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Oberon Builds



5 answers to this question

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TBH, it's whatever fits you as a player the most,....


Personally, when i'm unsure, I check Warframe-Builder.com's public builds and somewhat use them as a reference. For example, If I want a high efficiency/str build, I would see if one is available there. Otherwise, again, I just use it as a general reference for what might work well.



A few popular build links:






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Vitality, Vigor, Continuity, Misc

Intensify, Stretch, Streamline R4, Fleeting R4


Misc - Constitution, Rage, Equilibrium, Blind Rage, Steel Fiber, Smite Infusion


Large health pool is great due to Renewal being super cheap to cast. Makes him much more reliable for tankiness. The misc slot basically allows for adaptive building, Steel Fiber, for example, will make defenses much more pronounced which significantly affects effective health heal rate. Continuity is to stave off the duration damage on fire carpet, adding constitution will pretty much negate it. Having a Primed Continuity would work extremely well too.

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Alright I'm back at my PC so I can look at my build. Here we go! I was pretty close!


You can forma the Aura for anything really, I just use Steel Charge because I'm too lazy to change it to something else. As for the one forma star, that is because I had this Oberon before U15, so one of the ability slots was changed (a dash I think) but then that slot was removed. 

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Just think what the team needs and what you need based on the mission, Reckoning and Carpet spam on an efficiency duration kind of build works wonders for survival and defenses, but a power strength oriented build makes mobile defense & various other alerts much easier by clearing whole rooms to the objectives and a quick health boost in the middle of fire fights from a high strength Renewal is always good but doesn't need to be used as much as in the infinite missions.

The 3 loadouts I use all have Vitality, Armor, & Redirection to start to keep survivability and endurance up enough for me to use abilities as oh sh!t buttons to regroup & heal, then its either power spam for utility which means better off being able to always use them so make them cheap, or strength & further durability to make the path to the objective as easy as possible for the team and myself.

Anyway, good luck to ya and enjoy the hell outta the Oberedi, you go ahead and tell me reckoning and smite don't look like force powers I dare ya lol!

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