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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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Hello there.


I'm 100% sure I'll get downvoted. But I need to give my thoughts (even if no1 cares) about this new item.


I absolutely can't stand the way Glaive got introduced.


"Purchase now with Plat, or do Alert missions"... No. That's just bullhorns!


I understand Potatoes are Alert rewards... But throwing a Weapon into the pool of total randomness is unacceptable for me.


I have the Plat to just buyout it (as I always do), but what about our F2P community? Like a spit in the face.


"You want the new stuff? Pay or pray to the RNG gods."  <--- That's not acceptable, and I won't support this idea.


I was planning to upgrade to Grand Master when my monthly payment arrived, since I agreed with the desicions made by devs... But this -_- as if this isn't the same company i supported so far.


I seriously need to think about if it's really worth my time (and money) .


I'll never support Any introduction of weapons (which are core to gameplay) that is only available day1 for those who Pay.

OH NO, BRO we need you to donate moar!!!1 AND we also need to make 1001 post about hek nerf and 2013 posts about no glaive BP.


You know, rly, Plasma sword, Pangoline sword, Heat dagger, dark sword, dark dagger, jaw sword dont have bp's in a shop. And why the hell do you cry like a baby if you DONT RLY KNOW what is that weapon look like and what can it do? You just waaaaaa "Mummy cant buy me a new toy".


Cause its rare and you know, right, DE must improve their game and no one except us pay them. I'm personally going to buy glaive, hope mine 10$ would support DE a bit, cause they've done a nice game.

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And that's how it should be. THAT is the ideal balance for Free 2 Play games, but so many developers and publishers screw it up, or don't even bother to try.

In a game like warframe so long as content isn't gated or made substantially easier with money only options what does it matter? There is no pvp or real competitive setup yet.

Feel free to check my much longer post here for a more detailed explanation: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/35697-no-glaive-blueprint-fine-no-support-from-me/page-17#entry333276

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In a game like warframe so long as content isn't gated or made substantially easier with money only options what does it matter? There is no pvp or real competitive setup yet.

Feel free to check my much longer post here for a more detailed explanation: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/35697-no-glaive-blueprint-fine-no-support-from-me/page-17#entry333276


Just because there currently isn't a competitive component doesn't mean that the game shouldn't be equal and not have that balance.


That's simply being nice to your whole playerbase, not dividing everyone or making anyone feel like a lower class.

Edited by FatalX7
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Just because there currently isn't a competitive component doesn't mean that the game shouldn't be equal and not have that balance.


That's simply being nice to your whole playerbase, not dividing everyone or making anyone feel like a lower class.


Sweet Jesus, have mercy. That now how part playerbase is not nice towards devs, cause devs put new and shiny stuff in the ? alert, instead of free-ride blueprint.

People got used to the fact that, "all for free" and easly achivable. As all new weapons were sporting first day blueprints and I guess none spend a dime on crafting those.


I cant speak for anybody but myself, but again - I have never spent any plat on any weapon except Glaive so far.

Which leads me to idea that we may had quite easy times geting them?


I am fine with how we get frames.

New frame out? -> Play whole planet till the new boss - > Farm boss till you bleed -> wait 4 days.


New weapon out? -> Put on craft - > Go sleep - > Enjoy your new shiny tomorrow.


See the problem here? Its too easy to get new weapons with day 1 blueprints.

I gues nice solution will be with puting blueprints for weapons on bosses too. Like Hek will drop welll... HEK, or Krill will drop Fragor\Gorgon etc.

Edited by derclaw
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Sweet Jesus, have mercy. That now how part playerbase is not nice towards devs, cause devs put new and shiny stuff in the ? alert, instead of free-ride blueprint.

People got used to the fact that, "all for free" and easly achivable. As all new weapons were sporting first day blueprints and I guess none spend a dime on crafting those.


I'm not sure I understand what you said and I'm not sure you understand what I'm actually talking about.

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Just because there currently isn't a competitive component doesn't mean that the game shouldn't be equal and not have that balance.


That's simply being nice to your whole playerbase, not dividing everyone or making anyone feel like a lower class.

Your logic is entirely anti micro transaction and pretty much anti every f2p title in existence. Paying always gives some sort of advantage, because if it didn't they wouldn't make any money. There is nothing stopping a f2p exclusive player from getting the glaive so there really isn't any division.

Again I don't plan on paying for the glaive, I'll get it when I can. I don't see any reason that it isn't fair that someone could pay to have it now rather than waiting on an alert. As I said in my first post aside from jealousy or impatience what does it really matter? In what way is anyone actually hurt by this?

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I'm not going to bother reading all of this thread, but I was honestly wondering when DE will actually put more weapon rewards into the ?-alert pool.


Whenever they added something new, it was always either buy with plat or build with BP.


I think the Glaive is actually a weapon that is well placed as a rare reward for alerts, since it is very unique.

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Your logic is entirely anti micro transaction and pretty much anti every f2p title in existence. Paying always gives some sort of advantage, because if it didn't they wouldn't make any money. There is nothing stopping a f2p exclusive player from getting the glaive so there really isn't any division.

Again I don't plan on paying for the glaive, I'll get it when I can. I don't see any reason that it isn't fair that someone could pay to have it now rather than waiting on an alert. As I said in my first post aside from jealousy or impatience what does it really matter? In what way is anyone actually hurt by this?


Anti-micro-transaction and anti-f2p?


No, I'm just hoping for one game, one time, to finally achieve the Balance of the Universe. I simply want my options to be 'put in effort' or 'be convenient', not 'wait for RNG' or 'be convenient'.

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Anti-micro-transaction and anti-f2p?


No, I'm just hoping for one game, one time, to finally achieve the Balance of the Universe. I simply want my options to be 'put in effort' or 'be convenient', not 'wait for RNG' or 'be convenient'.

Well in this game at least "effort" the way you and everyone else complaining about DE's choice is time. I don't see how spending time to get credits is any better than a rng system rewarding the bp. That isn't beneficial to the community as a whole. Just like having some skill challenge wouldn't be, nor having some stupidly high level defense reward (sup nyx can cheese all day long). There isn't anything that will actually be fair for everyone. I'm sorry that you feel slighted because you have credits and materials to spend, but that isn't how everyone is. I guess this is the bigger problem... some people feel slighted because some people can get a weapon sooner. There's simply no reason to feel that way unless said person is pretty and/or insecure.

All of the complaints can all be summed up by one group of people mad because another group can get a weapon sooner. There is nothing stopping anyone from getting it... chances are that eventually it will appear when people are around and they'll have it. Apparently people wouldn't be complaining if it was *just* added to the alert system... so what does that leave us with... people who are either jealous or impatient. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't measure my achievements in a game by what someone else purchased and thus got before me. So long as this isn't the defacto standard for all/the majority of the upcoming weapons it simply doesn't matter in reality.

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Time isn't effort, but that's the implication of all the people complaining. They want to be able to waste time rather than waiting on an alert because for some reason it's better. This is simply a different way of complaining that they cannot have their toy now, and I'm having a hard time understanding why it matters when you get it so long as it's possible for everyone to get it.

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Well in this game at least "effort" the way you and everyone else complaining about DE's choice is time. I don't see how spending time to get credits is any better than a rng system rewarding the bp. That isn't beneficial to the community as a whole. Just like having some skill challenge wouldn't be, nor having some stupidly high level defense reward (sup nyx can cheese all day long). There isn't anything that will actually be fair for everyone. I'm sorry that you feel slighted because you have credits and materials to spend, but that isn't how everyone is. I guess this is the bigger problem... some people feel slighted because some people can get a weapon sooner. There's simply no reason to feel that way unless said person is pretty and/or insecure.

All of the complaints can all be summed up by one group of people mad because another group can get a weapon sooner. There is nothing stopping anyone from getting it... chances are that eventually it will appear when people are around and they'll have it. Apparently people wouldn't be complaining if it was *just* added to the alert system... so what does that leave us with... people who are either jealous or impatient. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't measure my achievements in a game by what someone else purchased and thus got before me. So long as this isn't the defacto standard for all/the majority of the upcoming weapons it simply doesn't matter in reality.

I don't think you understand how F2P games typically play out. They start out strong but as the players with less money are rubbed out by the money grubbing devs the game dies. This is a very early example of what it would look like. "Pay $10 for this weapon, that everyone wants, or you can maybe get it later if you happen to have alert location unlocked and are playing at the right time." Is pretty obviously meant to milk those who were stupid enough to buy severely overpriced Platinum and flip the bird to those who aren't. 

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Skipped most of the thread.  Am I the only one that didn't even know the glaive was coming out?  Because when I saw the patch, I went "Aww man, that looks sweet!  I'm gonna go build one!"  Then in the game I was all "Wha... oh, it's an alert reward?  Sum'*@##&#036;!" 


And that was it.  Now I'm simply waiting with baited breath for the alert.  The suspense is fun to me~

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Anti-micro-transaction and anti-f2p?


No, I'm just hoping for one game, one time, to finally achieve the Balance of the Universe. I simply want my options to be 'put in effort' or 'be convenient', not 'wait for RNG' or 'be convenient'.


Thing is, this game can achieve the perfect balance, because it is PvE. 


Also one thing that annoys me regarding the alerts system is that it makes players just wait for something to appear (like the glaive) instead of actually killing a boss or farming for components to get it.


IMO, the best option to make a balance would be the BP to be purchasable from the market, but make it's components something like 3 control modules, 30 morphics, 1200 rubedo and 5 gallium. Also make the BP drop from ? alerts, but then it will have a different recipe with 1 control module, 10 morphics, 600 rubedo and 3 Gallium.


So if you don't want to farm a lot to get the components you either purchase it directly with plat or wait for an alert with an ? reward so that you can farm less. I think it would be good for this to be applied to a lot more stuff that come from the alerts missions.

Edited by Story4
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Skipped most of the thread.  Am I the only one that didn't even know the glaive was coming out?  Because when I saw the patch, I went "Aww man, that looks sweet!  I'm gonna go build one!"  Then in the game I was all "Wha... oh, it's an alert reward?  Sum'$#*(@!" 


And that was it.  Now I'm simply waiting with baited breath for the alert.  The suspense is fun to me~


A lot of people have known about it for weeks and have been very excited. Seeing that their only options are pay real money or wait for RNG is disappointing and, unfortunately, comes off as a cash-grab.

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A lot of people have known about it for weeks and have been very excited. Seeing that their only options are pay real money or wait for RNG is disappointing and, unfortunately, comes off as a cash-grab.

I can see why they would be angry, but... well, now you know why I don't get excited for things.  I don't listen to livestreams, I don't watch trailers, I only play demos to see if things will run, etc.  I think going into this blind has made me vastly less... bitter than some of the others in the thread.

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I don't think you understand how F2P games typically play out. They start out strong but as the players with less money are rubbed out by the money grubbing devs the game dies. This is a very early example of what it would look like. "Pay $10 for this weapon, that everyone wants, or you can maybe get it later if you happen to have alert location unlocked and are playing at the right time." Is pretty obviously meant to milk those who were stupid enough to buy severely overpriced Platinum and flip the bird to those who aren't.

I do understand how most play out, but this again is a non competitive PvE game and a weapon that isn't a game changer (aka means nothing towards progression) so I fail to see why it matters. Again if all weapons were to switch to this, yes, it would be a major problem, but given what they've done thusfar I don't see the problem with them making money every once in a while off of something with a semi different effect. So long as whatever it is doesn't dramatically effect the progression it simply doesn't matter.

I can see why they would be angry, but... well, now you know why I don't get excited for things. I don't listen to livestreams, I don't watch trailers, I only play demos to see if things will run, etc. I think going into this blind has made me vastly less... bitter than some of the others in the thread.

It wasn't confirmed until the livestream this week, so anyone who got uppity over it should really get over themselves. The massive amount of stuff that is only available through alerts isn't complained about, and someone buying the weapon doesn't have any effect on them in the real world (or in game). Sooooooooooo. Edited by plznohurtme
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Well I must say I was excited for the Glaive also and as a player that has not bought any Plat yet, I can't get it yet. But that makes that one moment where I see the tweet with the alert so much better, and not everyone and their momma will run around with an awesome weapon, making it less awesome. I think you guys are making a big fuss about something that doesn't need to be fought about. So what if they're trying to make plat off of the weapon? No one is FORCING you to buy it, nor is it cash shop only.

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I don't support Pay2Win or this "PayForConvenience" ideas at all, but what else will you do with F2P model. 

Does anybody else miss those days where players where all equals and no real money could change that? Like finding a rare item - everybody would have to search for that, and no real money would allow you to get a stupid shortcut. 

I liked F2P models before, but i am starting to miss subscription / membership methods. 

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