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Stories From Games You Have Played.


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So while I wait for the update and pass time till my family sits down for thanksgiving. How about some funny interesting or simply  badass story sharing?

  For me my story takes place in GTA 4, i was playing with a buddy of mine, and as usual we were just fighting cops for the hell of it. At about 4 stars we found ourself on the beach, not necessarily the beach but an area next to the highway that had a bit of beach below it and stairs leading down to it. Now our car was beat up as is and im not in it trying to hold the cops back, my buddy say "Come on get in we will try to go up the stairs!"
     SO im thinking ok that sounds good, as i turn my back to the army of cops i hear them explode behind me thinking to myself, "I am a bad @$$ yea..." Next thing i know one of the freakin doors come sailing through the air into the back of my head allowing me to learn how to face surf for the remaining distance to the getaway car. Now i should have taken that as a bad omen but no things were getting intense, so i get into the car and we get about halfway up the stair when i here the sound of a cop siren getting closer, when suddenly the cop car falls from the cliff above us nose first, lands on the roof of our car and instantly explodes and kills us.
   Gotta watch out for freakin kamikaze cops, considering this happened at 4 am it may not be funny to anyone else, bt at the time it had me and my buddy unable to breath we were laughing so hard.

  So what was something funny interesting or simply badass that happened to you?

Edited by Kuygen
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I was playing Rainbow Six Vegas once with a friend and we had to eliminate the AI terrorists in an area. We where going down stair in a very cramped area and I was behind my friend. As soon as he rounded a corner on those stair an AI rounded it at the exact same time. He screamed, then I screamed and I filled the back of his head with buckshot. XD At least the pellets went through his head into the AI's chest and killed him. lol

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. As soon as he rounded a corner on those stair an AI rounded it at the exact same time. He screamed, then I screamed

Jumpscares are in every game xD, those moments are great.


I was playing GTA 4 with my family and then i said lets go helicoptor diving....we played that game for 5 days

GTA the unltimate game of crazy S#&$ to do for long periods of time. lol

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I was playing Command and Conquer, think it was Kanes  Wrath, managed to beat all 8 enemy factions in a skirmish map with them on brutal settings, by capturing their own buildigns, and turning them into my own weapons.

Twas glorious but took 2 whole hours

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When I was young I played a lot of masters of magic and orion1-2. I played a lot with Elves and in Orion "Elerians" because I liked their design and racial abilities. Once I was very addicted and I said just a little and a little more then I missed to sleep and passed the school also. I played 19 hour continously because I really liked that games and wanted to achieve my quests. That was a freakin long day.

Edited by Sziklamester
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I have another funny one, shorter this time lol...

  So i was playing stop it slender on gmod, the map was a mansion, and slender spawns on top of the building, i have a friend with me and we are in a steam chat (not ghosting, but playing legit). So with me being on the roof i decided i would try to drop right in front of the door. As i hit my friend begins screaming and flipping out, and i hear his mic hit what i presume to be the floor. A Few minutes of me laughing my &#! off later and he picks his mic back up. lol i enjoy the fun times of stuff like this.

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I was playing SWTOR on one of my female toons, this random &#! dude invites me to a party to run a heroic +2 mission, after we finish it he started hitting on me.... 5 min later when I tell him im a dude he she types: "0_0 ..... and im a chick what's your point?" weirdest moment of my life....

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I was playing SWTOR on one of my female toons, this random @$$ dude invites me to a party to run a heroic +2 mission, after we finish it he started hitting on me.... 5 min later when I tell him im a dude he she types: "0_0 ..... and im a chick what's your point?" weirdest moment of my life....

I had some friend find a dude on SWTOR that said every female character is a guy, and they tried explainging that we have friends that are chicks that play as male characters... the dude wouldnt hear it or let it be acknowledged lol

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