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[Suggestion] Dating Sim Mode


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So I was considering that Warframe is all about entering these twisting semi-random dungeons with four of your friends, and remembered another incredibly important RPG franchise that does the exact same thing: Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series. Which from the 3rd game onwards very successfully incorporated Dating Sim elements that strengthened the player's various characters.


And I just thought that it'd be a terrific mechanic to explore, since dating sims have been mentionned in the past.


The idea would be to nominally assign relationship values based on how often you play with certain players, which would give a value called 'Synergy' that is increased in the same way as weapons and warframes are. Synergy would allow for 'relationship trees' that can have points put into them that allow for reciprocal bonuses, so that if you had a certain amount of Synergy with X player you could give them a bonus that increases their Credit gains while they give you an increase to Melee damage. Synergy bonuses would depend on trust and mutual understanding of eachother's playstyles, but be respeccable for cheap so that players aren't penalized too badly.


Synergy's major trees would be split between 'friendship' that would give strong passive bonuses and 'romance' trees that give sudden bursts of power like healing boosts or energy regen when your synergy partner is in danger.


Finally, the major benefit of this would be unlocking special 'events' that can only be accessed by pairs of players with high enough relationship values, and grant special items and romantic cutscenes. Doubling up is possible but requires at least one 'friendship' synergy between the two pairs, and would allow for easier playthroughs and possibly special cutscenes like sharing a booth at a busy Grineer bar and grill (the meat is made of people)!


So what do you think? If PvP is so essential, why not dating sim elements? The hardcore dungeon crawler fans (especially the ones who like manga and anime) tend to have some level of overlap with the VN crowd, so this would be a great idea to broaden appeal.

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Good one OP. It's like last night when Rebecca asked about Rule 63 and everyone was like "um... er... okay, I guess?..."



With this mode we can finally reveal the true use of the Excalibur's horn!

$#*(@ please, ever taken a look at Rhino's package?

Edited by krisp
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I agree completely. There seems to be an increasing trend in games these days that focuses overmuch on pvp elements, and disregards more traditional, but otherwise ignored aspects such as this. 

One of the things I'd personally like to see from such a system would be for players to be able to get married, perhaps by their dojo ninja master. Marriage would confer a number of benefits, like being able to warp to a mission your significant other is currently on regardless of you not currently being in a team with them, or even having access to the location.

Additional abilities would include a shared XP/credit boost that would range from 5-25% of an increase, depending on whether you are playing together or not- after all, marriage has a number of benefits even when you don't spend all your time together.


Additionally, married couples would share in rare mod drops- if you procure a rare or better drop, then your partner would also receive the same drop- either from the mission in question, or when they log in. While of course this would need to be balanced so that players can't abuse this with the mod trading system that will later be introduced, it does introduce an interesting dynamic that encourages both players to play frequently and together to maximize their mod acquisition, as opposed to just one doing all the work in the kitchen corpus systems while the other lazes around in the dojo. 



Additionally, high synergy levels and a formal marriage should introduce some special 'married couple only' power cards, typically allowing you to use a power from your significant other's warframe and visa versa. So a Jolt/Ember pairing might be able to use fireball/lightning respectively. I think this could really add some unique tactical depth to the game, but limit it based on cooperative gameplay and input, instead of a more traditional 'paygate'- as a paygate would likely annoy much of the userbase, but having to achieve maximum synergy and make a permanent commitment to your best friend/buddy/whoever would be much easier to accept, as it can be done only through ingame effort.



Of course one has to accept that marriages may not last forever, and of course we don't want to keep someone trapped in an abusive relationship, so one would be able to get a divorce. Of course to prevent this from being abused, divorces would depend on user metrics- if one user has sat around not playing for 60% or more of their time married, just leeching off the other, then a divorce will  go through- however any such divorce would reset all synergy between those two players. Additionally, in order to punish leeching behaviour, the leeching player will receive a penalty to future earnings equal to the effective amount they leeched- however this of course would not be applied all at once, but gradually. In a mission that receives five mods, that player might only receive 4, and this 'reduced rate' would continue until the alimony debt is paid off, as it were.


Naturally money expedites all things, and it would be possible to 'settle' with your marriage partner through a special divorce token purchaseable from the Platinum Store. Similarly, players would be able to purchase 'gifts' from the platinum store, which would essentially be a randomized item within a given range of cost, that would also raise synergy between the gifter and the giftee. When syngery is highest, the players can get married- or if they can't wait, they can each purchase a marriage token and use it on the other player. When two marriage tokens are used, the players can be married without the fanfare.

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Additional thoughts:


Friendzoning is possible since synergy speccing wouldn't be enforced one way or another, so one player might use friendship to buff their ally in a certain way while the other might take romance for boosts during high-risk situations, which could have hilarious implications. Like how strictly speaking, an ardent Trinity player gains optimal benefit from putting all of their friends in 'romance' synergy trees.


So it turns out that the warframes aren't ballanced for dating sim play.

Edited by Exhack
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Came here thinking it was a joke, then read it and this sounds awesome. I have always enjoyed playing this aspect of games (Fire Emblem Awakening is an AMAZING example, and this has made the game much more successful imo). I would really like for this to be put into the game.

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I first looked at this to laugh at it.


But holy hell, that'd be awesome! Maybe add some wider stuff for a full Squad of four and an entire clan.


Well you could friendship or love triangle a full squad or possibly an entire clan, but I think we'd want marriage to be strictly defined as two space ninja's, and not support polygamy. 

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Fun idea but...it...wont...happen...ever....*cough*CONTRIVED*cough*


Make fan fics as those dont require people to suffer through contrived gameplay mechanics.


Maybe if they mod it and re-release it as Relationship-frame.

Then I wouldnt get mad and would play with my internet wife/husband.

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My only real technical gripe with it is that DE probably wont give a crap.


I acctually think its a fun idea.

But romance between utterly emotionless Space Ninjas that are uber bad &#! is silly. I cant take it seriously. Unless youre RPing.


Inwhich case please disregard me in my entirety.


And contrived as in it wont feel natural in the game; as it has zero themes of romance and no romantic tone and the Tenno are utterly blank, emotionless warriors, unless you give them a personality.

Edited by Withinfinite
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But that's exactly the point. If you don't want to give them a personality, you don't have to. You aren't penalized in any way, as there's no current pvp system. (although the idea of your waifu cheering you on from the sidelines giving you a buff in pvp is hilarious). 

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we're in the middle of a war with the grineer and corpus, and you want to go on a date?

Well, why not? we're that bad@$$ anyways so it shouldn't matter, we have time to train to up a mastery rank and shop for weaps/other stuff, I'm sure tenno have time date, especially during those wait times for building things, perfect time to go out with your significant other and wreck $#!7 up.

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