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Lack Of People On Xbox One


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at day time there might b maybe a few hundred people online and at night only a hundred and thats with all servers because most people jump on the 1 eastern american server and the other 5 are empty all day besides a few 5 or 6 on britsih server. this makes it realy hard to play because most the time you have to solo as there is literly no one playing anything most people just play void and theres only ever 5-10 ppl in recruitmen chat at night so u cant get a game at all until day but theres a few hundred people in game chat. in region chat it looks like theres a hundred or so people but no one is talking. so to save myself from bordem  got to region chat and type in.... um so any1 out there wuna play any games? BAM! you have been kicked from region chat for trying to recruit people.... what a load of S#&$ if theres no one in recuiting chat and theres no one talkign in region chat what does it hurt to ask if anyone wants to play?sense i cant ask the few people who are on if they want to play the game i have to solo it by myself..... warframe needs to think things different for consoles then for pc where theres like 10,000 people on there. like there should only be 1 server sense where already use to being world wide and we should be able to type what ever in region chat because other wise its impossible to play this game.

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I don't play the XB1 version of the game, but I can assure you that having servers pertaining to a global state of the game would be extremely difficult to utilize due to connection latencies for users given the Warframe gaming model (peer host to client). This is just a quick analysis (so someone please correct me if I'm thinking incorrectly), but given that Warframe is a highly mobile online shooter, it is a major problem if one person from let's say US West tries to connect with someone from Europe, because the matchmaking ping would make the session horrendous for both users (there's an option on the PC version that allows you to specify how much of a latency you want in a game at maximum to the host).


TL;DR: Just based off of probable lag alone (among other smaller problems), a global server would likely be more of a hindrance than a help to the overall Warframe experience. The goal of multiple servers is for users from different parts of the world to do matchmaking with others in the same area to avoid this issue.


Well there's that and then whether or not XB1 actually has a lot of users on it... It's not impossible at all to play Warframe solo (in fact, I play 80% of my games solo and did my progression that way), but there's also the "Public" option, right? It allows you to find people in squads and let others join you pretty quickly. If the XB1 version of the game really has a problem with having many users on during the day then... I'm not quite sure what to say.

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dude i kno public an stuff i played on pc befor coming to xbox im rank 13 but listen. no one plays planet missions or anything like unless its quick taxy to boss everyone just does void only. also if u swich to the toher servers they are all empty. everyone from around the world swiched to usa servers and all together theres less then a thousand people on at once and at night theres less then a hundred at night.there still 5-10 people on in english server but most people from around the world play on the east or west servers in the usa. so already no one is playing on the other servers they all play on usa servers so if we merg all into one server there would be about a thousand people together and thats it. i understand for pc cuz theres like 10,000 people on each server but theres not even enough people on xbox im surprised they havent shut it down there probly contracted with xbox and cant.


o and also the people who do void like deffense an survial wont go past wave 15 or mast 15min they back out like scared lil childern.

Edited by (XB1)MrDroidleadr666
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not when there is no one playing if you go to any of the other servers wich you can go into options and swich servers they are all empty at any part of the day everyone swiched to the american servers as thats where most people where already and theres less then 1,000 ppl on at once and 90% play void so no it wont be easier to find matches when no one is playing on xbox

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I never have problems finding people to play with at decent hours (if its 4am your scoobed but then that should not be surprising). I agree on Region chat though - its where everyone generally hangs out instead of recruit chat. Thing is DO keep using recruit chat - its where people will look specific, region chat is a mess of teenage bile and insults most of the time - anything you say will get lost in the vitriol there. Same with trading - people trying to sell goods on region are in for a hiding to nothing.


The biggest issue at the moment is now the general depth we have of vets of the game with the new influx of newer players finding it harder to get on without us... as said already if people dont have reason to they wont have much interest of going of a random run of sabotage missions on Mars and the likes if you dont ask. Communication is always key - solo wont get you far when you hit a defense/interception brick wall. Its also doesnt help most newbies want taxi runs and farming of better frames/cells/neurodes etc so they are skipping that work to together ethics we had to do day 1. There ideally should be a newer player channel of some sort so people can learn together but Hubs are approaching that anyway now with helpers found via them - they should be adding these relays ideally start of next year sometime, even if just for MR 10s to test on the console front first and foremost.

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