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Tiers Of Warframe (Community Input Needed!)


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I'll rename the general Tier to something else but I'm going to break it up into 4 categories. Mission specific will stay the same. I'd like to ask people to tell me what frames you use and why a lot like how Otakuwolf did. I'm writing a lot of this on notepad so I can copy paste without worrying losing any of the information. Thanks for the help so far guys!


I'll be using this kind of format to help evaluate better

Obtain Difficulty
Crowd Control
Damage Dealing
Meets Expectation?
Additional Notes:

Edited by link4355
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What is this tier list measuring? Popularity? Because if it's measuring usefulness/strength it's ridiculously off base.

I wanted to categorize the Warframes based on overall effectiveness (especially more geared towards high level or endgame content). I'm hoping that, if set up well enough, it would show the strengths and weaknesses of each frame. I don't want to make suggestions on complete reworks to change powers. I would like Warframes to be effective at their current roles and would like to see the lesser known/used ones get some playtime out in the field and not used for more than boosting mastery rank.

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 The frame who needs the most rework is rhino i've litteraly seen 16 rhinos in 9 missions.(most with a boltorprime and low rank[just sayng])


 I think most frames are good and some even combo perfectly, (like valkyer and volt mentioned above) the real problem is probably the community them self they just search fot the warframe thats best, not the most fun or the one who they like most, for exemple my 3 main warframes are ash zephyr and trinity (banshe is in 4th),my friends is nekros, mirage and nix, me and my friend play them beacuse we like them not beacuse they are the best or something.

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 The frame who needs the most rework is rhino i've litteraly seen 16 rhinos in 9 missions.(most with a boltorprime and low rank[just sayng])


 I think most frames are good and some even combo perfectly, (like valkyer and volt mentioned above) the real problem is probably the community them self they just search fot the warframe thats best, not the most fun or the one who they like most, for exemple my 3 main warframes are ash zephyr and trinity (banshe is in 4th),my friends is nekros, mirage and nix, me and my friend play them beacuse we like them not beacuse they are the best or something.

So true, couldn't agree more

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