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New Year. New Challenge.


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In local bar of mercenaries group of Grineer and Corpus hired mercenaries have come to look for Pyefa 'Pilot' Genda. Planet is Earth guarded by Grineer and their brutish men. Pilot is sitting on a corner without helmet face covered with mask to make himself look like an old man while behind the mask. Is gruesome things seen person. Men killed and wife. Past of his revenge he has walked but now the taste moved on the mouths of Grineer and Corpus.


Two groups entered to bar where Pyefa is sitting in the counter pulling his play like he usually. Grineer mercenaries were welcomed normally and groan was sent on faces of Corpus mercenaries. Everybody of the ordered their drinks soon as came to their counter. Pilot got his drink and moved to table. He listened what is going on. Both of the Corpus and Grineer put on a table a bounty letter.


Barkeeper read them and was stroke with fear. This was home town of Pilot after he had gone through his murdering spree. Pilot took a sip of his drink. Kept the glass off of the table shake a bit the glass holding ice and water. Time to time mumbling prayers to god. To give him strength, what he had witnessed and strength what he had shared. Thousands of lives saved and taken by his hands. He still feels a redemption of who he believes to be his god.


He sees a family threatened by Raiders before more radically changing trigger pull there was another one. It was pulled by his right hand front finger. He remembers that day still when he met this very child who had seen him on cliff but now a bit more grown up. This had lost this own father and mother. In the way he wanted and it was all thanks to Pilot who suffered instead of allowing somebody else to suffer. What this suffering is. Killing somebody who is same as he. A God's image.


He took another sip. Another memory, him running in a Grineer ship a sick prisoner being carried. Mines, Grenades, Guns, Bullets, Shells... And bodies. In the end it was all worth to win an innocent person's smile that this can live another day. Savior sitting and waiting. Pilot came back to moment where he is saying "Everybody of us. Is righteous. In their own way" he sounded like an old man. Mercenaries at the counter heard the words.


"So who's that old man?" Grineer mercenary asked. "Just an old man. Awaiting to see good death. That is at least how he described himself" Barkeeper said trying to hide this own fear. There is woman sitting on a corner looking at what is going on and a man on another corner spectating what is going on. Mercenaries moves to interrogate the other people in the bar.


Two three person groups talks with all these three persons but instead of getting in to the interrogation. Mercenaries starts to fight because of who will be first to interrogate the individual before them. Woman and man calms down both of their interrogators before fists meets the person. Same thing was done by Pilot too. Are they working together? Pilot, young lady and a young man.


Pilot, Young lady and Young man goes through the lists of questions of both sides. Answering how they would. First question was "Do you know this man named by Pyefa 'Pilot' Genda?" answer is "Yes" next question is "Do you know where he is now?" answer was "It has had been too long since we last met" next question was "Why he works for both sides?" answer was "Because everybody deserves a savior and a chance to make their lives better in neutral place"


Last question is "Do you know where he is?" answer was "I am hoping to meet him in here but I don't think he has heard my wish" Mercenaries pulled out their guns and pointed first at Pilot, Lady and Man but they stayed frosty. Then mercenaries pointed the guns at each other "Green code" Pilot said all three Pilot, Lady and Man flipped their tables to knock the guns away fist fight started and mercenaries were knocked out.


Pilot took off his mask and dropped it on the ground. Man and lady looked at the man in cloak. Who turned to them. The familiar face "Your wish has had been granted" Pilot said they had hug. Lady who in the past was attacked by raiding party and man who was saved from prison while being sick. "You two. Will make differences in your worlds like I did on your worlds. You both will do good and evil but both doesn't exist on your minds" Pilot said he is smiling.


Changes what he had done were standing with him. From start to the end. Trio went outside and greeted the lowering sun. Pilot looked on both man and woman. "Happy new year to all of you" Pilot said "Happy new year to all of you" Woman and man said. After a while Pilot went to the waterfall to place what is his favorite to be around. He looked at the sun through his helmet's vizier what eliminated most of the harming light. "Happy new year to both of you" Pilot said.


Man who values nature and sun. Sun because of being the support of all living to this very year and to nature because it still stands after all those years.


From me: Happy new year.


This might come a bit too early or too late but I might not be awake to everybody who lives on different sections of time zones.

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