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Regarding Spawn Mechanics In Missions.


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I'm a long term Borderlands player. You play that game for too long and you have to learn to switch off parts of your brain while playing to not focus on how repetitive everything is, and that you have already cleared this map 12 times in the last couple of hours because side-quests from other players keep sending you here.


Now, on that note:


Borderlands keeps a map clear after you clear it. In Warframe we have tiles, so, not so appropriate, also, we can hack alarms to stem the flow of units a little.


Still, the fact that your average closet, with a single door and no other ways in or out, is capable of releasing a stream of units after you close the door and look away, is starting to grate. I can't switch any more neurons off to stop that giving me a nervous tick, because I'm pretty sure I need the remaining neurons for internal life support.


It is not surprising that players "rush" missions when technically, if you loiter around, you can end up with a kill count of 2000 enemies, when all you did was enter a 2 bedroom apartment to steal the remote control to the TV.


OK, fine, we need to have enemies give SOME resistance, but for example, I did a mission on the ice tileset, and while moving forward in an ice tunnel, I started getting shot from behind, and when I turned, there was 2-3 Oxium Ospreys, a handful of Shield Ospreys, and a bunch of energy weapon Corpus units turning the corridor blue. "Hold on a minute, did I not sprint past 5 seconds ago with a 30m Enemy Radar and spot nothing? Hmm."


Is this the only way? Were any other spawn mechanics (other then say, a fully scripted  event) ever used?


If every mission basically unravels to feel like a Survival mission purely because you go down a wrong corridor, run back, and find a new spawn of 30 units where you just killed another 30 just a few seconds ago, the "mad rush" approach to mission completion will remain a staple of Warframe.


Is this really what we all want?


Being used to games where "the bulk of the bad guys are ahead of you" and they can't simply be ran past is what I'm used to, and would prefer THAT system to the current one, where things seems to spawn all around and just home in on you, and where clearing a path and running becomes the optimal choice.


Do the missions seem fine to everyone else, or do people think that some tweaking to how the units are actually generated and sent against us would make it more enjoyable/realistic/whatever to actually go against?

Edited by DSpite
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