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[Open Recruitment] - The Bedtime Team Wants You!


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In-game name:



Why you should be considered for admission:

I'm a good teammate -- I've played lots of team-based PVE and PVP games over the years and I usually like to play more of a support/CC role, but I can get in and tear stuff up when needed.


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member:

I like to help people out. I've been a member in quite a few guilds and clans in different games, and an officer in most, so I've been around. I like to stay flexible and help out the team, so I'm always happy to fill in with whatever class/role/frame is needed.


How active can you be and your timezone?:

Active most nights (US Eastern time). My wife and I play -- we're both 28, both active gamers and we're on most nights after 7-8pm. Sometimes we bounce from game to game a bit so we might take short breaks when something new comes out, but you can always catch us on Steam.


How long have you been playing Warframe?:

Just short of two weeks (I'm about halfway to MR 5). I only recently found out about the game.


What do you want out of the clan?:

A team to play with to clear out mid- and end-game missions. The later planets are all empty and queue times can be upwards of 15 mins+ to find one other person, so I'm looking to find a group to clear out some of that content. I'd also really like an organized squad to run with once I have the frames and gear to do the later void missions. That kind of content is always much easier when you have a group that's used to playing together. It sounds like it can get kinda grindy too, so having a fun group on Vent/TS/Mumble would make it waaay more enjoyable.

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In-game name: Jaidlyn


Why you should be considered for admission: I'm a team player and I've done progression content in other games in guilds so I know how to work together in a tough environment.


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: I'm a friendly and flexible player and I'm always willing to learn, try new things, and help everybody out.


How active can you be and your timezone?: Semi-active on weekdays (usually at night) and more active on weekends.  I'm in grad school so my hours will fluctuate.  Eastern time zone.


How long have you been playing Warframe?: Just started last week but I've already put 40+ hours into the game!


What do you want out of the clan?: I want to be able to play this game with people who enjoy it as much as I do and not have to worry about struggling when it comes to harder missions because I'll have awesome people to play with.

Edited by Jaidlyn
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In-game name: Simianrex


Why you should be considered for admission: I'm punctual. I have good hygiene. I'm god damn hilarious (references can be provided). I enjoy the warframing. 


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member Damn, I wasted all the good answers on the last one. I'll go with, "I'm not an A******."


How active can you be and your timezone?: I am available a few nights a week, after 8:30 pm in the Pacific timezone.


How long have you been playing Warframe?: Hard to say. I played regularly for several months, but then took almost a year off. I've only recently returned to the game.


What do you want out of the clan?: Fun people to play with. I'm currently in a clan that was filled with RL friends, but none of them play anymore.


Sounds like you'll be a good addition to the clan. 

IGN: ThatOneWolfGuy

Steam: The Ten-Ton King

Add me on both, and we'll have a chat.

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In-game name:



Why you should be considered for admission:

I'm a good teammate -- I've played lots of team-based PVE and PVP games over the years and I usually like to play more of a support/CC role, but I can get in and tear stuff up when needed.


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member:

I like to help people out. I've been a member in quite a few guilds and clans in different games, and an officer in most, so I've been around. I like to stay flexible and help out the team, so I'm always happy to fill in with whatever class/role/frame is needed.


How active can you be and your timezone?:

Active most nights (US Eastern time). My wife and I play -- we're both 28, both active gamers and we're on most nights after 7-8pm. Sometimes we bounce from game to game a bit so we might take short breaks when something new comes out, but you can always catch us on Steam.


How long have you been playing Warframe?:

Just short of two weeks (I'm about halfway to MR 5). I only recently found out about the game.


What do you want out of the clan?:

A team to play with to clear out mid- and end-game missions. The later planets are all empty and queue times can be upwards of 15 mins+ to find one other person, so I'm looking to find a group to clear out some of that content. I'd also really like an organized squad to run with once I have the frames and gear to do the later void missions. That kind of content is always much easier when you have a group that's used to playing together. It sounds like it can get kinda grindy too, so having a fun group on Vent/TS/Mumble would make it waaay more enjoyable.


We'd be glad to have you both on board.

IGN: ThatOneWolfGuy

Steam: The Ten-Ton King

Add me on both, and we'll get the ball rolling.


In-game name: Jaidlyn


Why you should be considered for admission: I'm a team player and I've done progression content in other games in guilds so I know how to work together in a tough environment.


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: I'm a friendly and flexible player and I'm always willing to learn, try new things, and help everybody out.


How active can you be and your timezone?: Semi-active on weekdays (usually at night) and more active on weekends.  I'm in grad school so my hours will fluctuate.  Eastern time zone.


How long have you been playing Warframe?: Just started last week but I've already put 40+ hours into the game!


What do you want out of the clan?: I want to be able to play this game with people who enjoy it as much as I do and not have to worry about struggling when it comes to harder missions because I'll have awesome people to play with.


We'd be glad to have you aboard.

IGN: ThatOneWolfGuy

Steam: The Ten-Ton King

Add me on both, and we'll get the ball rolling.

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No? Well okay.



I know, I know, the name is a bit on the silly side, but it's origins make it all the better.

See, originally, the clan started with myself and 3 other friends. We decided to make a clan together, and we had all been up late grinding and one of us said "Why not name it the Bedtime Team?"

Being sleep-drunk and very suggestible, each one of us found it hilarious, and unanimously decided to name the clan as so.


Only 3 of the original members remain, 1 being rarely active, leaving only me and one other, DistantPower.

"Why decide to try and revive the clan?"




I'm a veteran player who has SEEN all the little baby Tenno running around trying to gain power, FELT the anguish of grinding for that FINAL morphic.

So, I decided to open recruiting to ALL players, new and old!

Our main goal in this clan is to help the noobies, and gather the strongest of Tenno warriors!

"Why should I join you?"


There is no real reason you should join us. We're a shadow clan, looking to gather the strongest. Are you one of the strongest?


Do you desire strength? We can help you attain power, and test it aswell!


"Enough with the fancy-shmancy, what perks come with it?"



To the best of my knowledge, we have nearly all of the Clan-tech and Dojo research done, aswell as a real feng-shui feel going on in the second floor of the dojo.

It comes complete, with Dueling area, Quarters, Labs, and Obstacle course!

We also DO NOT CARE what rank you are at or what gear you currently possess as long as you can kick @$$ proficiently, or are willing to learn to kick @$$!

We also have pizza.

"You had me at pizza."




Do you desire strength, camaraderie, and an overall good friggin' time? JOIN THE BEDTIME TEAM! OR I'LL SLICE YOUR THROAT AND EAT YOUR TOES!









Template for admission if you're too lazy to type and yaddah yaddah:

In-game name:


Why you should be considered for admission:


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member:


How active can you be and your timezone?:


How long have you been playing Warframe?:


What do you want out of the clan?:














































When you first join the clan, your first rank-up is given to you for participating in a match with a clan member.


Afterwards, you must complete a martial challenge in order to advance in the ranks.


The martial challenges consist of difficult levels that must be completed under certain conditions, and duels with other clan members.


There is no waiting period for ranking up, so as long as you have a member with the proper permissions, you can go up in the ranks at any time.

Do not try to bribe your way up the ranks. That's the fast track to getting demoted, or kicked.







Teamspeak 3 is our main form of voice communication, so that is recommended, once you are accepted to the clan you'll be given the IP.


Be semi-respectful and don't take things that aren't serious, seriously. Seriously, don't do it.


Be willing to co-operate in a team. Greece wasn't taken by one man alone.

Be active. Who's gonna show the new players around if no one's on? Who's gonna help you grind XP for that new Dragon Nikana you picked up huh? HUH? That's what I thought. No one likes being in a clan that can't have fun together.


IMPORTANT: Leaving the Clan. You may leave the clan at any time, but let it be known that clan hoppers are NOT welcome here. We are looking for dedicated players who love the game, and are committed to it. We do not require you to have a certain mastery rank, but you must prove that you aren't going to leave on a whim, never to be found. Players that are missing for extended periods of time will be cut from the clan, and it will be made known that there is an opening. We will not simply just cut you from the clan but if we cannot reach you, then you will be dropped.

Lastly, be honest. No one likes a liar, and people that are honest are WAY easier to trust. Trust me, I once shanked a dude in conclave for lying about trading me a berserk mod.


Hi i want to join your clan


pls add me



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  • 2 weeks later...

In-game name: Fiare

Why you should be considered for admission: My bed time is way too late.

What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: Although I'm a new player to Warframe, I'm a veteran of MMO's and gaming in general. I learn pretty quickly, and I'm very much willing to return any help given to me.

How active can you be and your timezone?: Pretty active, I can play pretty much every day as I work from home. My timezone is PST (-8 GMT).

How long have you been playing Warframe?: Less than a day.

What do you want out of the clan?: I'd like people to play with and learn from.

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In-game name: StoneChild95


Why you should be considered for admission:

Im a friendly person and willing to help other people the best I can.


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member:

I always like to farm for things and helping people in the process. I hate soloing because it bored me so much. I'm willing to contribute to the clan as much as I can in doing mission or trading with clan members so everyone will be happy.


How active can you be and your timezone?:

My timezone is utc+8. I usually play around 3-4 hours during weekdays. As for the weekend, I guess I've played too much for more than 6 hours but not continuosly (as it will affect my eye badly)


How long have you been playing Warframe?:

Just started 2 weeks ago and I'm addicted to the game as there is so much to explore


What do you want out of the clan?:

I dont want much out of the clan. I just wanted to meet new people and help other out.

Please consider my offer in joining your clan.

Thank you and have a great day.

P/s: english is my tertiary language in my country(malaysia) so im truly sorry if i make plenty of grammar mistakes

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In-game name: Fiare

Why you should be considered for admission: My bed time is way too late.

What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: Although I'm a new player to Warframe, I'm a veteran of MMO's and gaming in general. I learn pretty quickly, and I'm very much willing to return any help given to me.

How active can you be and your timezone?: Pretty active, I can play pretty much every day as I work from home. My timezone is PST (-8 GMT).

How long have you been playing Warframe?: Less than a day.

What do you want out of the clan?: I'd like people to play with and learn from.

Sounds like we can work something out.

My steam ID: The Ten-Ton King

Warframe: ThatOneWolfGuy

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In-game name: StoneChild95


Why you should be considered for admission:

Im a friendly person and willing to help other people the best I can.


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member:

I always like to farm for things and helping people in the process. I hate soloing because it bored me so much. I'm willing to contribute to the clan as much as I can in doing mission or trading with clan members so everyone will be happy.


How active can you be and your timezone?:

My timezone is utc+8. I usually play around 3-4 hours during weekdays. As for the weekend, I guess I've played too much for more than 6 hours but not continuosly (as it will affect my eye badly)


How long have you been playing Warframe?:

Just started 2 weeks ago and I'm addicted to the game as there is so much to explore


What do you want out of the clan?:

I dont want much out of the clan. I just wanted to meet new people and help other out.

Please consider my offer in joining your clan.

Thank you and have a great day.

P/s: english is my tertiary language in my country(malaysia) so im truly sorry if i make plenty of grammar mistakes

I think we have a spot for you.

Steam ID: The Ten-Ton King

Warframe: ThatOneWolfGuy

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In-game name: Runau


Why you should be considered for admission: easy going, social, friendly, respectful to older player's authoritah, not a $&*^.


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: vulgar humor.


How active can you be and your timezone?: gmt +2, nocturnal hours, semi active, hopefully i can be more active when i join a clan.


How long have you been playing Warframe?: about a week. I am very new and a noob.


What do you want out of the clan?: companionship, knowledge, cool stuff that you can do with a clan.

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In-game name: Runau


Why you should be considered for admission: easy going, social, friendly, respectful to older player's authoritah, not a $&*^.


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: vulgar humor.


How active can you be and your timezone?: gmt +2, nocturnal hours, semi active, hopefully i can be more active when i join a clan.


How long have you been playing Warframe?: about a week. I am very new and a noob.


What do you want out of the clan?: companionship, knowledge, cool stuff that you can do with a clan.


I think we can work something out.

Add my steam and IGN

Steam: The Ten-Ton King

IGN: ThatOneWolfGuy

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I would totally join you guys, were I not already in a clan. However, I am online often, and most of the time, looking for someone to do alerts / faction missions / nightmare bosses / etc. I could contact possibly?

Edited by Husqvarnic
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I would totally join you guys, were I not already in a clan. However, I am online often, and most of the time, looking for someone to do alerts / faction missions / nightmare bosses / etc. I could contact possibly?

Just check the list on the first post, and hit up whoever. We're down for pretty much anything.

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In-game name: Handles


Why you should be considered for admission: Easy going, great sense of humour, quick to learn, I have a head on my shoulders(tends to wander sometimes)


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: I bring a beard a lumberjack would be proud to call his own.


How active can you be and your timezone?: I can probably do 4-5 hours a week, EST 


How long have you been playing Warframe?: I've been playing Warframe for two years now, on and off.


What do you want out of the clan?: I've been wanting to get back into playing, but it seems whenever I come back, the whole game changes. I need people that I can socialize with, without a community, this game gets lonely having to PUG everything. I need people that can reteach me the mechanics. I'm a quick learner, and whenever I'm online, I'm always down for doing something. Whether it's grinding up a new frame, or trying something I've never done.

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In-game name: Handles


Why you should be considered for admission: Easy going, great sense of humour, quick to learn, I have a head on my shoulders(tends to wander sometimes)


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: I bring a beard a lumberjack would be proud to call his own.


How active can you be and your timezone?: I can probably do 4-5 hours a week, EST 


How long have you been playing Warframe?: I've been playing Warframe for two years now, on and off.


What do you want out of the clan?: I've been wanting to get back into playing, but it seems whenever I come back, the whole game changes. I need people that I can socialize with, without a community, this game gets lonely having to PUG everything. I need people that can reteach me the mechanics. I'm a quick learner, and whenever I'm online, I'm always down for doing something. Whether it's grinding up a new frame, or trying something I've never done.


I think we can work something out.

and that beard better be @(*()$ fantastic.

Add me on Warframe: ThatOneWolfGuy

Steam: The Ten-Ton King

What timezone does this clan mainly operate? My timezone is GMT+2 so will there be anyone around if I were to join?

There are usually one or two of us on at all times most days, so there would be people to play with for sure.

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In-game name: ColonelCrazy


Why you should be considered for admission: I am quite addicted to this game right now :D and I like to compile weapon mods for about 30 mins pew weapon


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: If needed, I could make a theme song, as I play guitar, bass and drums, being a bass player in a band, I have around 10 years of gaming exp.


How active can you be and your timezone?: Quite, tuesday and thursday evenings 19:00-20:00 GMT not. GMT +2 here.


How long have you been playing Warframe?: uhh, not sure, I just know I made my account in the closed beta.


What do you want out of the clan?: Well, a clan, never been in one before and yours was the most appealing for me :)

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  • 5 weeks later...



The clan is currently in a weird state of Limbo (ahaha). After kicking some inactives, trying to reach other ones for info, and sending in a ticket to support to organize a coup boot inactive Warlords, we've got a whopping ten slots open--maybe even fifteen or so if all goes to plan. We're looking to pad out our ranks with people who won't fall off the face of the Earth a week after joining, and are willing to put some effort into socializing and playing with others. Dude, like, say hi or whatever. As of right now, clan chat is usually a ghost town. We're looking for people who are fine dealing with that up until we've got more.


It hasn't all gone to crap, though. We've gotten into the habit of running weekly raids with a thrown together team of whoever's online, all of the clantech research is finished (except those desperately needed pigments), we've got a new clan emblem waiting for approval, and our Dojo's got some fancy floating trees. I doubt we'll be in this sorry state for long.











No? Well okay.


I know, I know, the name is a bit on the silly side, but it's origins make it all the better.

See, originally, the clan started with myself and 3 other friends. We decided to make a clan together, and we had all been up late grinding and one of us said "Why not name it the Bedtime Team?"

Being sleep-drunk and very suggestible, each one of us found it hilarious, and unanimously decided to name the clan as so.


Only 3 of the original members remain, 1 being rarely active, leaving only me and one other, DistantPower.

"Why decide to try and revive the clan?"




I'm a veteran player who has SEEN all the little baby Tenno running around trying to gain power, FELT the anguish of grinding for that FINAL morphic.

So, I decided to open recruiting to ALL players, new and old!

Our main goal in this clan is to help the noobies, and gather the strongest of Tenno warriors!

"Why should I join you?"


There is no real reason you should join us. We're a shadow clan, looking to gather the strongest. Are you one of the strongest?


Do you desire strength? We can help you attain power, and test it aswell!


"Enough with the fancy-shmancy, what perks come with it?"



To the best of my knowledge, we have nearly all of the Clan-tech and Dojo research done, aswell as a real feng-shui feel going on in the second floor of the dojo.

It comes complete, with Dueling area, Quarters, Labs, and Obstacle course!

We also DO NOT CARE what rank you are at or what gear you currently possess as long as you can kick @$$ proficiently, or are willing to learn to kick @$$!

We also have pizza.

"You had me at pizza."




Do you desire strength, camaraderie, and an overall good friggin' time? JOIN THE BEDTIME TEAM! OR I'LL SLICE YOUR THROAT AND EAT YOUR TOES!









Template for admission if you're too lazy to type and yaddah yaddah:

In-game name:


Why you should be considered for admission:


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member:


How active can you be and your timezone?:


How long have you been playing Warframe?:


What do you want out of the clan?:
















































When you first join the clan, your first rank-up is given to you for participating in a match with a clan member.


Afterwards, you must complete a martial challenge in order to advance in the ranks.


The martial challenges consist of difficult levels that must be completed under certain conditions, and duels with other clan members.


There is no waiting period for ranking up, so as long as you have a member with the proper permissions, you can go up in the ranks at any time.

Do not try to bribe your way up the ranks. That's the fast track to getting demoted, or kicked.






Mumble is our main form of voice communication, so that is recommended, once you are accepted to the clan you'll be given the IP.


Be semi-respectful and don't take things that aren't serious, seriously. Seriously, don't do it.


Be willing to co-operate in a team. Greece wasn't taken by one man alone.

Be active. Who's gonna show the new players around if no one's on? Who's gonna help you grind XP for that new Dragon Nikana you picked up huh? HUH? That's what I thought. No one likes being in a clan that can't have fun together.


IMPORTANT: Leaving the Clan. You may leave the clan at any time, but let it be known that clan hoppers are NOT welcome here. We are looking for dedicated players who love the game, and are committed to it. We do not require you to have a certain mastery rank, but you must prove that you aren't going to leave on a whim, never to be found. Players that are missing for extended periods of time will be cut from the clan, and it will be made known that there is an opening. We will not simply just cut you from the clan but if we cannot reach you, then you will be dropped.

Lastly, be honest. No one likes a liar, and people that are honest are WAY easier to trust. Trust me, I once shanked a dude in conclave for lying about trading me a berserk mod.


Edited by Kristorkian
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Hey there all!

I just got into the game after looking for something to itch the Destiny scratch since I don't own a console and heard bad things about Destiny, and good things about Warframe!

Currently I'm in limbo myself, trying to decide whether I want to put my precious time into an MMO or into a shooter. (Why not both?) EXACTLY my thoughts!

So here I am, perusing the forums like a kid in a candy shop looking for that sweet piece of chocolate that will keep me satisfied and full.


The intro post seems like my kind of deal, so here's my things:


In-game name:



Why you should be considered for admission:

I'm getting old and I need a retirement home. (But really it seems like the sarcastic and humorous nature of the post fits my style.)


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member:

Rugged good looks and an itchy trigger finger, as well as a competitive spirit that never dies down.


How active can you be and your timezone?:

I make my own work hours and I live in Texas (CST), so I'm generally on after I drop off my woman at work around 10~AM and have free time until 5PM, then after that I either work if I feel like it or game/music things.


How long have you been playing Warframe?:

Like 3 hours.


What do you want out of the clan?:

Everything, give me all your things please. But really, just a nice place to fit in, have some fun while I'm online and a place to practice my non-existent stand-up career. But also a place where people don't settle for the bare minimum skills to get by, we're all here for one goal and that's to be amazing at what you do.

Edited by Criswell
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In-game name: RoKlymer


Why you should be considered for admission: I noticed you're missing beer with the pizza - I can bring beer to the party!


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: Hmmmmm, very penetrating question (beer obviously) ..... consistency (usually on at the same time(s) every day), reliability (if I say I'm going to do something - I'll do it). Looking forward to getting to the point where I can help others enjoy the game.


How active can you be and your timezone?: as above - usually 0700-0900 & 2130-2330 most days - I think I'm hooked - don't 'cha think? Pacific time zone


How long have you been playing Warframe?: sporadically since mid-Jan 2015. Really started playing frequently in mid-March - trying to figure things out solo - ok sometimes, but a team would be better me thinks


What do you want out of the clan?:  someone to teach me how to chew bubblegum and walk at the same time! Having said that - I think I'm one of those baby Tenno out there who needs some guidance from someone who's played for awhile.


Will be AFK until Monday (in San Fran on business)

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In-game name: RoKlymer


Why you should be considered for admission: I noticed you're missing beer with the pizza - I can bring beer to the party!


What you bring to the table as a person and as a clan member: Hmmmmm, very penetrating question (beer obviously) ..... consistency (usually on at the same time(s) every day), reliability (if I say I'm going to do something - I'll do it). Looking forward to getting to the point where I can help others enjoy the game.


How active can you be and your timezone?: as above - usually 0700-0900 & 2130-2330 most days - I think I'm hooked - don't 'cha think? Pacific time zone


How long have you been playing Warframe?: sporadically since mid-Jan 2015. Really started playing frequently in mid-March - trying to figure things out solo - ok sometimes, but a team would be better me thinks


What do you want out of the clan?:  someone to teach me how to chew bubblegum and walk at the same time! Having said that - I think I'm one of those baby Tenno out there who needs some guidance from someone who's played for awhile.


Will be AFK until Monday (in San Fran on business)


I've sent you a friend request in game. Hit me up when you're online, and we'll see what we can do :)

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