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Things That Warframe Needs.


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Here are some off my suggestions that I was thinking about.

Weapon Passive Bonusses.

This is maybe personal based but I think that weapons are to simple you rank them up to level 30 and put a potato on it and use all your maxed mods and you are done. 
We should be able to get more out off our weapons. As a ninja you progress you learn you become more awesome this should be a thing with weapons to. 
Weapons should unlock passive bonusses after a certain mark is hit.  For example aiming at heads should have more porpuse because after doing it for a while you become a headhunter you unlock a passive bonus which allows you hit more damage on enemies heads. you get a higher damage multiplier. 

Here are some I can name:
Headhunter: More dmg on headshots.
Ammo Burn: Reloading faster: Based on how many times you reloaded a weapon.
Recoil Rage: You control the recoil better: Unlocks after using the gun for a while 
Feel free to add your ideas.


Void Trader:
I Like the Void trader its a nice concept. But wouldn't it be logical to find the trader inside the voids ?
Giving the voids a better porpuse finding him there would be better IMO. Waiting 2 weeks is to long to be honest. 
Instead off waiting that low he should have a certain chance to appear inside the void mission you are playing. 
He also should trade some alternate Primed Headgear. Would love to see those...



Arena Mode:
A new game mode where you start in a middle off a room. The objective is to survive the raids off enemies that hoard towards you. Can you sustain the challenge Tenno ? These waves off enemies should be completly random. They can be corpus/grineer/infested/corrupt or all together. Doesn't matter. These enemies would work together to defeat the Tenno.
Strategie teamplay would be fun. Waves should be completly random so preparing before hand wouldn't be a thing.
Having a hard time to complete these waves should be a must and teamplay should have a huge role on this game mode. 


Mastery rank:

This is a big discussion in warframe. While this ranking system is in game there isn't much off an use for it. Players are getting the best weapon they want and invest less time in searching/discovering the new items/guns that the devs put out. In fact I know alot off players that just buy the most overused gun and stop trying out new guns. Some weapons that are performing great don't need to be nerfed, they just need to have a mastery lock on them. Players should have a porpuse/motivation to unlock these ranks. 



More Diverse Enemies:

I know I might be demanding more stuff and might sound crazy. But we need more diffrent enemies. Enemies that would require the tenno to team up more. to utulize their equipment to come up with good strategies to play as a team instead off rushing trough the map. Since the Nullifiers and Bombards came into the void everyone panicked became annoyed etc. either I'm speculating or making this up but thats what I think. And to be honest I liked it. The void became more challenging people are now coming with diffrent strategies are working together etc. 


Canisters and lockers should have improvenments also. I have seen some latetly it got my attention and maybe from more people to. Some canisters can reward you a build forma or a 30 min credit booster. I like this idea keeps players from rushing missions makes it worth to search those canisters. I would love to see some unique drops from those canisters from the void (Mod drops only obtianable from those canisters) Lockers should have a verry low chance off dropping an affinity/resource booster. 


TL"DR: Thank you that you atleast read this line :). 

PS: My english is not the best I know, so forgive me on my part. You can post your feedback or ideas here to.


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Here are some off my suggestions that I was thinking about.

Weapon Passive Bonusses.


Void Trader:




Arena Mode:



Mastery rank:



More Diverse Enemies:






TL"DR: Thank you that you atleast read this line :). 

PS: My english is not the best I know, so forgive me on my part. You can post your feedback or ideas here to.

1-Focus System

2-Prime Helmets? Sure, why not.

3-So...a Defense mission  without a pod?

4-That's true.

5-The last enemies were a bit...OP. As long as we don't get broken enemies.

6-These already exist, but they are Rare.

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Because of recent events i really beg for the possibility to add a level minimum/cap to your game/mission, when it's set to public.
Something like:
- open for everyone (= everyone can join)
- at least mastery rank x (= only people with MR x or higher can join) -> for more experienced players, who don't have the patience to play with "newbies" or just want to finish a job quickly
- maximum MR x (= only people with MR lower than x can join) -> this isn't really a must-have, but i'd accommodate the (newer) people, who don't want to play with rushers, who know every level by heart

Other multiplayer-games have a function like that and i really really would like to see that in Warframe, too.

This would also help counteract rage reaktions of people who lose patience because a new player doesn't get to the extraction point fast enough, as well as disappointed reactions of newer players that never really experience the game, because a veteran player finishes the mission too fast to do anything.

In my opinion this is really really a must-have for Warframe.

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Void Trader:

I Like the Void trader its a nice concept. But wouldn't it be logical to find the trader inside the voids ?

Giving the voids a better porpuse finding him there would be better IMO. Waiting 2 weeks is to long to be honest. 

Instead off waiting that low he should have a certain chance to appear inside the void mission you are playing. 





I really disagree with this. Trying to find him with only a set chance of actually finding him both burns through keys and adds more grind and makes it repetitive. With the whole two weeks out, two days in, it gives you ample time to get Prime Parts from the Void as a source of Ducats. I like him the way he is atm.

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"Void Trader:
I Like the Void trader its a nice concept. But wouldn't it be logical to find the trader inside the voids ?
Giving the voids a better porpuse finding him there would be better IMO. Waiting 2 weeks is to long to be honest. 
Instead off waiting that low he should have a certain chance to appear inside the void mission you are playing. 
He also should trade some alternate Primed Headgear. Would love to see those..."


Instead of finding him as a trader inside the void we could have Void Rescue where he is captured by the neural sentry and we have a timer to save him before he gets corrupted.

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Weapons already have a lot of variation depending on type and how to build them out with mods. Adding additional passives wouldn't change much with regard to leveling, maxing, and modding weapons. You would still come to final conclusions about your weapon choices.


Void trader only makes sense in hubs because he is a void trader. He trades things of rare variety in the open market. Even if he were a dauntless explorer scouring the wilds of the void, he wouldn't be there to sell you things, he would be there to find things to pawn off later.


Arena mode: We already have defense and other such 'horde mode' types. A mode doesn't currently exist to simply 'survive' because that is ridiculously easy until you hit high wave endless mission types.


Mastery ranks definitely need more purpose, but it doesn't necessarily need to be more rank restrictions. Though I do believe there should be more rank restrictions on certain weapons, the ranks themselves could certainly have other benefits. Of which there need to be more good ideas for, rather than pointing out there aren't any benefits currently.


Diverse enemies are something that has been constantly worked on, as we are seeing new units introduced every so often. Just a matter of time in that regards, because there are still many units being reworked or getting their own unique models. Most recently we got a slew of new infested units, for instance.


Canisters/lockers? It sounds like you're referring to caches, which have been a nice addition to certain mission types. Unique drops from singular locations like that aren't a good idea, however. 

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Instead of finding him as a trader inside the void we could have Void Rescue where he is captured by the neural sentry and we have a timer to save him before he gets corrupted.

You'd need Lore explanation as to why players are finding him un-corrupted.

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Void Trader:

I Like the Void trader its a nice concept. But wouldn't it be logical to find the trader inside the voids ?

No it doesn't make sense because the Void Trader COMES FROM THE VOID to sell what he has discovered. Think about it, you walk up to him in the void while the corrupted enemies are busting bullets up your teammates @ss and all you're doing is selling primes in the middle of a firefight. Seeing the Void Trader in the void does NOT make sense...

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A lot of things need and some must needed but this game far from the potential because delayed some useless design idea. 



Old things still not fixed yet and some way the direction missing because the devs also not know what they wanted to do just did something then we suffered.

Edited by Sziklamester
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Diverse enemies? That would make running Solo way more harder, and I don't agree with this idea. But I would want to play the Arena mode you mentioned, because the survival is a bit annoying to me. You have to focus on searching for oxygen drops rather than your enemies. I would want to see something like the endless defence without the object that you defend. You vs waves of enemies.

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Diverse enemies? That would make running Solo way more harder, and I don't agree with this idea. But I would want to play the Arena mode you mentioned, because the survival is a bit annoying to me. You have to focus on searching for oxygen drops rather than your enemies. I would want to see something like the endless defence without the object that you defend. You vs waves of enemies.

DE can control what spawns with what rate in Solo.

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Weapons already have a lot of variation depending on type and how to build them out with mods. Adding additional passives wouldn't change much with regard to leveling, maxing, and modding weapons. You would still come to final conclusions about your weapon choices.


Arena mode: We already have defense and other such 'horde mode' types. A mode doesn't currently exist to simply 'survive' because that is ridiculously easy until you hit high wave endless mission types.



Yes we do have loads off weapons thankfully DE never has let us down. But doesn't it feel the same, level it up to rank 30 use the same mods on nearly  all weapons and same builds. Wouldn't you like to have a quest on your weapon that can improve it by investing the time you already do. I know I would love to. 

About the arena mode, Yes we have survival and defence both great modes enjoy them both. But lets be honest do you have a mode that you just can show off your awesome ninja skills? Some Endurance mode neither Defence or survival has this. Both have their objective both are perfect their own way. Why not a game mode where the enemies constantly focus on you. Variety is always fun in my opinion


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Here are some off my suggestions that I was thinking about.

Weapon Passive Bonusses.

This is maybe personal based but I think that weapons are to simple you rank them up to level 30 and put a potato on it and use all your maxed mods and you are done. 

We should be able to get more out off our weapons. As a ninja you progress you learn you become more awesome this should be a thing with weapons to. 

Weapons should unlock passive bonusses after a certain mark is hit.  For example aiming at heads should have more porpuse because after doing it for a while you become a headhunter you unlock a passive bonus which allows you hit more damage on enemies heads. you get a higher damage multiplier.

Here are some I can name:

Headhunter: More dmg on headshots.

Ammo Burn: Reloading faster: Based on how many times you reloaded a weapon.

Recoil Rage: You control the recoil better: Unlocks after using the gun for a while 

Feel free to add your ideas.



Void Trader:

I Like the Void trader its a nice concept. But wouldn't it be logical to find the trader inside the voids ? 

Giving the voids a better porpuse finding him there would be better IMO. Waiting 2 weeks is to long to be honest. 

Instead off waiting that low he should have a certain chance to appear inside the void mission you are playing. 

He also should trade some alternate Primed Headgear. Would love to see those...




Arena Mode:

A new game mode where you start in a middle off a room. The objective is to survive the raids off enemies that hoard towards you. Can you sustain the challenge Tenno ? These waves off enemies should be completly random. They can be corpus/grineer/infested/corrupt or all together. Doesn't matter. These enemies would work together to defeat the Tenno. 

Strategie teamplay would be fun. Waves should be completly random so preparing before hand wouldn't be a thing.

Having a hard time to complete these waves should be a must and teamplay should have a huge role on this game mode. 




Mastery rank:

This is a big discussion in warframe. While this ranking system is in game there isn't much off an use for it. Players are getting the best weapon they want and invest less time in searching/discovering the new items/guns that the devs put out. In fact I know alot off players that just buy the most overused gun and stop trying out new guns. Some weapons that are performing great don't need to be nerfed, they just need to have a mastery lock on them. Players should have a porpuse/motivation to unlock these ranks.




More Diverse Enemies:

I know I might be demanding more stuff and might sound crazy. But we need more diffrent enemies. Enemies that would require the tenno to team up more. to utulize their equipment to come up with good strategies to play as a team instead off rushing trough the map. Since the Nullifiers and Bombards came into the void everyone panicked became annoyed etc. either I'm speculating or making this up but thats what I think. And to be honest I liked it. The void became more challenging people are now coming with diffrent strategies are working together etc.




Canisters and lockers should have improvenments also. I have seen some latetly it got my attention and maybe from more people to. Some canisters can reward you a build forma or a 30 min credit booster. I like this idea keeps players from rushing missions makes it worth to search those canisters. I would love to see some unique drops from those canisters from the void (Mod drops only obtianable from those canisters) Lockers should have a verry low chance off dropping an affinity/resource booster.



Weapon Passive Bonusses:


 I do agree with this idea, but i would love to see just Utility Bonusses, like Reload time (not to big, just a 15% maybe?) for LMG (Gorgon and Supra, i don't think Soma needs this bonus), for Weapons that need a animation while you're shooting ( *cough cough* Grinlok) a 5% in RoF too


Void Trader:


While i do feel like he needs some tweaks, and i would love seeing him in the Void, i think he's good spawning in the Relays to sell you some stuff. Would be nice if that suggestion of "only one key per Tier in the Void and you select the type of mission" we can get a new mission type, called "Escort" or something of sorts so we have to protect him while he's looking for a large stash of loot wich he will be selling us in the next Relay visit. but well, just my crazy ideas once again.


More Diverse Enemies:


I agree with you and welcomed the Nullifier and Bombard in Void missions, same goes to the Mutalist Moa and the new ancients (even if i barely see them). But i think that we should get used to this new enemies and then get (maybe) another few more (not for you Grineer, you have already much more than the Infested and Corpus units!!)


Arena Mode:


Sound more like Defense and Survival had a child and you have to protect yourself instead of a Cryopod or depending on the Life Support... but i feel like this suggestion has been always around the forums.


Mastery Rank:


I have just the same thoughts. Even if you buy Prime Access, the weapons should be in the inventory but locked until you reach the MR needed to use them.




It's already implemented in the game, but i would like to see more of this "new" type of canisters. Even when you're in the Syndicate Alerts they make you (at least for me) to go after the tokens they offer.

Edited by Vykhram
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...we have that, though.


Not once has DE actually lied or screwed us over.  





- DE Ninja nerfs Forma reward rate from Void Reward tables

- Forums flood with questions regarding the Forma Blueprint Reward nerf.

- Livestream 14, Scott and Sheldon both say Forma Blueprint Rewards are working as intended, just a matter of dilution.

- The community uncovers the datamined drop tables, revealing Forma Blueprint Reward rates were NERFED to ~1% (Proving Scott and Sheldon lied to our faces.)

- Apology letter from Sheldon. (Literally, not even 2 hours after information was datamined.)

- All data regarding loot tables are encrypted.

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