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[Warframe Concept] Sharona - The Hyperdimensional Frame [Update: 13/01/2015 Fan-Art]


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I'm gonna be honest here. This is pretty stupid. 

I get it, it's a joke. A joke with good art, but a dumb joke nonetheless. But I'll treat it as a proper concept and tear it open like everything else.



Lollipop Drop - A small AoE effect. She pulls lollipop shaped stick grenades from under her skirt and throws them around her, letting them fall around in random places. These grenades would have a stagger effect on enemies, doing minor damage.

What's the exact number of these nades? I'll go ahead and assume three for now, and assuming that, letting them fall into random places is a gamble. The chances that it wont hit an enemy at all will only lead players to not want to use the ability. 

Solution: Remove the randomness of the area, and concentrate the throwing into an arc of sorts. With the small AOE, it'll all connect.



Heavenly Drill - Pulling her Pigtail Drills as punching gloves, she rushes forward dealing puncture damage. Similar to that of her older brother's first skill, Rhino Charge.

Misha anyone?



Anyways, I have no issues with this one. If she screams out "Wahahaha~!" while doing it, it'll be the best ability ever.



Hammer Space - Digging into her cat-bag, she pulls out whatever she happens to grab onto, throwing, shooting or smacking them with it. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Chainsaw, playing cards, various machine guns, bazookas, massive hammers and other oversize weapons, frying pans and even a howitzer! In this  mode you can move around, but with slightly reduce speed. Efficiency will increase as the rotation of weapons and abilities used.

Oookay...what can I say about this?

It'll either be the most varied ability or the most useless as the randomness (assuming the rotations are random) will not be your favour. I'll assume it is random and say that imagine if you expect the Hammer to show up, but actually the bazooka shows up, leaving you no time to react or plan accordingly. 


Solution: Make it pull out only one weapon, and then by pressing 4 (or whatever the power is assigned to) the weapon is switched to something else. The ability is time based, and adding in duration increases the time for you to be able to use it. 


I hope what I've said doesn't move into being an &#!, just an honest opinion and thoughts from someone. 

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Well you're barrels of fun, *smiles and icecream.* But I'll reply to you anyways. Lollipop Drop is just her twirling around and throwing grenades around herself, and at max it's 6 to 8 so it's going to be a random drop, it's not a precision shot. And because she's spinning around, everything around her will be effected because each grenade has it's own AoE, perfect for when you're surrounded. And for Hammer Space it's basically an activation ability similar to Valkyr's Hysteria. She runs around with her bag and pulls out random weapons/abilities and whenever she uses a weapon she automatically switches to a different one because each weapon or ability has it's own duration.


But hey, keep in mind it's still a work in progress so everything is still subject to change. And the end of the day this is only a fun-made frame and all the random fun it brings ;)

Edited by RedSkittlez
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You didn't notice SEN-3.14? I'm sad by this! I thought for sure you would have noticed it this time! 

"I don't notice people." - Erebus-Senpai


The ability is fine on its own, so as long as it doesn't reach levels where she'll only be used for that one ability like a certain necromancer we know...

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10/10 Would fund with all my money. And then buy with plat when the quest gets all convoluted with archwing Interception.

On a more serious note: Would totally get this frame as fast as I could. Seems like an interesting concept, and powers don't seem too powerful nor too weak. Also would amuse me for hours.

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this is why im fond of arbiters of hexis..i dont have a problem with the frame itself,though the color and appearence doesnt suit me..


discipline...shakespear (hence oberon) is extremely serious,even on the rare occasion that its funny


king arthur legends (hence excalibur) is also deadly serious


a rather cheesy 80's song isnt what people think of as serious,some might think of it as serious,but in general no


(also i think perhaps the loli aspect might be rather offputing to some)


typhus had none of these problems,typhus was and is still dead serious,in some ways literally



in conclusion,my most serious advice is to redo the picture...reason being is the apparent physical "age" of the character needs to be advanced about 15 years...then most of the problems would be voided....for example,mirage`s premise at first is a little rediculous,as well as her somewhat immature appearence...but the hidden messages quest along with the possible insanity factor erases most of those problems right off the bat


(i tryed to capture the seriousness of the game with my recently posted orokin tomb ship fanfic)


dont take my words as an offence red..i dont know the inside of your mind but i want to help you..its part of my belief to defend the free exercise of ideas and information

I have no idea what you're on about but being "politically correct" in this situation is actually incorrect. Please do not project your own ideas/mentality onto others as it's actually offensive (and ironically so) to say what you just said. If we're going to play the "that's offensive" game, at least have the decency to check what you're going to say before you say it. And loli? Good God! What if the character is simply short and childish? I personally don't like Jynx from League of Legends, but she's a wonderful example of a childish/small yet dangerous character. Would you have pestered Riot Games with this same kind of nonsense, when they released Jynx's existence (along with her music video) to the public?

Someone posted their artwork, making obvious references to pop-culture. That's all there is to this. Now enjoy Warframe like the rest of us instead of trying to play political savant.

Edited by pyro_baron
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this is why im fond of arbiters of hexis..i dont have a problem with the frame itself,though the color and appearence doesnt suit me..


discipline...shakespear (hence oberon) is extremely serious,even on the rare occasion that its funny


king arthur legends (hence excalibur) is also deadly serious


a rather cheesy 80's song isnt what people think of as serious,some might think of it as serious,but in general no


(also i think perhaps the loli aspect might be rather offputing to some)


typhus had none of these problems,typhus was and is still dead serious,in some ways literally



in conclusion,my most serious advice is to redo the picture...reason being is the apparent physical "age" of the character needs to be advanced about 15 years...then most of the problems would be voided....for example,mirage`s premise at first is a little rediculous,as well as her somewhat immature appearence...but the hidden messages quest along with the possible insanity factor erases most of those problems right off the bat


(i tryed to capture the seriousness of the game with my recently posted orokin tomb ship fanfic)


dont take my words as an offence red..i dont know the inside of your mind but i want to help you..its part of my belief to defend the free exercise of ideas and information


Oberon, The king of fairies, is serious. Hydroid, the puddle king is serious. Nova (which contradicts with my next point) is serious. A man who does spooky hat tricks named Limbo, is also serious. I usually base my characters off of songs. While the name is not pleasing for you, there is more of an origin why I picked that name. Please look into it why i chose the name Sharona-chan.

As for the art style and her looking young, i disagree. We do not know the age of warframes. She may look childish, but she could be any age. Could be thousands of years old, could be fifteen years old. You are entitled to your opinion, but this feels more like nit-picking than creative criticism.

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well,first point taken...but..


something that is wreathed in horns and has a long history of mythological basis is more serious than...


and something that summons monsters from the deep as it were,hence davy jones,is far more serious than....


also.it is actually "creative criticism"...because for one thing the trope of "super powered silly children" is abit overused,we have cartoons for that purpose so people that enjoy those things have somewhere to go


and as for the color,i know that can be changed ingame,as for shape,thats what the grineer exo armor is for,so again not much to fix that


the height of "sharona" could simply be increased by about 1 meter (and those hand drills need abit more definition)


(on a sidenote red i think your angry at me because you figured out what my upcoming concept is based off of,given how it mildly relates to typhus in a historical sense)


Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments. I feel like your criticism is anything but constructive. There's some sense of resentment because of previous variations of my warframes going from serious and rich in aesthetics, to something straight out of an anime. I really really do not enjoy your commentary on this. This isn't suppose to be historical, this isn't meant to be the next great warframe. This is something fun. The colors are fun, the design is fun, all of this is meant to be fun, and you are having no fun.

As for the sidenote, i'm not angry at you, i'm more so annoyed. There is no way i'm a mind reader to know that you were working on a story involving my character, Typhus. Please note at the end of the day, it's my concept. This is a fun concept I made for everyone to have. I'd be happy to know you're having a good time with this idea, but it's hard to appreciate that when you say she needs her height increased by a meter because her "physical" age scares you, or the name is "cheesy" when frames like Frost, Volt, and Ember all have literal names to their skill.

You might need a SEN-3.14 when continuing this conversation.

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well...ill put it this way


i hope the both of you realize that the 80`s song "my sharona" was entirely referencing an adult female that the singer found relatively attractive


so even by this,basing her off of this song..she needs to be made somewhat taller,and in general more female like to be "faithfull" to the song


You do realize the song was about a 25 year old rocker falling in love with a 17 year old girl right?

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so even by this,basing her off of this song..she needs to be made somewhat taller,and in general more female like to be "faithfull" to the song

Ash is named after Ash, which is the solid remains of fire. 

Does that mean Ash needs to reflect on his name? No, it doesn't. 

Sharona doesn't need to reflect on the name it was given. It's just a neat little reference. 


i have no problem with you having fun,but this is on fan concepts,so unless a disclaimer is added that "this is not intended for ingame use at all" then it has a slight chance of being added,

...It's a frame that pokes fun at anime related things.

Do you really think DE would put something so silly and ridiculous (no offense to the creators) into their game?

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