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All Loki's Powers



hi everyone.


so, when I played warframe for the first time I decided to choose Loki because of his powers (decoy, radial disarm etc...)

now I'm at rank 30 with him and I haven't found invisibility and radial disarm yet, I'm quite frustrated because all my friends (who use other warframes) got all powers' mod in 4-5 days of playing. A few minutes ago another loki player told me that when he chose Loki at the beginning like me he already had all powers.


So my question is: someone of you is having the same problem?


I do not want to complain, I love this game... I'm just trying to get 2 mods XD




P.S sorry for my bad english.

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thank you for answering me


I don't think I have sold them... I hope... and also someone told me that those mods cannot be used for fusions.


EDIT: I forgot, a friend of mine began the game about two weeks ago with Excalibur and he hadn't all his 4 powers but he tooks 4-5 days to obtain all of them.

Edited by AppO91
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If you don't mind buying/spending some platinum, try buying 'Dragon Packs'. They cost 90p and give 5 mods each ... 2 of those mods guaranteed to be rares. I've noticed that these packs reward a significant number of Warframe mods you may not typically get on your average run.

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decoy and invisibility are common/uncommon while switch teleport and radial disarm are both rare.


seems like you fused/sold some of your abilites because you start with all 4.


another way to get the abilites (although it takes time and resources) is to build another frame. if you build a warframe, you start with all 4 abilites too.

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ok, thank you again for your help


anyway... I'm sure I haven't sold or fused ability mods simply because I have never had them.


As I said before, a friend of mine, who chose exacalibur at game start, hadn't the 4 ability mods too but he got them in 4-5 days of playing.


It sounds quite strange to me... however I'll try to follow your tips to obtain them.



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All frames come with their 4 respective skills. Sounds like maybe a fusion accident. I lost a few good mods because the server was slow to take the updated mod set. If you play a couple hours at a time it is easy to click before you realize what it was.

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I accidently fused the Absord Ability of my Nyx. And i havent found this mod in weeks. So i guess, one way to get the mods back is to make a new Nyx. Maybe you should just farm a excalibur so you get all the mods. Quite time consuming and expensive, though ...

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