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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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The shotguns became completely useless now! Even on mid- range I can't one hit level 23 Grineers anymore. You serious DE?

-Btw the damage from the Grakata is higher? There's still a "9" in the stats and I can't see a difference.

I'm pretty sure they meant crit damage.

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This was a necessary change. When i was using the shotguns, i could snipe people from very far distances, which shoulden't be. It should be a close range deadly weapon, not mid range like an SMG. To use a shotgun, you need to go into the heat of fire to get those huge damage hits in, not just sit back and fire from far away. 


Shotguns actually have a fairly decent range. The whole 'super short range' thing is a video game only event.

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The defense fix is wonderful, however, nearly everything else in this patch sucks.


Shotguns are useless now


The glaive blueprint isn't that big of an issue, but people are afraid of baby steps and rightly so.


Power strikes got heavily nerfed by forcing the extra useless animation


Removing the lockers was annoying and it hurts the spirit of exploration, something the game advertises.


The Gorgon didn't need a nerf, it wasn't htat great before.


Ending on some positive notes: the healer fix is great and moving the end of the map closer to the objective is a wonderful adjustment.


Upon further reconsideration on the Glaive: being credit/alert only doesn't concern me so long as we at some point can buy the bp. After the initial disappointment, I remember the nature of the model and thus became the enlightened one. :p

Edited by Steemship
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The defense fix is wonderful, however, nearly everything else in this patch sucks.


Shotguns are useless now


The glaive blueprint isn't that big of an issue, but people are afraid of baby steps and rightly so.


Power strikes got heavily nerfed by forcing the extra useless animation


Removing the lockers was annoying and it hurts the spirit of exploration, something the game advertises.


The Gorgon didn't need a nerf, it wasn't htat great before.


Ending on some positive notes: the healer fix is great and moving the end of the map closer to the objective is a wonderful adjustment.

There is exploration and you get rewarded for it? I sure didn't know.Lockers barely give you any rewards besides a very low amount of credit and sometimes some mats nothing to cry over .

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Last but not least, Glaive. As I said previously, I probably am on of the few (if not only) GM that has not purchased one, so I cant say anything about it ingame. However, People are consistently complaining that its a "Alert Only Reward". To be honest, I dont understand why people are this upset; Its just like Dark Sword, Dark Dagger, Ceramic Dagger, etc. All of which can only be obtained from Alerts. Furthermore, Glaive isnt the only weapon you can purchase for platnium, but not buy the BP. So chillax, sign up for the twitter alerts, and be ready to pounce on that alert once it comes up!


This. I don't get why people are upset about this. If you want it now, buy it with plat. If not, wait for the "Glaive" alert. How can anyone get upset when you can get the BP for free?

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what have you done to the gorgon guys? I used it as semi auto gun because it was kinda cuurate at mid range, and I used full fire "in case of", now it's a totally uselss weaapon for semi auto shot ><. Give me back mah ol' gogon  xD

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Give back Hek aswell. Or make new mods for Hek only. A new modulator giving ranged shots, description: "Work this modulator to max. and double pay for a good working weapon." Rarity: 0.0000000001% drop chance at wave 30.

Edited by Lyphian
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Gorgon accuracy should drop the longer you fire it, and regain slowly between bursts, atm it just is awful no matter how you use it... hip, aimed, moving, single shot, full auto... accuracy stays always the same and is always bad... and shotguns should have a better range than they have right now. Both weapons have been over-nerfed, though in case of the shotguns some nerfing was needed, they have been hit far too hard.


I can understand the melee-shotgun approach in games that lack high-damage melee weapons with high refire rate, but we have a game that offers high-mobility and very powerful melee weapons. To make short/mid range weapons usable, they need to have a good range advantage over melee weapons which they don't atm. The distance i can roll/dash towards an enemy to be in stabby/slashy range is the range my shotgun is useful in... its a big, heavy, sword with limited munition.


I've heard arguments that the shotgun fills the role of the melee weapon of the slow movement frames, and first I thought that might be it. The thing I've missed... but the problem with that theory is, that the slow frame has to get into shotgun range first... which will take him almost as long as getting into melee range itself... all while wasting a primary slot that he could use to carry a weapon with the ability to engage enemise at range which would be the plain superior choice.


And though I love my new Glaive, it's kind of sad that the first throwing weapon has a lot longer range than any of the shotguns we have ingame now.

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what have you done to the gorgon guys? I used it as semi auto gun because it was kinda cuurate at mid range, and I used full fire "in case of", now it's a totally uselss weaapon for semi auto shot ><. Give me back mah ol' gogon  xD


the first shots are very VERY inaccurate... if this was the idea - i totally lose my time playing and developing such useless (now) weapon. I don't get what was wrong before that need to be changed? I hope you reconsider and return the old (or similar) accuracy.

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OMG. Tons of Bugfixes yay!







*Glaive Blueprints are part of the Alert System...

:/ that wiped the smile off my face for some time :(

wait so there was an alert with the Glaive or u can only get blueprint via Alert?

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So I wasn't sure about the weapon balancing, I personally didn't use shotguns or the Gorgon much, but now every fifth post is someone sobbing into their pillow and threatening to leave over a patch that nerfed two weapons. So I figure, yeah, they must have been broken as all get out.


Wasn't one of the main attractions of this game the weapon variety? Find a new toy play with.

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Earlier today I posted on this topic a rather "positive" comment about this update. I deleted it even though I merely ment to edit it, sorry about that.
This update sure created some mixed feelings amongst the Tenno and I can understand that, happen to me too.

Update 7.9 had some things that are really great and awesome but also stuff that isn't really that nice.
So the question really is what is the point of mastery rank? Hek is kind of useless and I noticed the differences on my aklatos and gorgon too. I thought gorgon and hek were that good because it took some time to become mastery rank 3 and 4... Nerfing good weapons isn't the answer. Buff the weak ones is.

And then there is the Glaive. We all know why this made people rip their hair out. I understand the reasons it is the way it is and will probably not change. Why? Some people already bought it with platinum, it wouldn't really be fair to add blueprints to market just because people can't wait for the alert. Patience is a virtue. I feel your pain as I know what it is to wait for weeks that one special item coming from alerts. Also before the down votes rain on this comment. I'm just saying I'm waiting for the glaive alert with you guys. Yes I'm a founder, do I feel like paying 150 platinum for it? Maybe. Wouldn't you? It is tempting but the way I see it I could buy about everything in this game with platinum and play few days and quit because of the boredom. So instead of buying the glaive I wait for the alert. I bought founder to support this game, not to get everything right a way.

So yeah thanks for some parts of the update and please devs, listen to your players about the weapon nerfs.
Sorry all for the wall of text and if you find something that is insulting you then for that too I am sorry. Take care and see you all in game.

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