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<Underclocking Mods> (Mentioned On Livestream)


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I don't know how this thread managed to die.. It's a @(*()$ good suggestion and I want DE to put it into the game immediately!

It died because DE responded to it with an idea no one liked. It looked like it would never occur because in their response they said they are not sure if they could code it as suggested, and how they could do it/considered doing it was useless.

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Zadok13, on 30 Jul 2013 - 09:10 AM, said:

Since we're all just throwing opinions out there, I'll make mine known: With respect, the guy who came up with the destructive underclocking idea needs to go sit in a corner and think about what he's done. Better to save everyone's time and effort by not implementing an underclocking system at all, because that idea is utterly pointless.

Frankly, I don't see any good reason why you shouldn't be able to underclock a mod to any level you've "unlocked" already. Like some people (by which I mean, the entire damn community) have said already - the current idea increases tedious grinding (even more than trying to farm duplicates already does) and clutter, and no-one with a modicum of self-respect would use the destructive underclocking idea. It is at best redundant with keeping duplicates at every level, and it doesn't even have any of the advantages that such a strategy does.

You want me to pay for progress? That's fair, and it makes sense. You want me to pay again to remove my own progress? That's just insulting. And then you want me to pay a third time to get it back? F*ck you with a rusty spork. This isn't a design decision, it's a cheap way to get people to grind more, as if this game didn't have enough of that already with plenty to spare, and I'll have nothing to do with it.

How about just allowing players to set a mod to any level they've unlocked? Could be as simple as a pair of little up/down buttons on the mod card, on the "equipped mods" screen. People who want duplicates still need to farm and upgrade them, everyone else can sell them to reduce clutter. It might even make selling mods a viable source of credits. Gods know I'd desperately love to tidy my inventory (screw you, OCD), and I can always use the credits.


What Cerenth said.

This so much.
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I like the idea of underclocking, but not for free on every mod.

What about adding a new type of "core"...lets call it "scaling core", or maybe "flexibility core".


Just fusion it to your mod you want to scale, and from now on, that mod is scalable, meaning your can fit it to your needs

That was just in my mind.


But it should be quite rare core, droping in void T3/alerts as blueprint, and be able to buy (for 10-20 plats maybe).

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Or have it so if you do this, the mod loses the top rank, so you can adjust it as needed but you sacrifice the highest level of fusion.

Like, that mod max level is lowered by 1 permanent or just lowered once, able to lvl it up back?

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Bump or no, the dev's have already stated this is a dead duck unfortunately, naming this concept by exact name.

They actually said they are interested in the idea but would try to implement something a bit more permanent than underclocking. It is not so much dead as forgotten.

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