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Maybe Archwings Should Be Part Of The Tutorial.


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Like everything in this game, once you start using something you get use to it. so its no problem once you learn to control it but Archwings seemed a little weird to control at first. It would be nice if the Archwing was part of the starter tutorial mission when you escape Vor. maybe you'd have to get rid of the mastery limit too. was it odd for anyone when they first tried it?

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I'm not sure about adding Archwing to the tutorial (the last archwing mission is supposed to do that? sort of?). It could be good to see broken archwing mods floating around more for new players though. I mean it's much easier to get archwing mods now they've gotten rid of the fast deflection etc groundbased rewards diluting the interception round rewards, but trying to get +health and +shieldrecharge mods is not easy and makes a huge boost to new archwing players. Elemental damage mods are nice and common now as mission rewards so that's a big move in the right direction and makes a huge difference to the new archwing player experience.


Now if only they'd get rid of all those t4 keys diluting the uranus interception mission. I already have a reasonably diluted table for rotation C (elytron pieces x3, centaur blade, fluctus pieces), but I keep getting given t4 keys. If they were t4 sabotages I wouldn't mind (in fact any tier sabotage keys would be cool and make archwings at least a little useful in getting rewards for outside archwing) but instead you get t4 captures, defence etc that we already have by the handfull from syndicates. It's frustrating, even when you're at the point that Uranus is a cruisefest used for levelling new/formad gear

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I don't know if they will ever include this into the tutorial sounds fun but I don't know how it would fit into the story, but if they did I can imagine the following scenario :


You are getting ready to leave via your Liset, Vor destroys it, it ejects the Archwing module right as you fall off a cliff (or whatever since you are already on a raised platform where you wait for the Liset to power up), it attaches to you and you fly out to space through the atmosphere where the Lotus sends another backup Liset for you. The Archwing you used cannot survive the violent forces while exiting the atmosphere and breaks apart as you barely manage to dock onto the new Liset, thus you still have to do the quest to regain another Archwing (Odonata). 


*drops mic*

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