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Blight Deals Viral, So Red Veil Weapons Are Anti-Grineer, But.....


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...rakta ballistica deals impact instead of pucture?  Great logic, there... taking the puncture out of an anti-grineer weapon and giving it anti-corpus stats.


Ballistica in general needs to be buffed in the same way Attica was, and syndicate weapon needs an additional buff on top of this to be competitive with other syndicate weapons.


I'm tired of getting laughed at when I offer to exchange a red veil weapon for a Suda weapon.  I know Suda is the devs' favorite syndicate, but try not to be so obvious about it ok?

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Whuut ? Yeah the Rakta Ballistica is not one oft the best weapons , but very Few people play the New Loka , Perrin Sequence and Red Veil Trio . I needed over a Week to find someone , who would trade me a Rakta Ballistica/Sancti Castanas . Still Struggeling to get Secura Dual Cestras . AS for now , these weapons arent that good , but the numbers are limited (unlike the Suda / Steel Meridian weapon) . Somehow the trading doesnt reflect the current market Situation . What i saw the last days is , that the cephalon weapon infact is bought for around 150 to 200 p . ( this morning i saw someone selling about 6 mera detron for around 400 p each , and well till the 26th oft November it will be obtainable ( and the void trader will come back)) . AS i See it , the whole trading community doesn't really notice , that these special things are solelly bought by collectors . And well they are willing to pay much more , If they missed sth . So just give it time , the market allready is fluted By Synoid Gammacors (which somehow still get sold over there actual value) and Rakta Ballisticas will be far more valuable .


And as far as i can tell They just have to buff the ballistica . Somehow no Syndicate Weapon is really good vs on faction . For example the Telos Ak-Bolto have high puncture , so making it very viable against Grineer , but the Syndicate bonus gives good advantage for Infested/Corpus and nearly non for grineer .

I am saying they can leave the puncture dmg as where it is , but buff the crit chance to 40 % or more for a charged attack , those making it viable for crit builds . 

Edited by Habba
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Somehow no Syndicate Weapon is really good vs on faction.

Here's the tricky part. Synoid does magnetic which is great mostly against Corpus. Suda's proc is also magnetic, which again is also great mainly for one faction. Just throwing it out. Edited by matrixEXO
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