I can't complain since it wasn't failed, but neither continue or extract button worked...


Next game, joined alert, and felt through the floor, map, universe xD Up there is the map, after I died I left and restarted level.


After that Viver again:


And no rewards or anything, no exp,...

So this is all the problem, just so it is not discarded as someone being an idiot for no reason.
I will post EE.log later today as well on support, hope they fix it.

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I am constantly, CONSTANTLY, dropped from squads! Yesterday, I couldn't even play it was so bad. My net isn't crashing, my game isn't crashing, but for some reason, I usually can't play an entire mission without getting dropped. my net is running at 24mbps download... wtf???


When it happens, it either says everyone else disconnected, and leaves me to finish the level alone, with no interruption, or it says, host migration, and sends me back to my ship...

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Yes it's been happening to me as well after Update 15. However, not only does my game frequently get disconnected and forcefully host migrate, my loading times have been increased nearly ten-fold (and I'm not exaggerating). Initial loading used to boot up immediately from the launcher and take about ten seconds to get to the login-screen; now it takes about 30-50 seconds to actually boot up the game post-launcher and additional minute to actually load into the login-screen. In addition, logging in after inputting the password took about 3-5 seconds to get me into the Liset, while now it takes about ten seconds to get in. I've been able to dramatically reduce the load times by ticking off DX10 and 11, but even then the overall loading is about 50% slower than what it used to be pre-U15.


Of course there's also the loading hiccup when going into missions and then random freezes mid-mission, sometimes as long as five to ten seconds and most of the times eventually dropping me from the game. No options have been changed, my other games' performances haven't changed and certainly it's not the drivers or phyx. Although it doesn't occur as bad and often in solo, it's still quite noticable.

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