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All Powers Should Have Scale Ability Outright, Augments Should Add To/alter That Scale Ability


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Pretty sure there is no such thing as "kill 2 win mechanics". Hold on, let me Google it. Nope. You just made that up because you thought it sounded cool in your head.


I'm playing a coop FPS game. When I start a mission, it states what the mission is and what I have to do.


Just because you have a fixation with loot drops, it does not mean Warframe needs to be nothing but a skinner box with one button and a pigeon.


These sound familiar? They should, you wrote them.


"Add in a Kill Meter"

"When you hit the target on the Kill Meter you get that "Waves' Reward"

"loving running raids, but it is not good enough that each time I go through all that effort I no longer get a raid reward.  This needs to be fixed up."

"There was nothing wrong with Draco or any other speed farm that pops up ... "

"Draco farming with Excalibur not once required an external hack, macro input or anything else to farm it up.. it worked using a clever and resourceful combination of warframe abilities to achieve a goal commensurate with the ones presented by the game they are used in.  Kill 2 Win."


You're not "winning" anything. It's a game. You don't get cash or prizes, and your parents and friends are not going to give a hoot that you are king of the virtual ninja space fairies.


What you have is an addiction to grinding loot - non stop apparently - unlike people that generally want to see a game evolve, and get more interesting then simply pressing a trigger all day long.


Not you it seems.


The question is.. do I even give this more thought considering the nature of your erm... "arguments" deployed?


I'll humour this for one response though from previous interaction with you on the forums I sense the futility and your reply is pretty evident that you haven't really developed since last time but then again.. you never know.



Point 1)

You actually Googled K2W just so you could come back with "no one else is using the term so it's not a real thing" type argument...even though that logic is broken by the simple fact that since I'm using it...it is now a real thing and it is a logical phrase comprised of legitimate English words that describe the nature of this game and many other grind intensive games out there.



Point 2)

The mission designated at the start of any level is nothing more than a simple cover for (what most players would consider obvious) agenda and underlying goals of the game.   aka To level up, gather resources, parts and mods.

There is no other obvious purpose to repeat an identical mission over and over again than to achieve those goals and to talk yourself into thinking otherwise .. well I guess that's the calibre of your argument we are dealing with here.



Point 3)

What could have possibly possessed you into taking a bunch of quotes out of context and put them together to form a juxtaposition that is clearly unrelated?

Anyone can copy and paste random lines you have posted to paint whatever image of you they wish to prove a point if context is being disregarded. Were you that taken back by the obvious logic that you had to stoop to this kind of dirty game?  I can only guess how long you spent desperately scouring the forums for all these quotes lol but seriously.. can we get back to the topic at hand here and not focus on rhetoric like that.. it's just sad.



Point 4)

Actually you are winning prizes :

For each mastery level you reach, you are unlocking extra prizes such as additional Extractors you can place on planets, Extra trades per day, More Rep you can gain from syndicates per day, Extra loadout slots, Access to better weapons that are mastery locked and so on it goes.


When you obtain rare mods that is also another form of prize since it can be redeemed via Trading for any number of desirable rewards.  (other mods, platinum, prime parts).


DE frequently hold competitions and these competitions give the winners prizes and the players who have a better chance at winning such events will have better gear and so... having better gear = winning and to get better gear how do we get this?  oh that's right... K2W.  It's pretty sad I had to even spell this out but oh well like I said at the beginning, I'll indulge just for one reply.



Whilst I'm sure you would love to believe that I have this terrible addiction to grinding for loot all day long and I want nothing more than to do so, others here like myself are back in Reality where we are working to brainstorm new approaches to reduce the dominant presence of achieving repetitive K2W.


By introducing so many amazing ideas for augment mods that would better mix with the kits of the currently covered warframes we are going to provide more options for players to use when they are navigating various tasks.  This is a great topic as it stands to let people have more freedom of choice in what tactics they wish to use when playing the game they love so much.


Now if the current gameplay is built on K2W then at the very least we can offer to reduce the monotonous approaches deployed for achieving that goal by providing unique ability augments which will lead to more versatile play styles evolving.





p.s. if you wanted to take a quote from me.. it's interesting that you didn't stumble onto Tactic Selections




...I only talk about it every chance I get because I am that excited by what it has the potential to deliver to this game... it has a clear and blatantly stated goal of removing the number 1 driving force behind providing macro farmers with motive which is achieved by removing the dependence on K2W out of Warframe.  I'd highly recommend you check it out if you honestly didn't already see one of the many topics I've posted about it on the forums.. which I highly doubt but anyhow  GL.HF





OH btw.. wouldn't it be more logical to arrive at a conclusion where enemies change their tactics in higher levels of difficulty instead of having a damage fall-off?  I mean with fall-off it's really using the same tactic over and over again till it no longer works then racing for extract.. by introducing dynamic AI into higher level enemies it doesn't matter if abilities scale since the enemies approach players with different tactics which in turn causes players to adjust their play-style as difficulties increase.

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
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So let me get this right, you want every Frame to be able to do what Mag does. Yes, that makes perfect sense.


If enemies gain 1 HP per level and an ability delivers 1 hp per enemy unit level, that means when they have 1 billion health you deliver 1 billion damage. Mag can insta-kill level <insert number here> already when they have shields, because shields scale up with enemy levels so she delivers that damage right back.


And no one has a problem with this?


We should NOT Be fighting level 500+ enemies EVER. No game on this planet that has "levels" as a benchmark of unit difficulty makes players fight enemies with levels TEN TIMES or more of the players.


We need diminishing returns on Mods, we need enemy variants and not "the same unit" with x10 the stats. What we don't need is another Dungeon Defender with guns that have 500 Upgrade Slots, and dropping abilities powered by 1000 points worth of upgrades.


Endless missions are NOT what anything should revolve around. Trying to power-creep Frames just makes DE create more weird Eximus type units, and everyone will be back here complaining exactly the same as they are now.


You need more killing power? For what? Farm an extra 5 minutes?


Is that ALL this game has become for people? Asking DE to keep adding more Frame creep just to farm MORE gear, and loop that process indefinitely? What is the point of an FPS Diablo exactly? So much for any Lore whatsoever if we are capable of just upgrading our tech like this.

To clarify as others have, I'm asking for all frames to be scale able, for the sake of each frame type, CC or straight damage frames, are competitive in the highest tiers of content. With the release of Trials and enemies being level 80, I hope that percentage damage types help to make damage frames scale able, and competitive in the highest levels of content.


For your scares about fighting the same old enemies, I give you the following:




The others have already clarified other points and gotten the gist to you, I hope.

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