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How About Adding Tad More Utility To Mesa's Peacemaker?


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Oh, I am so very sure this was suggested before. Numerous times.

Can't help but have a take on it anyway.

So yeah.




Fig.1 — her Peacemaker as it is now. 50m radius, targeting without priorities, all that.

Fig. 2 — narrowing down her AoE, adding a prioritization on enemies that are closer. Could possibly increase Peacemaker's range a bit with a penalty on firerate.


Just a thought to put out there.



EDIT: Right, this is supposed to be feedback.


That came up when i was playing interception and defence missions.

Mesa is kinda lacking when it comes to defending objectives and herself for that matter.

Sure, she can take all the bulk around in quite a huge radius, but whenever there is someone right under her nose about to start pummeling on the pod or one of those nasty MOA walkers, there is always this chance that they will be left for last.

It's kinda silly when there is a molecular primed mob right in her face, just about to smash her as if in slow motion. Mesa just might ignore the threat.

Edited by Agilaskas
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Ya know i was giving mesa some thought on what her role really is, now right now shes considered by many underpowered becuase she dont have that godly CC like Nova or Mirage's disco ball, weirdly enough i think shes just as underrated as Saryn who is amazing, here is what i think should be good on Mesa.


Her 1 BB i think is fine as it is, and is perfect for 1 shot roles like a sniper or even the penta/Ogris


Her 2 SG i think needs more too it, what i mean is yeah it shifts which is not so bad, but i think it should be able to be casted perm on herself or an ally, this gives the carry dps like Mirage, Nova ect. more damage under there belts to whip out, and i thought about another one which is able to cast it on enermies but have the reverse effect, in other words lowing there damage, this would make it good to make those VIP's less of a threat on the occation, maybe its a little OP but i find that mesa is quite squishy with her 65 armor, not as bad as caster frames but i find her diffrent to a caster and needs more.


Her 3 SS is just like Trinitys Link but nerfed down to S#&$ and not enough to save her, maybe up it a little? or maybe add something like a proc to it?


Her 4 PM i find one of the best ults in the game, its flashy as F***, and it does a bit of damage, however the range is capped at 50m, so building a STR build on her is easy to say. while Agi has a point hes only thinking about tweaking her ult and not her other skills as a whole, take Zephyr for example. hes underrated to hell becuase nobody can use him fully, hes ment to stay in the air, and aim while in the air, i barly see anyone use him, not to mention his 3 gives him god mode for a little bit. and the thing is unlike Valyr who gaisn god mode at the cost of ranged weapons, Zephyr goes god mode at the cost of next to no en.


Personally Mesa i think fills in the gaps for the team as of right now, you get your tank, you get your dps and support, then you take whatever, Mesa offers that gap closer in missions, however apart from her ult, msot of her skills are considered useless which i find a pity on such a good frame, Obereon was also considered useless till his power spike, i think this will be the same with mesa, since Obbeys up they gave him amazing late game scaling abilites with loads of procs ect. i think mesa will go down a simliar path on it :')


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Thanks guys.


Actually brilliant. I'm surprised DE didn't think of this

I'm sure they did.

But you don't see many frames around utilizing right mouse button while channeling.

It's as if they would be adding additional game mechanic.

At the same time they did go wild with adding passives which is just as uncommon.

Right until they removed them completely.


Oh well. This is just her Peacemaker I'm talking about.

Pretty sure DE guys are on their way to figuring synergy in her abilities.

At least I hope they do.

Edited by Agilaskas
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