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The Vandal Issue, Petition For Hooligans


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Steve already mentioned the return of vandal someday.. can be tomorrow or can be in 3 years..


Is this true? I certainly hope so, everytime I hear someone firing their Braton Vandal I get sad I missed it by such a short amount of time...it certainly would be nice if they were added to the founder rewards at the very least.

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Is this true? I certainly hope so, everytime I hear someone firing their Braton Vandal I get sad I missed it by such a short amount of time...it certainly would be nice if they were added to the founder rewards at the very least.


As i said many many times. New Vandal stuff is coming.. that's what Steve meant.


What Rebecca said is that there is no intention to give out Braton or Lato Vandal. So no.. you will not even get "the very least".

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Damn you f3lyn, your not contrybuting, and your not respecting the opinion of other because your not trying to understand it,


explanation in one sentence



what we want is balance and no pay to win, and the fact that the vandal have diffenrent stats and is exclusive in in violation of that spirit


and again, if they give new vandal with new stats in new event, it will cause even MORE PROBLEM, the dev should STOP giving exclusive item and start giving skins, or tread like this one are gonna multiply,


Try to keep it clean people


How is it any of those things? Considering they were given away for basically free. Your entire argument doesn't make a single bit of sense.

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f3llyn seem to me you didnt try to understand my point, or didnt bother, but i dont want to explain my point or risk build a conter-argument to your comment, there too much risk it flaring out of control,  invite me ingame, please, in a private chat well be free to "insult" each other at will, and maybe a cool friendship could arose form diserting opinion.

But we know the vandal weapon is a problem, and it will not go away, it only seem to get worse, si i think we need the dev to step up, and fix this one and for all. no matter how,

And whathever they do, i hope they will explain why, be it removing it, doing nothing or giving it to everybody, cause i still think ist unfair, bur im starting to tink their silence is more problematic


And i know the problem would be fixed if one side dropped the ball, what are the chance of that happening.....

Edited by JackVII
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But we know the vandal weapon is a problem, and it will not go away, it only seem to get worse, si i think we need the dev to step up, and fix this one and for all. no matter how,

And whathever they do, i hope they will explain why, be it removing it, doing nothing or giving it to everybody, cause i still think ist unfair, bur im starting to tink their silence is more problematic


Insofar as the Vandals themselves coming back, Rebecca just made a statement the other day.


I feel like I'm being ignored here.

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The only problem is the lack of acceptance of all the whiners who don't own the Vandal stuff right now.

Arguments like "i want to collect" or "if i had known" or simply stupid stuff like "i want stats" are absolutely irrelevant because other f2p games do it the same way. League of Legends has exclusive stuff. Star Trek Online has Exclusive stuff. And many more mostly based on "if youre too late or were not there.. F*** you" and that's ok. Yes, it's ok for all the deserving people who got the stuff.

The point is: All the Vandal stuff has an explanation to it WHY it is exclusive to some people and WHY they earned it.

If you did not watch TV when your favorite soccer club played you missed the game.. and i'm talking live here.... fact! Sure you can watch the rerun but that's the same thing as to watch other people shoot with a Vandal. It won't get you one.

Everyone not entitled to those conditions simply don't deserve and therefor will not get the Vandal stuff. Period.

There is not even room for discussion .. just room for whining and jelousy and idiotic Threads like this one sugesting the implementation for a 99% similar gun just because the children can not reach the cookies on the shelf.

Imho this thread deserves to be closed because it leads nowhere.

End of discussion.

Edited by Namacyst
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With that argumentation you won't even get a half eaten cookie.




If i ask for original Braton vandal people will complain.


Now if i ask or a ugliest mass produced carbon (same stats)  copy people will complain.



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I feel like I'm being ignored here.


Sorry you feel that way, but the poit has already been made that they could be just adding new type of vadal weapon, to wich i replied that would only agreviate the problem





Ok, namacyst, dont take it personal, your just a good example to make a conter-argument, sorry, these are opinion, trying to be constructive

The only problem is the lack of acceptance of all the whiners who don't own the Vandal stuff right now.


no ist not, we are repeating again and again that we dont want the vandal, we want every TYPE of weapon to be avaiable to everyone



Arguments like "i want to collect" or "if i had known" or simply stupid stuff like "i want stats" are absolutely irrelevant because other f2p games do it the same way. League of Legends has exclusive stuff. Star Trek Online has Exclusive stuff. And many more mostly based on "if youre too late or were not there.. F*** you" and that's ok. Yes, it's ok for all the deserving people who got the stuff.

Yea they have exclusive stuff, but they are SKINS, carater and spaceship are not exclusive, you can have your exclusive teemo skins or make your spaship looke like the entreprise but that dosent change the stats, and simply being there donsent make you more deserving, especially since the gun cost was 1 cred,  the lato is another matter trough, but the stats boost is still not ok



The point is: All the Vandal stuff has an explanation to it WHY it is exclusive to some people and WHY they earned it.

And the explanation is not good enough, that why people are invested in that discuttion


If you did not watch TV when your favorite soccer club played you missed the game.. and i'm talking live here.... fact! Sure you can watch the rerun but that's the same thing as to watch other people shoot with a Vandal. It won't get you one.

interesting point, but it help me more than you,

The fac thgat i can never get the vandal is like i can never wacht the original game, granted your right, but the fact that you deny the hollogan idea men that you even dont want me to wacht the rerun, because "if i wasend there, i didnt deserve to wach it"

not very good argument right?




Everyone not entitled to those conditions simply don't deserve and therefor will not get the Vandal stuff. Period.



Now ist very bad, im sorry but your are not only trying to start a flame war, but saying stuff like i dont deserve it and period dosent leave a lot of rooom for discution right?


There is not even room for discussion .. just room for whining and jelousy and idiotic Threads like this one sugesting the implementation for a 99% similar gun just because the children can not reach the cookies on the shelf.

Seriously, were in this forum to DISCUSS THING, that why this forum was created, that why forum, in a whole were created,  and stop with the 99 thig, you just want new stuf and the dev to not fix this for personal reason, is not helping, at all, but again, that not what you set out to do right?



Imho this thread deserves to be closed because it leads nowhere.

Your not the one who decide this,  and i dissagree, i fond out interesting opinion lie thor, the first quote i used in this post,  im pretty sure if we keep it civil we can continue advancing on a resolution, hopefully soon




End of discussion.


Good luck with that

Again this is my opinion, im sure your a good guy Namacyst, i just think your wrong, and that why

Sincerly sorry

Edited by JackVII
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As someone who played most of the closed beta, then got overwhelmed with work so I couldn't play for a month or so (during which open beta started, and I missed out on the Braton Vandal but got the Lato Vandal which I like very much) I'm all for the Holligan

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Than, you didnt read the wall of text, it is well explained,




Well explained, i wouldnt have eplained it better

i didnt know at the time that the game exsisted, so there are no way i could have got it, you simply had to be there and grab it, unfair

In Resume,

Why i am being punished for not discovering the beta sooner, i didnt know it exsisted!!!! (This is how i feel, it is an emotion, i clealy undersatnd that im not being punished,)


Of course it is my personal opinion, and everyone is enthided to their opinion, so what yours?

How is it not fair that you have less exclusive content than people who were there longer than you?

There is exclusive content, free content given to players who were there who will not and SHOULD not be available to those who weren't there.

If you can get all the same things a player that was there from the beggining of closed Beta, how are his rewards exclusive? How are they even rewards at all if everyone ELSE also has them.

I understand that this is both your opinions but it is a... well.

There's this guy:RAVVSlathotep

"As a Lato Vandal user I want everyone to be able to get it, it doesn't make me feel any better knowing that I have it and my friends can't. It makes me feel like an arsehole."

His reasoning doesn't make sense to me. Your friends may be jealous and it will be rightfully so. If you feel bad, don't use the weapon. You have it because you have been supporting the game for longer.

As for all the people saying they just want the stats. You will NOT get a weapon with the Braton skin and Vandal stats. Why? Because that's $&*&*#(%&.

Why add a "new" weapon to the game that has the skin from one and stats from another? Just add an entirely new gun, that's more refreshing for the gamers and developers.

JackVII said:

"no ist not, we are repeating again and again that we dont want the vandal, we want every TYPE of weapon to be avaiable to everyone"

Too bad, fella.

They are exclusive because you had to be there for them, or get the Founders pack for them and it will remain that way, wether you or me want it.

Why? Because exclusive things make people happy. Paying money for stuff makes other people happy and keeps the game running. Having been supporting the game for longer and having exclusive things because of that makes me want to keep playing the game to get future exclusive items.

There is no room for discussion. This thread has served it's purpose, you can tell from their silence and what they have said that they will NOT re-add the existing Vandal weapons to the game, either as skins or stats. They will add new exclusive weapons eventually, new Vandals or otherwise, and you should aim for those.

There is no resolution to be achieved because the whole concept of this discussion would ruin exclusivity for the game and much of what keeps the game itself running. If anyone can, at any time get any item that other people had to be there or pay for, then nothing is exclusive, you have no reason to play or have played the game at the time of the "exclusive" item or give your money to keep the game running because some other guy who has more free time than you can just get everything you gave your real life money or time for.

I UNDERSTAND wanting the item.

You should understand why the developers will not give you the item. It's not rocket science. You're simply being spoiled.

Edited by Gregio
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They are exclusive because you had to be there for them, or get the Founders pack for them and it will remain that way, wether you or me want it.

Why? Because exclusive things make people happy. Paying money for stuff makes other people happy and keeps the game running. Having been supporting the game for longer and having exclusive things because of that makes me want to keep playing the game to get future exclusive items.


Problem, exclusive skins make the people who have them happy, and those who do not have them, indiffferent or annoyed, excluse ITEM make people who have them feel happy and sometime superior, and those who dont feel cheated, unhappy and somtime outraged, So i dont want to cotinue play the game beacose i fell that you have a unfair advantage over me, and, no matter the time or money i invest in this game, i can never gain the ultimate symbol of the Tenno, the best braton, the braton vandal, so for  a game that praise the fact that everyone can get anithig if you invest time in it,

my point is, this issue is actually hurting the whole game, the principle of a exclusive item is hurting the whole concept, and discouraging plyer like me from investing more money and tme in the game, im actually writing his instead of playing,

i dont make these point to be negative and i dont want somone else to get exclusive stuff (i already said that exclusive skins a a good idea)

i make these point beacose i care about the game! Exclusive ITEM are a horrendous idea!!!


if, for everyone to get it, i had to conceide myself to never be hable to get it, i would be &!$$ed but i would do it with no regrets

Edited by JackVII
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Now ist very bad, im sorry but your are not only trying to start a flame war, but saying stuff like i dont deserve it and period dosent leave a lot of rooom for discution right?



I'm not starting a flamewar.. i'm just sick of people who can not accept that the Vandal stuff is not for everybody, stats or no stats... and that a thread like this one is just based on that fact. They want a weapon that is exactly like the Vandal but not the Vandal because they know they won't get it.


When i say "some people don't deserve it. Period." then i don't do it because i want to F*** people up. I said it because i'm right... and at this point i guess i have to repeat myself again:


You deserve the Lato Vandal when you are a closed beta tester... because the Lato Vandal is a "thank you" for all the close Beta Testers from DE.


You deserve the Braton Vandal when you are a Closed Beta player or made a new account for Warframe during the Open Beta weekend, lasting one weekend and bought the Braton Vandal from the Market for 1 credit.


You're right. There is no room for discussion. You can either accept it or whine about it...but whining won't give you the Vandal or guns exactly like the Vandal.

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I had a long day at work, so im going to pick apart a few posts that amused me. My words are in (parenthesid underlined bold italics), BECAUSE I DESERVE BOLD ITALICS!!


How is it not fair that you have less exclusive content than people who were there longer than you? ( ......what?)
There is exclusive content, free content given to players who were there who will not and SHOULD not be available to those who weren't there.

If you can get all the same things a player that was there from the beggining of closed Beta, how are his rewards exclusive? How are they even rewards at all if everyone ELSE also has them.


(So money is lame because everyone else has it too? Also bodies? Sex even? )


I understand that this is both your opinions but it is a... well.  (Lol but its wrong? Thats an opinion.....)

There's this guy:RAVVSlathotep

"As a Lato Vandal user I want everyone to be able to get it, it doesn't make me feel any better knowing that I have it and my friends can't. It makes me feel like an arsehole."

His reasoning doesn't make sense to me. Your friends may be jealous and it will be rightfully so. If you feel bad, don't use the weapon. You have it because you have been supporting the game for longer.


(This may be hard to believe, but sometimes when people have something other people dont have, they want those other people to have it too, not just throw away the thing they have. Seems like a huge waste of thing. )

As for all the people saying they just want the stats. You will NOT get a weapon with the Braton skin and Vandal stats. Why? Because that's $&*&*#(%&.  ($&*&*#(%& is a bit  harsh, quite offensive, and doesnt explain anything.)
Why add a "new" weapon to the game that has the skin from one and stats from another? (Because it would be SUPER easy)Just add an entirely new gun, that's more refreshing for the gamers and developers.  (More refreshing? Odd choice of words, also, ok add new guns, but the one i want too. Maximum refresh!)

JackVII said:

"no ist not, we are repeating again and again that we dont want the vandal, we want every TYPE of weapon to be avaiable to everyone"

Too bad, fella.
They are exclusive because you had to be there for them, or get the Founders pack for them and it will remain that way, wether you or me want it.
Why? Because exclusive things make people happy. Paying money for stuff makes other people happy and keeps the game running. Having been supporting the game for longer and having exclusive things because of that makes me want to keep playing the game to get future exclusive items.  (Some people like exclusivity, some dont. Life is like that.)

There is no room for discussion. (Theres an entire forums worth of room for discussion. There is a quasi-universe made exlusively for the discussion of things like these.) This thread has served it's purpose, you can tell from their silence and what they have said that they will NOT re-add the existing Vandal weapons to the game, either as skins or stats. They will add new exclusive weapons eventually, new Vandals or otherwise, and you should aim for those. (Silence isnt an answer, but it is a good hint you are right. Thank you for making a point. I had to dig a bit deep for it though, and i realized that myself. Still, a point.)  

There is no resolution to be achieved because the whole concept of this discussion would ruin exclusivity for the game and much of what keeps the game itself running. If anyone can, at any time get any item that other people had to be there or pay for, then nothing is exclusive, you have no reason to play or have played the game at the time of the "exclusive" item or give your money to keep the game running because some other guy who has more free time than you can just get everything you gave your real life money or time for.  (Its your opinion that it will ruin exclusivity, its not everyones. )

I UNDERSTAND wanting the item.
You should understand why the developers will not give you the item. It's not rocket science. You're simply being spoiled. (Im not being spoiled. I didnt get anything. Wait until then to tell me im spoiled.) 



I read it I just chose to ignore it (lol) because it doesn't make any sense (loller). The amount of self entitlement and fixation on these two particular weapons is amazing. (Fixation? This is a thread i made about Vandals what would YOU like to talk about? Also, chill. Its not really that amazing.) 


The entire thing basically comes down to greed and jealousy(lol). Making long winded, poorly formatted posts to say something simple isn't gonna change anything. (My posts are not poorly formatted. They are at the least decently formatted. Back off bro. )



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Problem, exclusive skins make the people who have them happy, and those who do not have them, indiffferent or annoyed, excluse ITEM make people who have them feel happy and sometime superior, and those who dont feel cheated, unhappy and somtime outraged, So i dont want to cotinue play the game beacose i fell that you have a unfair advantage over me, and, no matter the time or money i invest in this game, i can never gain the ultimate symbol of the Tenno, the best braton, the braton vandal, so for  a game that praise the fact that everyone can get anithig if you invest time in it,

Dont yoou get it, this issue is actually hurting the whole game, the principle of a exclusive item is hurting the whole concept, and discouraging plyer like me from investing more money and tme in the game, im actually writing his instead of playing,

i dont make these point to be negative and i dont want somone else to get exclusive stuff (i already said that exclusive skins a a good idea)

i make these point beacose i care about the game! Exclusive ITEM are a horrendous idea!!!


if, for everyone to get it, i had to conceide myself to never be hable to get it, i would be &!$$ed but i would do it with no regrets


The game is not balanced around Vandal stuff and will survive as long as there are better guns out there than the vandal...and there are.


Warframe is still no competitive game and the Vandal can't get you an advantage (maybe if you do some idiotic "i use Braton only" crap). There are better guns than the Vandal (Boltor, HEK, Akbolto, TV) and everyone can use them so theres no hurt in having Vandal stuff slightly better stats.


It's all about "that guy has something i want too but cant get" and this Topic is like wanting a cheap chinese ripoff of some quality hardware because it's not obtainable otherwise.


I said enough in this thread already and i'm sick of needing to repeat myself all the time because people don't get what it's all about.


Vandal stuff is Exclusive. If you earned it, you have it. If not, too bad. Wanting a cheap knockoff gun with same stats for everyone is rediculously stupid and/or plain jelousy.



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The only problem is the lack of acceptance of all the whiners who don't own the Vandal stuff right now. (Always about the whining with this guy.....)

Arguments like "i want to collect" or "if i had known" or simply stupid stuff like "i want stats" are absolutely irrelevant because other f2p games do it the same way. League of Legends has exclusive stuff. Star Trek Online has Exclusive stuff. And many more mostly based on "if youre too late or were not there.. F*** you" and that's ok. Yes, it's ok for all the deserving people who got the stuff.

(Those arguments are irrelevant because of irrelevant games?)


The point is: All the Vandal stuff has an explanation to it WHY it is exclusive to some people and WHY they earned it.

(Lol no they didnt. Who explains why they add content to a game. There is and was no explanation necessary )


If you did not watch TV when your favorite soccer club played you missed the game.. and i'm talking live here.... fact! Sure you can watch the rerun but that's the same thing as to watch other people shoot with a Vandal. It won't get you one.

(Lol, countering your own point. This is a discussion specifically about making a rerun available.)


Everyone not entitled to those conditions simply don't deserve and therefor will not get the Vandal stuff. Period. (Everyone who didnt meet those conditions im sure you mean, because im the entitled one yes?)

There is not even room for discussion (There is a world of room for discussion. There is more room for discussion than there are atoms in the universe. You are not the King of Discussion) .. just room for whining and jelousy and idiotic Threads like this one sugesting the implementation for a 99% similar gun just because the children can not reach the cookies on the shelf.  (Lol chill out man. You seem to spend a lot of time, and a lot of strong language talking about something you maintain you dont care about....)

Imho this thread deserves to be closed because it leads nowhere. (Duly noted)

End of discussion. (No, its not.)

Edited by JoeHook
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The game is not balanced around Vandal stuff and will survive as long as there are better guns out there than the vandal...and there are.


Warframe is still no competitive game and the Vandal can't get you an advantage (maybe if you do some idiotic "i use Braton only" crap). There are better guns than the Vandal (Boltor, HEK, Akbolto, TV) and everyone can use them so theres no hurt in having Vandal stuff slightly better stats.


It's all about "that guy has something i want too but cant get" and this Topic is like wanting a cheap chinese ripoff of some quality hardware because it's not obtainable otherwise.


I said enough in this thread already and i'm sick of needing to repeat myself all the time because people don't get what it's all about.


Vandal stuff is Exclusive. If you earned it, you have it. If not, too bad. Wanting a cheap knockoff gun with same stats for everyone is rediculously stupid and/or plain jelousy.




We're ALL sick of you repeating yourself. Lol if you want to stop talking about it then leave.  I get it. Im a self entitled jealous whiner who doesnt deserve anything. Sound about right? OK thanks for the input. Now leave if you have made your point. Please realize the universe will continue operating while youre gone. 

Edited by JoeHook
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You deserve the Lato Vandal when you are a closed beta tester... because the Lato Vandal is a "thank you" for all the close Beta Testers from DE.


You deserve the Braton Vandal when you are a Closed Beta player or made a new account for Warframe during the Open Beta weekend, lasting one weekend and bought the Braton Vandal from the Market for 1 credit.


You're right. There is no room for discussion. You can either accept it or whine about it...but whining won't give you the Vandal or guns exactly like the Vandal.


i agree with the first line, lato vandal is ok, even if i dont agree with it


i dissagre with the second line, what you had to do to get the barton vandal does not warrant that magificent skins and the better stats, and beacause you still tink that i want the braton vandal, i can add to my ponit of view, i now add that the gun shoud be completly removed, like that everybody will be unhappy, fair and square


now if your really just sick of people who can not accept that the Vandal stuff is not for everybody, you made your point, and simply saying think like

"I said it because i'm right"

Really dont make a sound argument, it make you look like a sploiled brat, dans it actually hurt the point your trying to make

and i never said there was no room for discution, i beleive the opposite, ist trough dicution that progress is made,


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I had a long day at work, so im going to pick apart a few posts that amused me. My words are in (parenthesid underlined bold italics), BECAUSE I DESERVE BOLD ITALICS!!

Seriously you made my day



We're ALL sick of you repeating yourself. Lol if you want to stop talking about it then leave.  I get it. Im a self entitled jealous whiner who doesnt deserve anything. Sound about right? OK thanks for the input. Now leave if you have made your point. Please realize the universe will continue operating while youre gone. 

that not good, i did personally counter-argumented a complete post of his, you are very borderline of going to far,


keep it clean, or we could easily hurt the principle that we defend

Edited by JackVII
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The Braton Vandal was limited for OBW. If there's one thing I'm beginning to learn it's never say never, but there are no intentions to bring it back.

By DERebecca in this post.

There will be more Vandal weapons, but no, you are not going to get the current Braton and Lato Vandal weapons.
Not while there's at least half the people in this thread disagreeing with you, since, if half the population + the staff agrees with what the staff is doing, just by doing number crunching they have no reason to change their mind.

If the game truly just loses all purpose to you because there is ONE exclusive item you want and won't get no matter what you do, you can just leave. That would hurt the game, but apparently you care more about having the game EXACTLY the way YOU and only YOU want it to be rather than playing it how most people and the developers envision and understand it.
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that not good, i did personally counter-argumented a complete post of his, you are very borderline of going to far,


keep it clean, or we could easily hurt the principle that we defend


You may be right. It just peeves me that he thinks he can just close a discussion. Lol. 

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By DERebecca in this post.

There will be more Vandal weapons, but no, you are not going to get the current Braton and Lato Vandal weapons.

Not while there's at least half the people in this thread disagreeing with you, since, if half the population + the staff agrees with what the staff is doing, just by doing number crunching they have no reason to change their mind.

If the game truly just loses all purpose to you because there is ONE exclusive item you want and won't get no matter what you do, you can just leave. That would hurt the game, but apparently you care more about having the game EXACTLY the way YOU and only YOU want it to be rather than playing it how most people and the developers envision and understand it.



Lol. She said "never say never". That plus "not intended" equals unlikely. I can read man, I know what it means. Thats why I made this thread. 


Most of the people who disagree with me dont own Vandals (or dont bother saying so). The people who do seem to go both ways, yes. I care about shaping the game, which is the intent of a beta. Now is the time to have these discussions. Every opinion everyone has is an attempt to make the world the way they want it. Thats life man. Thats what we do. Im not gonna blow up the game if i dont get exactly everything i want. But i will ask for it. Is that really so terrible of me? To ask for something? 


I WILL leave when the game loses all purpose to me. But it hasnt. I never said i did. I said it makes me a little sad. Like when you drop your bagel cream cheese side down.

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