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Creating Weapons Page !


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I think some more rifles in general, there are a lot of pistols and melee already (granted a lot of them are dual weapon versions). It was nice getting a new rifle in the last update.

A scratch polarity slot which could slot a weapon specific ability would be interesting. For example, shotgun slug - allows for single shot high damage slugs to be fired for X seconds. Or rifle recoil control - 50% recoil mitigation for X seconds. Have them mapped to a hotkey (maybe 5 by default) and costs 25/50 energy.

Edited by BlueEden
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I'd like to see the option to switch one of our guns to a melee weapon. Lots of chargers and fast enemies? Glad I've got Azoren on me. Ancients? Scindo's here too. Toxics? Well, I still have my Lex.

Edited by Rakuall
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Rifle class Weapons:

Well I would love some constant damage weapons, like a Flamethrower, Electro-static shock canon, Motorized buzz-saw (Spinning chainsaw of death) that all were rifles but of a third variety.  I mean even space ninja's gotta' love chainsaws.


Pistol Class Weapons:

I know they mentioned "Thrown Weapons" like ninja stars and throwing knives in the last podcast so I am eagerly awaiting their arrival, but I would also love to see some "utility" items in here as well, like a grappler gun, or a non-lethal tazer pistol, or even an Immobilizer goo gun.



Spear, halberd, scythe polearm weapons.  Even stylized like a corpus trident shock spear, or an infested scythe that looks similar in style to the Mire, or even a grineer Halberd complete with a tattered banner hanging below the chunked steel blade.   I will definitely be getting the glaive the second it comes out, but polearms are my total current craved weapon.

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Definitely thrown weapons in the pistol slot. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on that Grineer incendiary grenade launchers... Or even a grenade launcher in general... Or grenades, or missiles, hmmm, I see a theme. Flamethrower could be fun, might be a bloomfest though.

Edited by BlueEden
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I would like to see some more varied types of melee weapons. Not just swords/blades. Kamas would be a little different, Nun-chucks I'd like to see and a spear-type weapon.


Pistols: A pistol that shoots a dart that explodes after 1 second would be interesting. It could stick to walls/enemies. Also another Lato type pistol that is just...better. Seems like everything has a niche after the Lato. There needs to be another general purpose Pistol.


Shotguns: Needs to be fixed before adding more. They are op now (or rifles are UP)


Rifles: There needs to be another semi-auto like Latron. A M4 equivalent would also be good.


Another sniper rifle (single shot) would be good. I would like to see a Sniper that ignores shields like a  Pulse rifle or something.

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Pistols: A pistol that shoots a dart that explodes after 1 second would be interesting. It could stick to walls/enemies. Also another Lato type pistol that is just...better. Seems like everything has a niche after the Lato. There needs to be another general purpose Pistol.

Lato Vandal is pretty baller. I just wish it wasn't a CB tester only weapon considering it's insanely good stats and flexible functionality.

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