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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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Apparently at 8 AM my time (Mountain) there was a Trinity Helmet alert... lol who the hell plays a game at 8 am? Some of us have to work!

Please try not to perpetuate the stereotype that North Americans don't know the rest of the world exists.

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Yeah, I agree it's slightly annoying that item is RNG, but it seems like it's just normal distribution of newer/exclusive weaponry. I'm sure there will be blueprints soon.


  One would hope.



 Next time DE should consider releasing the weapon into the Alert system FIRST for about a week, then popping it into the store. Reading a few posts here since I last posted myself I'm seeing a pattern that suggests some people would have appreciated at least a brief period where everyone's odds where equal. 



 I still maintain what I said a few times earlier in the thread. I don't care if they change the Glaive at this point. It is released already, screw it. But in the future they should avoid releasing weapons in this fashion. There is an extremely distinct gap between the value of something like the Pangolin or Dark Sword and the value of the Glaive. Pangolin and Dark Sword are nice, but they are more like collectibles. They are interesting permutations of an existing weapon type that could potentially compliment a player nicely. The Glaive isn't like this. It is a weapon players wanted to turn into a goal. They wanted to buy the BP and craft it, just like the other update weaponry. 


Making an item Alert only means it can't actually be set as a goal. You can't grind or earn alerts. You just wait for them. There is no skill gap in waiting, no difference between a player working hard and a player working little. Taking away the ability to set something as a goal in a game where the only thing there is to do is grind up item goals is a poor decision.

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I havent touched the game in weeks now, and was excited to see the Glaive getting introduced... but was sorta disappointed for it being a ? Alert mission weapon


Granted, as many people have pointed out, there are other ? alert mission weapons out there, and you dont hear anybody *@##$ing about that, do you?

Though it is scary to think that if this thing as the same rarity as  Dark Sword, I'm probably never getting one... since in all my playtime (I think I started last year in November?) I've never even seen an alert mission that gave that sword away.

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Hello there.


I'm 100% sure I'll get downvoted. But I need to give my thoughts (even if no1 cares) about this new item.


I absolutely can't stand the way Glaive got introduced.


"Purchase now with Plat, or do Alert missions"... No. That's just bullhorns!


I understand Potatoes are Alert rewards... But throwing a Weapon into the pool of total randomness is unacceptable for me.


I have the Plat to just buyout it (as I always do), but what about our F2P community? Like a spit in the face.


"You want the new stuff? Pay or pray to the RNG gods."  <--- That's not acceptable, and I won't support this idea.


I was planning to upgrade to Grand Master when my monthly payment arrived, since I agreed with the desicions made by devs... But this -_- as if this isn't the same company i supported so far.


I seriously need to think about if it's really worth my time (and money) .


I'll never support Any introduction of weapons (which are core to gameplay) that is only available day1 for those who Pay.


Warframe operates on a pay for conveinence model.


Basically, if you want the cool stuff you have to either pay or play. The fact that it's alert only is uterly moot, it is still available for free in game. Additionaly, RNG determines everything related to loot in this game. Any time you farm for a certain mod, blueprint, or resource you are already praying to the RNG gods, whether it's an alert or not is uterly meaningless.


Finaly, OP please do not speak for parties which you have no relation to, I am a free player. I certainly don't feel spat on by DE, I am however deeply offended that one who has no bearing upon my situation would take it upon themselves to speak on my behalf.

Edited by JerryMouse13
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Warframe operates on a pay for conveinence model.


Basically, if you want the cool stuff you have to either pay or play. The fact that it's alert only is uterly moot, it is still available for free in game. Additionaly, RNG determines everything related to loot in this game. Any time you farm for a certain mod, blueprint, or resource you are already praying to the RNG gods, whether it's an alert or not is uterly meaningless.


Finaly, OP please do not speak for parties which you have no relation to, I am a free player. I certainly don't feel spat on by DE, I am however deeply offended that one who has no bearing upon my situation would take it upon themselves to put words in my mouth.


 You don't have to play for the Alert. You don't earn it or work towards it. You could play absolutely none and still be able to show up to run the Alert in a few minutes and benefit all the same. Your argument that Alerts are the same as a Market BP is moot. The Alert system doesn't award gameplay - it awards being able to log in at any time.

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 You don't have to play for the Alert. You don't earn it or work towards it. You could play absolutely none and still be able to show up to run the Alert in a few minutes and benefit all the same. Your argument that Alerts are the same as a Market BP is moot. The Alert system doesn't award gameplay - it awards being able to log in at any time.


The primary point is that it is available in game, through gameplay, at no cost to you.

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Warframe operates on a pay for conveinence model.


Basically, if you want the cool stuff you have to either pay or play.

Yeah but you don't actually pay or play, you pay or wait until the alert comes up. Pay or play would be if there was a BP in the market so that you can play to farm the credits/resources to craft it or pay to have the convenience of getting it instantly with an orokin catalyst.

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Yeah but you don't actually pay or play, you pay or wait until the alert comes up. Pay or play would be if there was a BP in the market so that you can play to farm the credits/resources to craft it or pay to have the convenience of getting it instantly with an orokin catalyst.


The primary point is that it is available in game, through gameplay, at no cost to you.

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Again, it's not available through gameplay, it's available through waiting. You can just wait for it to appear and not play the game at all for weeks until it appears, but by then if you didn't support the game you will probably lose interest anyway.

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Again, it's not available through gameplay, it's available through waiting. You can just wait for it to appear and not play the game at all for weeks until it appears, but by then if you didn't support the game you will probably lose interest anyway.


Alert missions are an in game system, meaning they are part of the game. Gameplay =/= farming, watching for, and doing alerts are part a part of the game.

Edited by JerryMouse13
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Wait, are you complaining because a weapon need time and patient playing in order to get it ? That's the way games work since Zelda. In every game, there are weapons you get at the beginning, and there are better / different weapons which request to reach a precise level or progression in the game . You wanted to upgrade to grand master, so do it and you'll be able to purchase what you want. If you don't, no need to cry like a child who want the last toy out in the store, be patient and play alert missions.

I think this is a really good call from the developpers to implement weapons and equipment from alert missions, this way every players has the same chances of getting it, nobody can spend his playtime  killing the same boss till it drops. It's just that you need to watch over the alerts, be lucky, or connect at the right time.

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The primary point is that it is available in game, through gameplay, at no cost to you.


 This is not the problem I have with it. The problem I have with it is releasing a weapon in this fashion when every update of this type before this point had already been perfectly reasonable.


 For me this doesn't come down to an issue with the Glaive. It is an issue with this type of weapon release. It isn't as reasonable as what they've already established. Worse yet - the more common this type of release gets the more difficult it becomes to ever obtain a specific item you desire from the Alert pool. 


 I think this weapon would have been absolutely peachy locked to Mastery 5 for the Market BP myself, but it doesn't matter. The release is done.


 In the future I would hope the amount of dust that got kicked up shows DE that it is better to release this sort of thing in a way that doesn't just disappoint people. Making the Glaive an item you cannot earn took from the game and its players. All there is in Warframe is the grind for what you like. We don't need more Alert items, we need more items we can earn.

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Alert missions are an in game system, meaning they are part of the game. Gameplay =/= farming, watching for, and doing alerts are part a part of the game.


 If you aren't playing the game you aren't taking part. Your argument is backwards.


 I could play absolutely 0 Warframe for a week and a half and still catch the Alert when it hits. That is not gameplay, nor is it earning. It is ignoring the game until it calls for you.


 Alerts do not reward gameplay, they reward attendance.

Edited by Blatantfool
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<p>I wonder if the next warframe was released as either plat or parts coming from a mission with the holistic blueprint coming only from Alert missions whether people would be singing the same tune. To me, the disconcerting thing is that I now see that as something DE might actually do, rather than a slippery slope pipe dream.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I don't really care much about the Glaive beyond that. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.</p>

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Wait, are you complaining because a weapon need time and patient playing in order to get it ? That's the way games work since Zelda. In every game, there are weapons you get at the beginning, and there are better / different weapons which request to reach a precise level or progression in the game . You wanted to upgrade to grand master, so do it and you'll be able to purchase what you want. If you don't, no need to cry like a child who want the last toy out in the store, be patient and play alert missions.


 You don't have to play to get it, just wait. I could leave Warframe until the Alert hits and go run through Final Fantasy 7 or something unrelated for the millionth time - then just log in to play the Alert.


 Alerts have nothing to do with playing Warframe. They are totally ignorant of gameplay. They only care that you show up when it pops up.

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I support the original poster.

In my opinion (regardless of what other people say, since it's my own opinion), being the first weapon of it's type, it should at least be made BP Craftable.


At this point it's really forcing players to choose:

You either get it via Plat or sit there scouring the Alert boards for that "Glaive" reward.


I can understand if it's the second of it's type, and I'd fully support the idea - but as I said, being the first of it's type, not so great. It just makes me feel cheated. How? I don't know, it just does.


Disclaimer because internet: The above reflects my own opinions. You have yours, let me have mine.

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 You don't have to play to get it, just wait. I could leave Warframe until the Alert hits and go run through Final Fantasy 7 or something unrelated for the millionth time - then just log in to play the Alert.


 Alerts have nothing to do with playing Warframe. They are totally ignorant of gameplay. They only care that you show up when it pops up.


Thats actually what im doing now since i did everyting in warframe. I started playing other F2P games while i keep an eye on twitter.


Kind of sad when your game happens on twitter and the forums. Reminds me of D3 where talking on the forum or flipping the AH was considered the fun part.

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Yeah but you don't actually pay or play, you pay or wait until the alert comes up. Pay or play would be if there was a BP in the market so that you can play to farm the credits/resources to craft it or pay to have the convenience of getting it instantly with an orokin catalyst.

I could just as easily argue that pay or play would be if there was a BP available for free players (be it the alert mission right now or fixing it to make it available as a rare drop elsewhere i.e. Banshee), so that you can play to get the blueprint and then craft it, or pay to have the convenience of having it outright. 


In your statement, it just makes it seem like the complaint is that you aren't given the opportunity to farm the credit/resources to craft it. And you are, be it RNG or not. Debatable, I agree. 

Edited by Fornicate
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 If you aren't playing the game you aren't taking part. Your argument is backwards.


 I could play absolutely 0 Warframe for a week and a half and still catch the Alert when it hits. That is not gameplay, nor is it earning. It is ignoring the game until it calls for you.


 Alerts do not reward gameplay, they reward attendance.


I think we have differing veiws on what comprises gameplay. You're saying that gameplay only occurs whenever you play the game. My veiw of gameplay is any system within the game that affect your experiences in game. By my definition, yes alerts, and even login rewards are a part of "gameplay".


Additionaly, from my veiw keeping tabs on, and completeing alerts is earning the reward. It requires you to not only A) know  that there is an alert going on, but also B) login an complete the mission.

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Thats actually what im doing now since i did everyting in warframe. I started playing other F2P games while i keep an eye on twitter.


Kind of sad when your game happens on twitter and the forums. Reminds me of D3 where talking on the forum or flipping the AH was considered the fun part.


 Pretty much. Since you can't actually set a goal when your target is purely RNG it just leaves you to wait and play other things until the game finally dispenses the thing you desire.


 There are really nice advantages to the Alert system - however this topic is the disadvantage of that system. It removes those items as a goal for players to work towards.



 98% of the time it isn't a problem, why? Because the majority of those items are things DE doesn't want you grinding for.


 -Orokin Items

 -Helmet Skins

 -Weapon Skins

 -Collectible Weapons Permutations (Dark Sword, Jaw Sword, Pangolin. You know - weapons that aren't ridiculously amazing but are neat to collect over time)



 But this case is unique. Glaive is the only weapon of this type. That means people will want to work towards it, who wouldn't? A new weapon with an interesting mechanic? Are you kidding? That sounds delicious.


 But that is also why adding it to the alert hurt. Because they removed it from the pool of what can be earned.




 If DE wants to surprise the sh*t out of me they can do a spin and add a Glaive BP - then compensate the players who purchased already with a 'Shining Glaive' skin that adds a unique particle effect to the weapon. 

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I could just as easily argue that pay or play would be if there was a BP available for free players (be it the alert mission right now or fixing it to make it available as a rare drop elsewhere i.e. Banshee), so that you can play to get the blueprint and then craft it, or pay to have the convenience of having it outright.  


And that is a problem, because... ? I'd actually support the idea of buying BP with plat at 25 plat each.

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I could just as easily argue that pay or play would be if there was a BP available for free players (be it the alert mission right now or fixing it to make it available as a rare drop elsewhere i.e. Banshee), so that you can play to get the blueprint and then craft it, or pay to have the convenience of having it outright.  


I assure you that if the blueprint was a Banshee-esque drop or even something new that only appeared in high level defense missions, there would be much, much less outcry.

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I think we have differing veiws on what comprises gameplay. You're saying that gameplay only occurs whenever you play the game. My veiw of gameplay is any system within the game that affect your experiences in game. By my definition, yes alerts, and even login rewards are a part of "gameplay".


Additionaly, from my veiw keeping tabs on, and completeing alerts is earning the reward. It requires you to not only A) know  that there is an alert going on, but also B) login an complete the mission.


 I think your view is a bit ridiculous. Gameplay is exactly the two words it is comprised of.


Game - you know, this game for instance.


Play - you know, as in playing it.


 If the game isn't on you aren't playing.  Watching Twitter is not gameplay. Going back and replaying Star Ocean 3 again until the Alert hits is not Warframe Gameplay. It is a lack of gameplay. A huge lack of Warframe gameplay.



 You aren't earning it if you don't even need to participate in the game until some random alert pops with some easy mission to beat. You don't earn something by just showing up.

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And that is a problem, because... ? I'd actually support the idea of buying BP with plat at 25 plat each.

I may have worded that wrong and gave the wrong idea. Idk where this came from lol. Could you explain this?

EDIT: In my post, I meant paying to have the Glaive outright, not the BP. 


I assure you that if the blueprint was a Banshee-esque drop or even something new that only appeared in high level defense missions, there would be much, much less outcry.

I agree with this, hence why I said it could be a "fix".

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