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Cephalon Suda Shield Drone Eximus Ai


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I'm getting very tired of spawning in a guardian shield drone eximus, only to have it wander off and die by itself instead of following me and giving me shields. It appears to actually try to 'attack' the enemies, but it doesn't have a weapon, so it just dies and provides me with no shield benefit. they're dirt cheap, so I can spawn in as many as I like, but it's kind of stupid to see them waste themselves because of misappropriated AI. They wind up only being really good in a mobile defense, interception or endless defense because I don't have far to move in those game modes, but I can just use a regular shield restorer in those situations. It's supposed to be mobile so that it can follow me, not so that I have to follow it. Thank you for your time.


(I wasn't sure where to post this, so I just put it into general feedback.)

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