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Stalker Immune To Limbo Ability - Cataclysm?


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I just encounter this situation, while in an alert defense mission, stalker appeared marking me. I heard that stalker is immune to warframe abilities and is able to cancel them out. But with AOE abilities, this mean that stalker is not affected by abilities like Rhino stomp and such.


But what about Cataclysm? From what I understand, this is the official explanation.


"A violent blast of void energy tears open a pocket of rift plane which can sustain itself for a short period before collapsing in another lethal blast" Also it allows any warframe and enemies within the sphere to be unaffected outside of the rift plane.


This is where the situation occurs, Since stalker is immune to all warframe abilities, it should be unable to enter the rift plane as this is what immune means. But it also means that any enemies and warframe within the rift plane will be unaffected by stalker's attacks' Since I stress again, stalker is in the normal plane while enemies and warframes are in the rift plane, so both of them should not affect each other.


This should remain true even if stalker enters the sphere, as it is unaffected by said ability.


Yet stalker'a attacks is able to reach and damage me and another player while we are in the rift plane, causing us to bleed out and allow stalker to proclaim: "justice is done" and exit the mission.


I hope to highlight this issue in the hopes that I might get some answer as to whether any other players have encountered this same issue or is it just me.


If other players have encounter the same issue, then I recommend that the solution is to either have stalker cast cancellation when Cataclysm has been cast or for stalker to be unable to damage any players while they are in the sphere.


Please do not forget the specification that you have given the stalker to be immune to all warframe abilities. Thanks.

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he takes damage from the skills (althought super minor perhaps). just not the side effects (slow, stun, etc)


never really used limbo other then for xp fodder so nvr had to encounter a stalker while using him ._.

Question though, did he kill you while in the sphere with you, or he was out while you were in (or vice versa)??

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For your information, the stalker was out of the sphere and I and another player is in the sphere.


But it doesn't matter even if stalker is in the sphere, as since it is immune to Cataclysm, it should still be in the normal plane even if it enters the rift plane, as its immunization does not allow it to be affected by any warframe abilities. 

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Stalker has some way, which still to my knowledge has yet to be explained, of basically ignoring the powers we wield.  Limbo doesn't entirely leave this plane of existence upon entering the "rift" as you clearly still exist in the current physical world in a direct way, but aren't able to normally interact with it in many ways.


However, the Stalker's ability to ignore what we do basically means his mighty arrows of saw-bladedy cutting vengeance also laugh at our powers.  Basically it matters not that you've entered partially into another realm.  The two realms are instinctively linked in a mirror-like way in terms of positioning.  Stalker's strikes just cut through you, hitting home regardless of Limbo having partially entered into another plane, simply because that "rift" isn't a different place in a direct way.


At least that's how I'd look at it if I cared at all about lore in the slightest of ways.  My actual opinion is simply that granting Limbo immunity to the Stalker in such an easy way would be stupid, so it doesn't work.

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Once I didn't know that changes have been made to him....


I was with Ash ....I see him raize .....use blade storm ..... I teleport, my screen flickers, I'm sent back in a stunned state (like with the grineer commanders), he shoots one arrow ...... and the bleed kills me ..... 


the moral is .... don't use skills against Stalker, kids!

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