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Revolt! Revolt! Against Tyranny!


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Lets start with a few things here I believe change is needed in an area of the game and because weren't the "master race of pc" our opinions fall on dead ears so anyways I'm getting sick of that but we'll get to that.




*Dark Sectors -  Change it please. I feel like this alliance owns a rail for months is getting old. Clans like mine well it's not even a clan only because I cant keep interested in a dead game. Anyways this needs a revamp on ps4 I think it should just be a regular node for awhile I'm getting sick of this rail being attacked or V owns every damn rail on the solar system no one cares really. This needs attention and action give the smaller clans a chance give people a reason to wanna enjoy Dark Sectors Caps or restrictions need to be in place.


*Game pop ups - I didn't know Warframe got infected with spam? I'm getting irradiated with pop ups in game it slows the game down and it's causing games to crash again were back on Update 12 again come on! I'm not interested in who's attacking who or what rail is in danger honestly I didn't give two craps when it was launched and still don't please make a change to this. Alerts are okay but those I feel will always plague or system.


* BrokeWing [Archwing] - This needs to be ditched! Getting these to 30 are extermly annoying no one plays these hardly and if the Wave 1 idiots just keep leaving it's hard enough leveling these by your self. I also believe these should NOT count toward Mastery points why? It's simple You don't use it every day gaming so why should it count? Now points earned should stay yes but from a point no more. It's costing me to much money to keep buying this stuff and it goes no where and has no use beyond just getting it to 30. I've re-visited weapons more then I will this sub section of the game. Plus it's bugged worse now then before you do a mission and half the time it freezes and you loose out anyways so come on!


* PS4 Council - Sure we wont get the founders pack and the negative stigma about this is way beyond me now. I think we fall short here we should have something. I've given about $1,000 into this game by now and yet I don't feel like I've earned a thing. Avid player for about 1,400 plus hours give us something please show that our supporting the game we love means something. I think it should be re-restricted to Day 1 players and Mastery 18,17 and 16 players. They've earned something for there hard work. What would this council do? Simple what ever you wanted it do. We matter just as much as PC does by now we've suffered through the worst and still stayed true to the game or at least I do daily!


* Clan Down Sizing - We made the mistake of believing we could have a clan and have 30 plus members well that's a  disaster there should be a way to down size it would allow us a better shoot at events and allow clans that maybe cant fill the ranks to just let those people join those insane sized clans with promises of well you see it hear it so lets leave that at that.


* Excal Prime - This subject I feel you need to come out on video state look sorry but it just wont happen and end the eludes to him in our game. It's terrible he keeps poping back up in our game I view my profile and there he his mocking me under my warframes there will always be that one.


* Veteran Players - This is a big one i think, there should be more of a draw for us. Were on but were getting annoyed with the constant new player focus. End game for me is here now as a ps4 player we will always hit that what's next wall after you complete the new weapons for mastery points and ect......And I know someone will agree Veteran Tenno need something more then what weren't getting! Please DE!



Anyways I'm done I think I've said enough. I'm simply expressing my opinions not trying to cause chaos or havoc. I'm avid player on ps4 I've hit M18 and I keep coming back for more please just listen or don't. 

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