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Boss Drops Screwed Up Since 7.9.0 (?) - No Rare Craftin Mats, Orokin Cell Madness, No Systems Dropping


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When I was farming Ash I got almost all of his parts within 7-8 runs


Either the formula for weaker planets or drop is completely different or you are just really unlucky


What I can relate to is trying to farm Excalibur BPs


havent had any luck with the drop thus far but i've only run hades a few more than 5 times if i can remember

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I've noticed that sometimes you get some in a row and sometimes you get nothing for a while. It might be just that the RNG is being twitchy or that it's just bad luck.


I'm not sure. But I think it might be smaller % then it used to be. 


You'd have to do 100 runs like three or four times on the same one to get any real hard data on the drop %'s though.

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I tried 10 runs on whats his face for Ember blueprints and nothing but orokin cells on Saturday.  Immediately after I went in to Sedna with another friend so I could pick up rubedo and alloy plates, and we got all 3 Saryn blueprints in 4 runs.


I'll accept RNG is a *@##$, but the hardest time I've had getting something was Ash's system blueprint, and I got numerous duplicate parts over 20-30 runs.  The two Ember pieces I have I got before 7.9, and I haven't even gotten duplicates since.

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So I've been helping a buddy work on banshee for he last week with a heavy emphasis on this weekend. He got the first part from Venus right away. Then no amount of farming Xini (2hrs at a time), killikin, or any of the other suggested locations (save the Pluto defense) gave any success. Finally today as he was giving up we ran Merrow - I want to start farming for Saryn. First run - Saryn Helmet BP. Second run - Saryn Chassis BP. Teases him jokingly a little, then he said he wanted to go back to Xini. We ran a couple runs then I had to take off for a couple hrs. I get back & he tells me he got the Banshee Hrlmet BP @ Xini wave 5. So he's all excited again. Well he's mid-game so I hop into Merrow - success! Saryn Systems BP. All I needed was control module. Hit the hyena. First run Loki Helmet BP. Second run Loki Chassis BP + 1x control module. Clearly the RNG Gods are happy w me right now as they are vomiting BPs at me.

So we decide to farm the next "best" mission for final Bamshee @ Gaia, per suggestion from Wiki. 1 run & Success! So he's stoked, finally started his banshee build after all this time. I've got a fresh frame in the works as well. Will be cool to see how these two frames perform side by side.

Oh - so to answer your question in regards to BP & Rare material, your just having terrible luck. Hopefully it changes soon! (However Saryn came FAR too easily. I expected 10+ runs to get all 3 BP.)

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I picked up the banshee systems twice in half an hour.


Not doing the boss mission.

I seem to have trouble getting the helmet for any frame.


Where the hell are you guys finding banshee systems and helmets outside of defense missions?

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I think the luck issue could be alleviated if we had different bosses drop different things and ease up on the repetition to run a a boss potentially dozens of times.


i.e. not change anything with the RNG but give players a better time while farming 

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trolls are not voting you down. you are being voted down for

a) trying to think 40 is a high enough sample size for anything

b) complaining about RNG

c) making outlandish statements which are obviously not true "- Right now rare crafting mats are not dropping in any form or way, or are dropping at a chance at less of 1% cause i havent seen any rare crafting mat since 7.9"

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how about instead of farming blueprints we increase the numbers of materials that way we could farm different missions rather than farm bosses nearly endlessly?


+1 for this. I would rather have the Warframes requiring more specific blue prints (say 10 per warframe, things like: central processing, energy core, armor plates, shield generator, radar systems, etc..). Each piece would need assorted type of materials and even "complex" materials (created from the combination of dropped raw resources, like: "iron + carbon = steel", etc). In other words, transform the time sink from "farming this one boss over and over again" to farming different locations for different resources. I wouldn't mind  a even longer process if it was unique per warframe, not just a mindless repetition as it is right now.

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Unfortunately the BP drops are all random. I went on almost 40 runs to get Ember systems. I ended up finally getting it a few days ago and have been enjoying Ember. It's the same with any other BP drop, but maybe Ember is just the rarest since it's literally the earliest tenno you can farm besides Rhino (I feel Rhino is almost the same way). Yesterday I farmed for ash. Had the helmet the very first try. Second try I got the chassis. 10 runs later, I FINALLY got the systems. It took less than Ember, but equally as frustrating. I had a guy on my seventh Ash run tell me that all he has been getting is Ash systems and chassis. For me I was getting plenty of helmets and chassis. It's definitely all random. I say that they need to increase the drop luck a little, or at least include a warframe mod that increases luck.

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Yes, it is possible. Just so stupidly unlikely that it's more likely that something else is wrong. 


No, because with enough people doing it, the stupidly unlikely is commonplace. With enough people walking around, someone's getting struck by lightning every day.

Edited by HvcTerr
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I just farmed for nyx today and got it in 4 runs. Frost took 72, pre-7.9. This stuff is really, really random. I managed to get 3 gallium from Tyl Regor yesterday (post 7.9) within about 5 runs. It's entirely possible that you're just unlucky.

Extremely random, and it tends to be either very quick or very slow in my experience. I'd very much like to see graphs about BP drop rates. I'm extremely curious how they'd turn out.

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alright so in about 40 runs now I have gathered 14 neural sensors, about 100 mods, and 4 helmets. wouldnt it be better to put it in a sequence of randomized numbers that do not stack more than twice?


current system:




compared to:




See randomization is a good thing when is applied to the proper place like enemy attack choice, enemy spawn location, dynamic level builder, mission objectives. Where it turns frustrating, weapon dmg, drop rate, grenade timers, number of enemies (when the max and min margins are too far apart), bullet trajectory, bullet penetration.


It comes from the very basic principle of game design, its an 1101 class, "a good game offers players challenges and rewards for completing those challenges". which is kinda what we have now but its like alright I slayed the dragon and now let me spin the wheel of fate to see if I get what I cam here for...

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I farmed all twelve frames over the course of two weeks prior to 7.9.0.  I would start with a boss and farm it until I had all three parts and then move onto the next boss.  Here's are the two main things I noticed from before 7.9.0.


1) No frame took longer than one hour to farm save Ember, she took a little over 6 hours to get the Systems.

2) Each boss would drop either a rare material or a bp almost every time, sometimes although rarely, both.  It was very rare to get neither.

After 7.9.0 I decided to replenish my rare material stocks back up to 20 units each (Control Modules, Gallium, Neural Sensors).  I needed seven Control Modules, one Gallium,  and three Neural Sensors to reach my goal.


I farmed the Hyena first and found that it would drop either a bp or  a Control Module only about half of the time.  I was consistently getting only Nano Spores and nothing else.  Once I finished the Control Modules I moved to the Neural Sensors and found that the Golem would not drop them at all for about an hour and I almost thought that they might have been removed from his loot tables (I also only picked up two Volt Chassis bp's, no others during this time).  Then all at once I got three Neural sensors in two runs back-to-back.  The Gallium I picked up by accident on an alert so I didn't have to farm for it.


There has been a noticeable change in the drop rate of both rare materials and frame bp's since 7.9.0.  I don't mind the change as much as I dislike not being told there was a change to begin with.

Edit: Also, where I used to have a decent but not excessive stock of Orokin Cells, I now have a boat load of them.  Will be three digits worth by the time the next patch gets here.

Edited by Brane_Ded
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It's nice to hear that someone else is noticing this too. I was able to score the catalyst alert last week, and have been trying for a control module ever since 7.9.0. Before the patch, the boss dropped it like half to a third of the kills, but ever since the patch, I think I've only seen him drop something other than a single nano spore like 3 times, out of 20 something kills. And only 1 BP. 


Also, other bosses (but not him) used to always drop a mod on a kill, but I've only seen them drop mods like...twice, since the patch

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