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League Of Legends Players?


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Anyone else play league here? 

Just wondering



(If not why not try it?



Yes that's my ref link so I get ip (ign money) for you signing up)



ANYWAYS anyone wanna add me and play sometime?


Ign is same as my Warframe one (i'm not the best I just play for fun [bRONZE 3 BEBE])

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The Moba games aren't. The community is.

Moba communities are so bad they are usually full of teens going through massive rage phases and need to shun someone for making one mistake.


I stopped playing dota since my friend didn't want to play with me because of my matchmaking pool. Still cannot understand why its an e-sport either I miss arena shooters.

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I have to admit, I've been raging quite a lot when I played LoL for the first 1 - 2 years.

But after quite some time, I just started to be sick of raging. 

Yeah, LoL has changed me a lot, actually.

I learned a lot of stuff there. Especially english. lol.

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PvP makes you obsessive!


That's why I just play bot games... they tend to be more chilled


Riven Frame...! :D



I'm so &!$$ed they stopped the Journal of justice!

Over 3500 played games in total.

My mains are Ahri, Shyvana, Riven, Irelia, Kha and Renekton.

Felt like throwing that in.

Playing since TT has been released.

If the community and the devs would be better, I'd still play the hell outta this game.

Too bad.

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Oh, I forgot to mention Lux again.

I prefer playing female champs anyways.

Just feels better using them, heh :P


Cause their so helpful!



yea, where it got interesting with swain to be the sugar daddy of noxus


also better nerf irelia




Jericho Swain is a great name for a  Major Villian


apparently they ended it cause they got a new head of lore and wanted to go in a different direction.

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