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Mesa Grind Is Just Obsurd


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Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea? I mean the quest thing is cool but the Nav Cordinate farm for the key F*** that noise you spend like 2 hours farming for a cordinate you get one key that takes an hour to make and doesnt gurantee you get a drop different to what you have each key takes an hour to make and then all that farming just to be put on top of the 12 hour wait of each piece and then the 2 day wait for each piece. WTF!?!? I wanted mesa pretty bad but the grind is 3Real5Me Im pretty sure I have better chances at getting Nova Prime day 1 then getting Mesa at all

Edited by (PS4)owenator111
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thats even if you get the non guranteed drop from the alert. Ive been going it since update was released with no luck at all


Waiting for the right Infested invasion to show up isn't grinding. It's waiting. 


FYI: Idk if you just used the wrong term or something, but they don't drop from alerts. They drop from Infested Invasions. 

Edited by Rexlars
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Waiting for the right Infested invasion to show up isn't grinding. It's waiting. 


FYI: Idk if you just used the wrong term or something, but they don't drop from alerts. They drop from Infested Invasions. 

so I need to wait for an invasion so I can wait for my key so I can wait to not get 50 systems and no other parts so i can wait to make the parts so i can wait to make the frame?

Try Nova Prime Grind

Well its a prime warframe. mesa is normal

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so I need to wait for an invasion so I can wait for my key so I can wait to not get 50 systems and no other parts so i can wait to make the parts so i can wait to make the frame?


Yes, but this is not new. At all. 


There is Vauban, Hyrdoid, & Nekros. 


Vauban & Mesa are the only ones that require waiting before grinding. In which case, Nav reward invasions show up pretty often. 

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2 hours farming for a coordinate? You're joking right? It takes like 10 minutes, tops. 

Oh, I like such comments. Are you talking about extermination, don't you? Yes, it fast enough, but in the other hand nodes die too fast.

But shortly after Mesa was added, it was survival missions. (3x10min for 1 coordinate)x3 = 1 key = 1.5h, not counted time for start missions and time for extraction. Or 3x10 waves of defence.

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In all honesty, if I see one more person complaining, I'm just gonna start PMing them and taking them on Mutalist Alad V runs. I'm tired of hearing people complain. I farmed for Mesa, Hydroid, and Vauban, so I might as well just blow some extra keys on people...

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Oh, I like such comments. Are you talking about extermination, don't you? Yes, it fast enough, but in the other hand nodes die too fast.

But shortly after Mesa was added, it was survival missions. (3x10min for 1 coordinate)x3 = 1 key = 1.5h, not counted time for start missions and time for extraction. Or 3x10 waves of defence.


No, I wasn't talking about Ext, but that's another one of the short ones. Personally, I've only ever had to run 1 set of survivals for a nav. Sure, you can do the math for it, but that doesn't mean it's gonna take you 30 minutes every time you're trying to get a nav. It's rare that I even see an invasion with the survival game type. 


Edit: Nodes don't even get completed that fast. The day of her release it took at least a couple hours for the node to finish. 

Edited by Rexlars
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