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Next Syndicate Weapons, I Hope They Are Primaries


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Following the factional cliches and current variativity of weapons it is possible to make approximate weapon pool for each syndicate.
It looks this way:
Steel meridian (grineerish 1-st line heavy infantry, which means "hard and heavy approach"): vaykor buzlok (slow yet hardhitting lmg niche), vaykor drakgoon (heavy close combat system), vaykor karak (heavy assult rifle niche).
Arbiters: (tennoish spec. ops with eastern influences): telos vectis (its niche is obvious), telos burston/tiberon (tactical assault rifles niche), telos tigris (boar fits better but it already has prime version).
Suda: (high-end scientific faction with unconventional weaponary): synoid quanta (multipurposed plasma-based system), synoid glaxion (cryotic based system), synoid amprex (electric system of doom).
Perrin: (merchants with semi-futuristic weaponary): secura dera (standart issue assault rifle based on plasma tech), sechura lanka (diversified sniper system), secura tetra (energy based heavy assault rifle).
Red veil: ((maniacal fanatics somehow connected with infested) a bizzare mixture of tenno and ifested weaponary with some "stealthy" and "pyromancy" inclinations : rakta attica (silent repeater niche), rakta torid ((silent heavy cannon) though sounds stupid), rakta ignis (rather "ceremonial tool" than a weapon)
Loka: (Nature-loving puristic cult with tenno and somewhat grineerish arsenal and rather stealthy/hunt approach): sancti sybaris (good-ol hunting rifle), sancti cernos (hunting bow, anyone ?), sancti hind (big game half-automatic rifle).

These are just delirious lallations of mine, so please dont be hard on them and feel free to discuss if you want to.

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Vaykor grinlok (matches the marelok)

Telos boltor (matches the akbolto)

Synoid quanta (matches the gammacor, kinda)

Secura supra (matches the cestra)

Rakta attica (matches the ballistica)

Sancti amprex (kinda matches the castanas, plus I want to see an awesome syndicate version of the amprex)


Just figured each of the secondaries matched a primary, or at least closely resembled one, so they're logical choices.

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