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RECRUITMENT Open ••• Renegade Legacy •••


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I'm only 87 hours in, rank 5. I was previously involved in a little clan but they had four members, most of which were inactive. I'm eager to join a big guild with an organised guild hall and complete research and take part in the community you've built.


IGN: 1qboll

Rank: 5

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My IGN: SantaTendencia

Mastery Rank 14

I ll try to be as helpful as I can.

Awesome clan organisation, By the way.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Interested in joining, thanks!

IGN: LeonardsSkin

You are currently in a clan. If you still want to join please leave your current clan and make a new post here asking to join.


hello, i'm henjoe i am mastery rank 4 level 30 valkyr and would like to join your clan.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!




I´d like to join your clan and see what teamplay has to offer in this game :D. Currently Mastery 4 and trying to find better mods ;-)


IGN: Cingeto

Mastery Rank: 4

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!



I would really like to join your clan, since i don't really have a clan and is quite new to warframe. My Mastery level is 5 and i'm playing whenever i can(2-6hours a day, usually more though). My IGN is Supersheep.

​Thank you for reading :)

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!




I'm only 87 hours in, rank 5. I was previously involved in a little clan but they had four members, most of which were inactive. I'm eager to join a big guild with an organised guild hall and complete research and take part in the community you've built.


IGN: 1qboll

Rank: 5

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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Hi I am rank 5, I would like to join

IGN: Devinpcgamer 

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


IGN: HeroSquared

Mastery 3

I have recently got back into warframe and am addicted to it. I want a clan to run missions and void with. Would love to join the clan!

You are currently in a clan. If you want to join please leave your current clan and make a new post here asking to join.

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Hia, Toast173 here. Would love to join an large active clan I can do stuff with and ask questions. MR4 atm and almost MR5. Would love an invite.

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Hii! I'd like to join you clan. Mastery rank 3, almost 4. Ign is same as username "Jtanooki" :)

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!


Hi I am rank 4 in like 2 hours and would like to join 

IGN: Mestkever

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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5 hours ago, BanhMi said:

My MR is 13. Would like to join your clan

IGN: BanhMi


Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

1 hour ago, TheMacguffin said:

I am a MR 6 and would love to join this clan 

IGN: TheMacguffin 

Invite sent. Don't forget to build your dojo key to access the clan dojo. We have a teamspeak and steamgrouphttp://steamcommunit.../RenegadeLegacy. Welcome to the family!

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