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New Grineer Unit Type Idea: Uplifted Animals?


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I remember watching one one the livestreams, and saw the developers mention that one of the reasons that they created the Grineer Grinders was to create more enemy profile variety in the Grineer. This makes sense; having more types of enemies creates differences in kind and can depth to the game if done well. The Grinder, though, seems like it's sort of intruding on the robot-minion niche of the Corpus.


I was thinking about this, when a thought occurred to me. The Orokin were masters of biological modification and transhumanist technologies, as witnessed by their creation of the Tenno and the Infested; what if, during more peaceful times, they used that technological wizardry to other tasks, like uplifting animals? Afterwards, those intelligent animals would still remain, and the Grineer might clone them for use in their armies, just like they clone humans.


So, maybe DE should consider adding some uplifted animals to the roster of Grineer space marines. Maybe a boss that's an uplifted dolphin, in a suit with cybernetic spider-legs and big guns and chainsaw arms. Maybe an octopus unit that wields multiple guns - are there currently any Grineer units that use the Dual Vipers? Maybe an vulture-sized uplifted raven, that provides them with close-air support.


Uplifted primates would probably be out, though; they're not dissimilar enough from humans to be worth the effort, I don't think.

Edited by MabsWinterKnight
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How about dogs/wolves? There seems to be some sort of association between grineer and canines already with infested chargers.

Well, if you want to be realistic about it, dogs just aren't smart enough for it to be plausible; there's a whole list of animals smarter than them, and some of those (pigs and parrots, in particular) are even domesticated.

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I dont know if people want to shoot dogs and cats in the face. Or dolphins. Or Pigs or Octopi or Birds either. Kinda deflates the badassity and make you a jerk. Plus most of those units already exsist in different factions. Blending the basic ideas of the factions together might ruin their individual uniqueness.


And a boss Dolphin in a mech suit or a Cyborg Pet Parrot is a bit too schlocky for this game. Thats for, like, Ratchet and Clank.


So I respectfully disagree

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I... normally respond to contribute something usefull... but after reading this thread (which i have no opinion on, aside from agreeing with Rebbecca that there should be a 'cat' warframe xD) all i can say is this brings back memories of pig cops in duke nukem 3D, which somehow seems fitting for the granieer- but perhaps not the best idea in terms of keeping warframes unique feel. Even so- OP has some good points about how ideas like this can be worked into the lore.

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I dont know if people want to shoot dogs and cats in the face. Or dolphins. Or Pigs or Octopi or Birds either. Kinda deflates the badassity and make you a jerk. Plus most of those units already exsist in different factions. Blending the basic ideas of the factions together might ruin their individual uniqueness.


And a boss Dolphin in a mech suit or a Cyborg Pet Parrot is a bit too schlocky for this game. Thats for, like, Ratchet and Clank.


So I respectfully disagree

Cute dog, maybe not. How about a rabid wolf with oversized, bloody teeth and glowing red eyes?

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Cute dog, maybe not. How about a rabid wolf with oversized, bloody teeth and glowing red eyes?

That sounds more like the Infested than the Grineer, dude.


I was thinking something like this, but with more Grineer-style power armor:



Edited by MabsWinterKnight
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It's only our solar system, with no indication anyone managed to get out and explore the rest of the Galaxy. So unless there are alien fish swimming around under Europa's ice fields, Earth is the only available planet with animals to uplift.


I don't think it would be that silly, Eclipse Phase (as pictured above) managed very well with its uplifts. I do prefer the imperfect clone idea though, something like the creepy things in the Half-life 2 expansion pack.

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It's only our solar system, with no indication anyone managed to get out and explore the rest of the Galaxy. So unless there are alien fish swimming around under Europa's ice fields, Earth is the only available planet with animals to uplift.

IIRC, the Infested were created by the Orokin in a war with an alien species; interstellar travel did exist, but the Solar Rails out of the Solar System were destroyed at some point.

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The idea for this is great, but I don't think it fits the Grineer.  They're nothing but cloned humans with cybernetics, without exception.


The Corpus, on the other hand, I could see taking the idea of uplifted animals and taking it to 11.  Uplifted and armored gorillas as close assault units, uplifted birds to supplement Ospreys and dive-bomb enemies, and uplifted octopi who can cut you apart in melee.

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The idea for this is great, but I don't think it fits the Grineer.  They're nothing but cloned humans with cybernetics, without exception.


The Corpus, on the other hand, I could see taking the idea of uplifted animals and taking it to 11.  Uplifted and armored gorillas as close assault units, uplifted birds to supplement Ospreys and dive-bomb enemies, and uplifted octopi who can cut you apart in melee.

But octopus... Water... Squishy... Suffocation... Death after reproduction... Wait what.


No, seriously. I wouldn't be able to stop laughing if I was attacked by an armored octopus in the middle of an ice level.

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But octopus... Water... Squishy... Suffocation... Death after reproduction... Wait what.


No, seriously. I wouldn't be able to stop laughing if I was attacked by an armored octopus in the middle of an ice level.


It's not too much of a stretch to make an octopus a perfectly functioning land animal.  I would not want to get into melee combat with one.

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But octopus... Water... Squishy... Suffocation... Death after reproduction... Wait what.


No, seriously. I wouldn't be able to stop laughing if I was attacked by an armored octopus in the middle of an ice level.

Presumably the Orokin uplift engineers would be able to fix those relatively minor issues.

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