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New Element (Supportive Element)


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Water is not effective with only water.

Mist - (Fire + water) cause blindness - boss not effected.

Glace - (ice and water) gives ice a double tick with glace effect.

Static electricity (water and electric) Gives electric double hit during the stun


Water intoxication, also known as water poisoning or dilutional hyponatremia, is a potentially fatal disturbance inbrain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside safe limits by over-hydration.


What do you think?

Edited by rouch3200
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I don't think so, (In my Opinion)

That would make DE release new enemies that against these new mods elementals effects, and also, I would have to spend my times finding these mods and also make a new build, I guess stay as it have.

Not to be insult, but I just disagree this idea.

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Nah, combo explosion would be a problem and unlike the other four current elements, "water" damage doesn't make sense on a sci-fi weapon. I mean, when you think about it you can realistically (or more like plausibly) invoke the current four elements through chemical means (i.e. incendiary rounds, liquid nitro, hollowed poison rounds, etc) but just trying to go for the typical RPG magic element effects as damage types is kind of asking for trouble.


Not to say such things won't work as Warframe concepts, as Hydroid and Zephyr have proven, just that you're better off translating them into one of the current damage types based on intended effect (like how Zephyr's attacks deal Slashing or Magnetic damage) rather than make it an elemental effect unto itself.

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well as said this is just a mix you can only use for support it will be effecting like a boost for elements and worthless alone.

i do agree with the farming and final fantasy but isnt a cast. Water alone expose making mist blinding the enemy with fire.

Water exposed on enemies using electricity will boost damage on the status. water with ice tick more damage while their freeze so as poison.


This only makes a team effort combining radiation or anything does not do anything at this point is no boost is only the elements alone.

Edited by rouch3200
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