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An Archwing: The Stalkers New Weapon?


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I don't know if I am the only one or not, but I think that the Stalker is starting to loose that spark for me, I believe since the Archwing update (GREAT UPDATE BTW!) is introduced I think the stalker should have his own unique archwing. The melee weapon could be an executioners axe, and the abilities I'm not sure. So any thoughts anyone??


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Nah, i think it would be silly that he gets an Archwing just to go after us... he is an experienced assassin he can just go for us in any easy mission... this is like saying "hey the guy that killed JFK should have gone after him in a car, because JFK was also in a car!" it's just too silly.

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"hey the guy that killed JFK should have gone after him in a car, because JFK was also in a car!"

but that assassin sniped JFK from his convenient spot on Earth, whereas stalker can't just snipe an archwing in space from some random ship floating around/ his own liset/ etc (or can he...?). And if he can't snipe ppl in space/ get an archwing, he'd just be twiddling his thumbs waiting for tenno in space to touchdown in "any easy mission" for him to finish off.


TLDR: He currently can't do nuts to Tenno doing Archwing missions and Archwing missions only.

Edited by jwya
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but that assassin sniped JFK from his convenient spot on Earth, whereas stalker can't just snipe an archwing in space from some random ship floating around/ his own liset/ etc (or can he...?). And if he can't snipe ppl in space/ get an archwing, he'd just be twiddling his thumbs waiting for tenno in space to touchdown in "any easy mission" for him to finish off.


TLDR: He currently can't do nuts to Tenno doing Archwing missions and Archwing missions only.

he can just wait to find you in some grineer/corpus/void corridor.

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I think that he is the same as always, regardless or not he can attack us while in archwing missions.


For me, the stalker died a long time ago and now is throwing up random grudges at stuff that i never did even.

Ya until the the focus system comes out then the stalker will go all avatar mode on us.

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Honestly , i like the idea of having the stalker come in archwing missions , would fit his name , stalking us EVERYWHERE (except our ship and the dojo ) . Also i hope DE makes him drop a special stance for HATE ONLY , that would make some sense dont you think ? 

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