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A Couple Ideas For Limbo And Nekros.


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Here's just a couple ideas came up with for Limbo and Nekros.





1. I think they have addressed this and are working on it, but you should be able to pick up loot drops while in the void.


2. He should be able to collapse his Cataclysm for half the original energy cost doing some extra damage, maybe with a chance for a blast proc. I find being unable to reposition it or even get rid of it can be hazardous at times.


3. If someone is hit by Banish while in Cataclysm they should be removed from the void. Would help when you are on a high level defense and an ancient healer makes it into the Cataclysm, just as an example.





1. Base stat rearrange, He's waaaayyy to fragile right now. Maybe a shift to more of an Ash/Saryn stat pool would be ideal. He has no direct nuke or survival skill. Fixing terrify may help but usually the "necromancer" in games is tankier then most casters. Whether it's due to debuffs, lifesteal or having a naturally high HP pool.  Would also help compensate for his low base energy. He just has all round bad stats in general.


2. Soul Punch could be able to resurrect enemy corpses for a limited time. Most likely with a cap of minions you can have 1, 2 and 3 depending on the level. (Maybe even leave it at one depending)


3. Terrify should not only affect a couple of targets. Not sure if it's just really buggy or what not. (This was corrected, I now know it's based on power strength)


4. Shadows of the Dead Minions could explode on death. Possibly doing a viral, gas or corrosive proc.


5. All minions should transfer a small amount of health based on damage dealt



EDIT: Fixed some typos and elaborated a little.

Edited by Dreadnaux
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1-Only items inside Cataclysm but no picking up while rift walking (because in rift walking only you are inside) but they could add the option of banishing particular items (like a r5 core) for that.


2-Cancel Cataclysm would be awesome, i think it should take any energy to cancel it though.


3-meh... i don't know, sounds like complicating things with no real advantage.




1-NO, he is a caster frame.


2-I like this, it would be a perfect Necromancer skill.


3-It doesn't affect just a couple.


4-Maybe... i don't know.


5-I like this as well.

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They beat me to the power strength explanation. Agree with the nek changes,


His skills should backup him more directly, giving how squishy he is.

If you desecrate, you have to

a. Pray to RNGod for orbs to appear

b. See if those orbs actually fill your health/energy meters

c. Attract a lot of fire while maneuvering to reach the orbs.


Either explosive minions or the healing/giving energy to you or your team upon death seems interesting. I mean Trinity completely heals, Limbo restores energy, why do nekros-supported squads have to put their lives on the line to reach a 25 energy/health orb?

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I like these ideas +1

For Nekros I'm thinking soul punch should make enemies explode upon death and/or heal nekros for a certain % or something too



1-NO, he is a caster frame.

Well I just looked at his stats and it doesn't scream caster frame to me. I'd like Nekros to be more than a 3

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I completely agree with all of Limbo's suggestions,

I've been thinking for a while now that Cataclysm should be cancellable, due to the fact that when you have duration mods, you use it and whatever cataclysm is protecting has finished par example, the dig sites at Archwing Quest, then you move to another but still waiting for Cataclysm to end to use it again..

This can sometimes be frustrating.


As for everything else, I just think they're good suggestions.

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None of that fixes any of Nekros real problems:


- Desecrate only exists to break the game

- Desecrate is only useful in Void Defense and Survival, mainly because of how poor Survival is as a game mode (why hasnt excavation replaced this entirely, yet?)

- Building for Desecrate requires Building Nekros in the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what his other abilties need (which is Strength)

- Terrify is a terrible CC that makes enemies run randomly to the edge of the map

- Terrify can only hit a few enemies at once which makes it unreliable much like Hydroid

- Soul Punch can only hit 1 enemy at a time and does no damage or status effects

- Shadows of the Dead block player movement

- Shadows of the Dead block player gunfire

- Shadows of the Dead block player vision of the map


He doesn't need exploding zombies.

He doesnt need more shields or health.

Those are not why people use and abuse him.


He needs Desecrate to be changed to another skill entirely.

He needs Soul Punch and Terrify to hit multiple enemies BY DEFAULT.

He needs Terrify to actually be beneficial to his team.

He needs his Ghosts max summon amount to not be affected by Power Strength.

He needs his Ghosts to not be brick walls that do more harm than good on any map that isnt a late game defense.


That's what he needs.

Those are his problems.

Edited by Kruglov
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He needs Desecrate to be changed to another skill entirely.

He needs Soul Punch and Terrify to hit multiple enemies BY DEFAULT.

He needs Terrify to actually be beneficial to his team.

He needs his Ghosts max summon amount to not be affected by Power Strength.

He needs his Ghosts to not be brick walls that do more harm than good on any map that isnt a late game defense.



Desecrate has almost become a staple for Survivals in general. A change to the mechanic of the skill would be better than completely eradicating the skill. I have read some very interesting ideas for how it could work. For example have it as a one time duration based skill that automatically desecrates bodies based on range. Again, just an idea I read. 


It is true that Nekros can be seen as a one-trick pony, but removing the skill does not solve his problem. In fact, it exacerbates the issue even further considering some would no longer want to use him without it. His other skills need a rework as well. I would love to see Terrify simply working with range and not have to scale with power strength. 


He has potential but has needed changes for quite some time now. 

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Here are my 2 cents, btw nekros is my main frame so not just here to throw oil on the fire.


Fear is ok i guess and Desecrate is frustrating if you consider the fact that there is RNG involved in its success...


Shadow of the dead is the skill that makes him Nekros ( well in fact its Desecrate...), It is good the way it is right now except maybe for a damage buff on your souls, during defense and survivals they are generaly under level so a x2 or x3 damage buff would compensate for that.


Soulpunch... This is plain terrible.... I know some people have builds that spams that things for CC however its lack or appropriate AoE makes it a sad excuse of a skill more than anything else. Getting to the change very soon.


The way i see Nekros is; hes the damn grim reaper, Death moving in the shadows reaping the poor lads of their souls.


Replace Soulpunch with a stealth skill! Nekros is not that very tanky in the first place, you can mod it to be "ok" but were far from the tank role.


Going stealth would provide:

- More survivability by avoiding targeting

- Desecrating around the map without the fear of being shot at, so more grave digging for less risks

- Ability to sneak into a crownd of ennemies and pop FEEEEEEEAR!!!!!!!!! In the middle.

- Stealth melee bonus would help secure high priority targets by making them much easier to kill for us.

- Possibility to cast Shadow of the Dead while in stealth so that long animation were you stand still wont cause that much proplems anymore ( except for AoE damage and CC).



Overall giving him this would push the concept of the grim reaper further and also improve its overall utility, not to mention the huge boost in the fun and cool factor ;)

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