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Grineer/infested Map Idea.


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So I actually sent this to "Skreemalicious" and he liked the idea so I thought I'd post it on the forums and see if anyone else likes it.  I was thinking for maybe certain planets, there could be almost like ruined cities for some of the maps.  You know large skyscrapers decaying in the backround, smog filled skies, and maybe you're getting to fight your way through the grineer cloning factories, or ship/weapon factories.  Even a boss fight could maybe be located in some type of horrific torture chamber, where they are interegating tenno operatives.  You know just kind of make it like how earth would be if we as a race became like the grineer, Violent, primitive spacemen.  I was of course mainly thinking this for earth, or mars, just because they seem more like the planets where you'd see the ruins of our old civilization.  To make these more fit infested you could just easily make the factories look inactive and decrepit just like its surrounding buildings like as if its an old abandoned factory or something.  I dunno just some ideas that popped into my head, could easily add or take things from it to make it better but that was just kind of my rough thoughts.

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