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A Better Mastery System Which You Can Call By Another Name


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I'm assuming Mastery Rank is to generally show an overall skill level of a player, but that simply isn't the case. A player at mr10 can outdo another at mr15 at many different aspects if that player 1 stops caring about mastery but continues to progress in skill. This doesn't show an overall ability, but this is what I suggest to go along with what I assume the mastery system is meant to do.




Reaching different levels of different counts get you sigils representing the success. These sigils are like the mastery/award sigils in that they can be worn at the same time as syndicate sigils.


1,000,000 kills grants a representative sigil. A new one can be gained after each million up to whatever limit DE gives.


Different ones at different levels for different counts to show that the players is awesome in that category:


New sigil available for every

1 million kills

1 thousand stealth kills

10 thousand hacks

10 million gross income

10 thousand headshots



Go into the hubs and see that one of the players has a 10 Thousand Stealth Kills sigil and bow to them because they clearly have some awesome stealth skills.


Edit: Make suggestions please. These numbers and counts are arbitrary.

Edited by Joenorthrup
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New sigil available for every

1 million kills

1 thousand stealth kills

10 thousand hacks

10 million gross income

10 thousand headshots



Go into the hubs and see that one of the players has a 10 Thousand Stealth Kills sigil and bow to them because they clearly have some awesome stealth skills.

This isn't really a show of skill either, cause anyone can just run Terminus, Mercury over and over and over and... you get the point.

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I see what you are saying, but ultimately these are all "grinders medallions" and to that I say no thanx.


Whichever way one goes about this, it cannot be done with a PvE game. A boss killed so many times, number of revives, total kills, all that is just accumulative achievements.


Sure, a MR10 player that has played as long as an MR15 player has nothing to "show" for it and people think him to be a smaller rank or lesser experienced player.


The problem with this? People think. Who cares what others think? All this falls under the "oooo lets rank up levels so the noobs see us" or "oooooo lets spend a million hours to collect that achievement to show it off" etc etc. Doesn't belong in Warframe and lately I've gotten tired of people on this line of thought.


Tired. Not angry or something else (no offence meant with it). Showing off is nice and all, but it is different for each game. Ranks is the last thing important about Warframe. Anyone above rank 8 - 9 is pretty much the same. The higher ranks are simply people that chase mastery ranks for whatever reason they see fit (including showing off) and ultimately, it takes the same amount of time.


Substituting one with the other is not a solution. Basically its just people that are showing off their achievements from there on, which are hardly achievements really as all of these can be grinded.


If this was a PvP game, then it would be a different story. Quake Live for example ranks up your excellent rail-gun kills with badge count. Sure, in that case a "10,000 excellent rail-gun kills" award says a lot about you. Those are hard to pull off and the achievement states that you are a rail-gunner, and good with that too. You managed those badges against actual people, nothing grind-able about that (well it is, and it isn't as well... if you suck with a rail gun then you will never get the award, even with an idle friend, that specific badge needs some form of skill to be attained).


In a game that has little player skill in it unless a player chooses to focus on it, there is little point to all this. Especially since there is no balancing. A Loki player will never get to 1 million kills as fast as Ash, Nova or Oberon or so many others, etc.


I agree to having some "medalions" (not entire sigils) that can be like event badges, for achievements unlocked. I would also agree to more creative achievements, rather than grindable achievements or tutorial achievements. (Use a polarity.... woooow! Now that is truly a challenge! lol)


Kills whilst in the air, head-shot counts, stealth kills, these are more creative but since they are ultimately grindable as well the only thing I could think for them is to have them as badges as a little something extra that tells people "I shoot people right in the eye" or "I am one sneaky bugger I am" lol. Not a measure of skill by any chance, simply a measure of ones preference. Same way a Mastery Rank 17 player is simply a measure of playing preference as well (that being, looting and ranking things up). Anyone can sit there for hours on end to gain these achievements. And ultimately, it wont do much more to the game I think other than add some variety (which is good I guess, just not what you were going for, that being something that reflects one's skill).

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Lastly, on a game such as this (especially the PvE nature of it) but generally the type of game it is, skill is not that hard to be attained. At which point, you can tell a difference between rank 5-6 maybe 7 players and above, and rank 1, 2, 3 players... Everyone after a point on skill is more or less the same and the only way something like this could be truly counted is a PvP game. Just, wont work. Nothing skilful at all about killing 1 million enemies or any of the examples you gave.


Like I said, you simply gave a substitute for one grind sigil with another grind sigil. Absolutely nothing to do with skill. Sorry.

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I see what you are saying, but ultimately these are all "grinders medallions" and to that I say no thanx.


Whichever way one goes about this, it cannot be done with a PvE game. A boss killed so many times, number of revives, total kills, all that is just accumulative achievements.


Sure, a MR10 player that has played as long as an MR15 player has nothing to "show" for it and people think him to be a smaller rank or lesser experienced player.


The problem with this? People think. Who cares what others think? All this falls under the "oooo lets rank up levels so the noobs see us" or "oooooo lets spend a million hours to collect that achievement to show it off" etc etc. Doesn't belong in Warframe and lately I've gotten tired of people on this line of thought.


Tired. Not angry or something else (no offence meant with it). Showing off is nice and all, but it is different for each game. Ranks is the last thing important about Warframe. Anyone above rank 8 - 9 is pretty much the same. The higher ranks are simply people that chase mastery ranks for whatever reason they see fit (including showing off) and ultimately, it takes the same amount of time.


Substituting one with the other is not a solution. Basically its just people that are showing off their achievements from there on, which are hardly achievements really as all of these can be grinded.


If this was a PvP game, then it would be a different story. Quake Live for example ranks up your excellent rail-gun kills with badge count. Sure, in that case a "10,000 excellent rail-gun kills" award says a lot about you. Those are hard to pull off and the achievement states that you are a rail-gunner, and good with that too. You managed those badges against actual people, nothing grind-able about that (well it is, and it isn't as well... if you suck with a rail gun then you will never get the award, even with an idle friend, that specific badge needs some form of skill to be attained).


In a game that has little player skill in it unless a player chooses to focus on it, there is little point to all this. Especially since there is no balancing. A Loki player will never get to 1 million kills as fast as Ash, Nova or Oberon or so many others, etc.


I agree to having some "medalions" (not entire sigils) that can be like event badges, for achievements unlocked. I would also agree to more creative achievements, rather than grindable achievements or tutorial achievements. (Use a polarity.... woooow! Now that is truly a challenge! lol)


Kills whilst in the air, head-shot counts, stealth kills, these are more creative but since they are ultimately grindable as well the only thing I could think for them is to have them as badges as a little something extra that tells people "I shoot people right in the eye" or "I am one sneaky bugger I am" lol. Not a measure of skill by any chance, simply a measure of ones preference. Same way a Mastery Rank 17 player is simply a measure of playing preference as well (that being, looting and ranking things up). Anyone can sit there for hours on end to gain these achievements. And ultimately, it wont do much more to the game I think other than add some variety (which is good I guess, just not what you were going for, that being something that reflects one's skill).


I've had a problem with everything in this game being a grind point for a while now, but I've given up on the idea that there will ever be a change to that. I fully expect a grind in this idea, but the goals can only come with experience in that specified field showing that the player can at least do whatever the sigil represents. As Loki is my primary warframe, I completely understand all the areas that'd be a problem for him so if I were to actually focus on getting one of the listed sigils, it'd be the one for stealth. If I don't grind for it, then it will come eventually.

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