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High Mastery Gear


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I'm a MR14 player, there are a lot of weapons I still want to try out, but there's also a lot that I have no interest in. Can you honestly say you enjoyed leveling up every weapon you've used? Players should not be forced to do things they don't enjoy in order to get unrelated benefits. 


For example:

If your kubrow had to get a certain amount of kills for a new rifle mod.


I think they should stick to what they are currently doing and improve on it. Add more mastery locked weapons, continue the bonus loadout slots, and rep limit.


As for the exclusive relay for you 18-ish players, and raising the mastery requirements for primes, that sounds like a fine idea to me.


These pretty much sum up the rest of my feelings:




We really don't need any more elitist in this game.

Ok so are you being hypocritical or what? Just a question not an accusation.


In your own writing you post that you think mastery rewards and gating of primes is a good idea but then in the quotes you post things from people who were being derisive towards MR reward minded individuals or people countering the MR reward emphasis that the OP discussed.


Or was the quote set noted as bad/offensive/demeaning posts to express disdain or disagreement with said posts?

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Anyway on the topic, I will say this once more. DE needs to re-think the system and allow kills with a given weapon directly to count towards mastery in some way. Leveling them to 30 should count but actually USING them to 30 should count MORE as that would denote true mastery. Maybe even have headshots/weak point hits count for even more beyond the usage mastery. That would be the BEST way in my opinion to calculate mastery because does not the very term mastery denote a level of skill in a given action? 


However the one thing that absolutely must be brought to a better situation is REWARDS for mastery. They need to be meaningful and most of all USEFUL otherwise they will be no benefit at all to players such as myself that disdain any form of cosmetics at all, I only go for function and never form as form does not help to get the job done.

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mr 15 (almost 16) here. I would LOVE to have some items worth actually leveling my MR higher. MR 15 is the highest I feel like doing right now cause there is no incentive to level it anymore. I'll probably hit 17-18 by the end of the year when I get bored and go to level. I want something to make me feel like I'm not wasting my time.


an idea I had a while back would be every MR rank you will get a passive buff to all your weapons/frame and every weapon would give you a special item you could put on your weapons (NOT A MOD.) that would give you a benefit


maxing the hind would give you a 5 round burst attachment,


maxing a sniper would give you something like -50% fire rate +100% damage and more accuracy, or what ever would equate to the same damage per second but more ammo efficiency.


more benefit to leveling, more benefit to getting mastery rank, more benefit to be awesome by having a number near your icon.

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Locking functional items behind mastery rank is not a great idea. 


Think about it from the point of view of a low MR player:


Since if you're a new player and you gather X pieces of X prime frame only to find out that you need MR15 to even use it?  

I don't know about you, but I would be rather frustrated. 


If anything it should be special cosmetic items to let us show how awesome we are.  Things like skins or special armor pieces. 


Locking the coolest weapons/frames in the game behind very high MR rank (10+) would be a very bad idea since that means lower players would be required to grind a significant amount to even get to the point where they can try the equipment.  Stack the grind required to get all the parts in question on top of the grind to reach the needed MR rank and you have quite the grind-wall. 


Don't get me wrong here,  I'm MR13 myself and I would love additional ways for me to show off how many hours I've invested in this game. 

But, anything unlocked beyond MR8 should be limited to cosmetic status symbols or other non-essential things. 



Locking anything gameplay related behind a high MR requirement would not be fair or well received by new players.

+1 sir.

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Actually locking functional Items will probably occur more and more for this reason alone. DE eventually expects us to wade through all of this crap to MR 30 eventually. Guess what? In order to get us to do that they must provide WORTHWHILE INCENTIVES and Standing+loadouts will not cut it, nor will cosmetics.


Nothing will end up making us slog through all that except loot of the killing kind.... Or something they have more recently discussed that is in the works.....Focus.


What will you guys say when you find out the focus system is tied directly to MR? Since MR is the only progression system we have that is assuredly where it will come from. So that's something that will make you stronger in possibly many different ways, from power usage to weapon capability.


Sorry to say but this argument is a foregone conclusion. Please feel free to nay-say me but in the meantime I suggest you get to grinding that worthless MR fodder before you are made to be really upset because you realize it is not a waste after all.

Edited by geninrising
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Foreword: Sorry for the long text, this is all that I could come up with and might add more to prove my points. This is coming from someone with MR 17.


The reason I'm all for MR locking, is because I've seen what happens to those who get boltor p or synoid gammacor before they reach mastery 6. What they do is they stop playing. The thing is, mastery locking weapons means that they will then need to level other weapons and frames before being able to use the good stuff. It means that they will have time to experiment and try out different types of weapons, finding the play stile they like.


The way I see it is that those who have the overpowered weapons will just use the mainstream warframes and weapons, because they won't know what to do with the other weapons because there is no incentive to get them, leading them to just simply never trying out other weapons which might be a weapon which they like more than boltor prime.


Currently, I main mag. I am with the Perrin Sequence and New Loka. My most used weapon is the acrid. Why am I saying this? Well, the previous mentionings, like mag, and the syndicates and weapons, are all really good. They are just under the radar of the other stereotypical stuff that people go for. I don't dislike the other syndicates, frames or weapons, heck I even do take boltor prime with me in the void in case of emergencies. But the previous is all going back to a point I made. I like those weapons/syndicates/frames because I could experiment with weaker versions.


I even made an experiment, I added all the low MR players that I knew bought the boltor prime or synoid gammacor. They were usually around mastery rank 5 when I added them. The highest MR player that is still playing and hasn't been offline for more than a week or more, is one I added quite recently.


One thing that DE could do is make the BP of EVERYTHING available in the shops (except cosmetics, clan tech, and boss drops). The parts for primes would still be in the void, but you can get the bp of boltor prime then for example for a set amount of credits in the market. From there, you can mastery lock them and new players will see that the higher mastery weapons will be powerful.

Edited by gkuoni
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Though I would appreciate MR reward aesthetic items to proudly display my commitment to the game, others assets such as weapons and frames are not needed and potential disastrous.


Increasing the gating of game-play content (opposed to aesthetic content) behind MR would further split the player base. What keeps online games alive is the interaction between new and veteran players. Access to all weapons and frames below MR8 allows new players to have a reasonable time to reward goal and able to be productive with MR8+ players in various missions. Giving out increasingly powerful weapons relative to MR would only exacerbate the split.


Also players' do not need to "be better rewarded for having put in the 100s or 1,000s of playing hours." The fact that any player has played for that long means s/he is getting a benefit, enjoyment of the game.

I just lol'd. Are you being serious here? Please do point me to a game where max leveled people commonly interact with newbs, or non-max-levels.

Let's take.....WoW for example, being the most known mmo. There are 2 different major groups on a server, level 100 and level 1-99. I've played great many games with different populations. It's quite rare to see any maxed guy interacting with leveling people, one example tho is that he randomly gives away a bunch of money and stuff to a single guy.

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When I just started Warframe, I was enthused to know that there were better weapons out there, but I had to work my way through Mastery Rank to get them.


Some players just like the challenge like I do. Others might want to have it nice and easy, hassle-free. They'll probably purchase Prime Access. 


I have suggested already changes which do not jeopardize Prime Access' profit, but also allows for Prime weapons and frames to be put behind Mastery Rank. 


Here they go  again:


Option #1: Introduce a Mastery Booster consumable. It would give the player 10+ or 20+ or 30+ Mastery Ranks just for the purpose of equipping high-mastery weapons. Prime Access would have a 90-day one. 


Pros: another expendable, the 3-day and 7-day versions might sell well afterwards. 

Cons: Once the 90-day Prime Access booster expires, there will be a small portion of Prime Access buyers which didn't understand the concept and will complain. 


Option #2: Create weapon-specific Mastery Booster mods. Say a player purchases  a Prime Access which comes with Dual Zoren Prime. it would also come with a "Dual Zoren Prime Mastery Booster" mod, which would have 0 ranks and costs 0 mod points. The Dual Zoren is preequipped with this mod, and the player can only unequip this mod if the player has a Mastery Rank higher than the required for that Prime weapon. 


Pros: Does not expire after 90 days. Prevents a healthy amount of whining. 

Cons: Does not generate an extra potential platinum continuous expense stream like the previous option.Takes up one weapon slot. This is likely to generate some whining (less than the other option I believe). 

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