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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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I was saying help instead of be a $&*^. If you've helped, then "don't be a $&*^" should suffice.

It's the whole "if it doesnt apply to you, then I wasn't talking about you" deal.

Chances are people who say "u suk noob" aren't following that with "...But let me teach you not to suck"

Edited by (PS4)sycamotree
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MR ONLY tells me you've ranked more (or less) weapons/frames than I have...SKILL? nah...It does IMPLY that you MIGHT be skilled,but who really knows? I mean you COULD sit on low level planets ranking TONS of  frames and weapons and never step foot outside the first 4 or 5 planets,and avoiding certain mission types.... Alternatively you could travel the entire system with only a small handful of Frames and weapons.


The guy that thinks he needs everything but is afraid to go past Saturn has a higher MR rating than the one that traveled the system with only a select group of items he likes. Which one is more "skilled"?

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MR ONLY tells me you've ranked more (or less) weapons/frames than I have...SKILL? nah...It does IMPLY that you MIGHT be skilled,but who really knows? I mean you COULD sit on low level planets ranking TONS of  frames and weapons and never step foot outside the first 4 or 5 planets,and avoiding certain mission types.... Alternatively you could travel the entire system with only a small handful of Frames and weapons.


The guy that thinks he needs everything but is afraid to go past Saturn has a higher MR rating than the one that traveled the system with only a select group of items he likes. Which one is more "skilled"?

Are we gonna keep picking extreme cases all the time just to show how irrational we are?


People will use what works and MR is proven to work in general so what each individual thinks of it doesn't matter. You have limited time so 'taking out' a stranger for a test drive to 'know their worth' is not an option. You can add competent players (that you discover by chance) to your friend list so there's that. Either gamble with strangers or pick up people you have past experience with. That's what we have and so MR is relevant.

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It isn't an extreme example when I KNOW players in those EXACT situations....

I know plenty of people that have the "I need everything"mentality but never stray too far from the "safe zone".

I know a smaller few people that only like specific items,won't play with anything but those,but have cleared the entire system...

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It isn't an extreme example when I KNOW players in those EXACT situations....

I know plenty of people that have the "I need everything"mentality but never stray too far from the "safe zone".

I know a smaller few people that only like specific items,won't play with anything but those,but have cleared the entire system...

Do you even know what your first sentence says? If we know person XYZ is a serial killer it means he isn't an extreme/unique case, right?

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Simply put, I know someone who has almost everything in the game,but never goes past Saturn,he has a high MR but hasn't really DONE ANYTHING.

I also know someone who ONLY plays one of his TWO frames,uses only 2 or 3 Primaries,has two secondaries,and only one melee which he only ranked to get it done (hates melee),and he's cleared EVERY node but with low MR... YOU say it is an extreme example...but to me it's just Sunday (or whatever day I see them)...


And if XYZ IS a Serial Killer,then no, to me he isn't extreme or unique...He would be if being mentally unstable and murdering people was new....but as it is he's just another guy saying Satan told him to kill the girl in the blue dress....

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I've actually been chastised a few times by some mr18's in the relays for having more playtime than them but having a lower mastery rank.

"dude you've played for so long why are you not mr18 yet scrub?"

I played consistently from u8 until now and I'm mr14, I just have no desire to rank up every garbage weapon in the game purely for mastery rank status.

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I've actually been chastised a few times by some mr18's in the relays for having more playtime than them but having a lower mastery rank.

"dude you've played for so long why are you not mr18 yet scrub?"

I played consistently from u8 until now and I'm mr14, I just have no desire to rank up every garbage weapon in the game purely for mastery rank status.

Yup. MR 10 here. I missed some event weapons and the anniversary stuff,but I can't honestly say I care what my MR is. I only rank weapons/frames I enjoy. Been here since U6 or 7...

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This thread is not a mastery rank 17-18-19 vs all other master rank thread.... This is a thread that says the higher the mastery rank 10 and above, the more likely that player can at least go 1 hr in t4 survival.


This is not a thread about being a jerk, its about the simple truth that the higher you mastery rank, the more likely you will have the right gear, the right mods, the right experience to play every single mission in warframe.





Not relevant, you are mr14... your experience does not add to this topic. In 100% of cases, you will be invited in missions...




You my friend have an extreme case, please understand what the other guy meant by "extreme" case. All MR 18 ppl i know have 95-100% of the solar map finished. And to tell you i know a lot of MR 18 probably 20 or more

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Yup. MR 10 here. I missed some event weapons and the anniversary stuff,but I can't honestly say I care what my MR is. I only rank weapons/frames I enjoy. Been here since U6 or 7...


I think many people have been saying that it hardly matters after around 8 to 10.


This thread is not a mastery rank 17-18-19 vs all other master rank thread.... This is a thread that says the higher the mastery rank 10 and above, the more likely that player can at least go 1 hr in t4 survival.


This is not a thread about being a jerk, its about the simple truth that the higher you mastery rank, the more likely you will have the right gear, the right mods, the right experience to play every single mission in warframe.




Not relevant, you are mr14... your experience does not add to this topic. In 100% of cases, you will be invited in missions...



You my friend have an extreme case, please understand what the other guy meant by "extreme" case. All MR 18 ppl i know have 95-100% of the solar map finished. And to tell you i know a lot of MR 18 probably 20 or more


Like this guy said it here. It's not about being mastery rank 16 17 or 18. It's about having more likeliness in having the right gears. So it won't matter around past mastery rank 10. Pretty simple here. I think we can agree that people should have the right gears for certain select few missions in the void and some low MR people just do not have the gears. Sure, they probably can go through the high level void missions with low end gears, but they'll be doing little do no contribution to the team and it can end up being 2 or 3 people carrying the rest.

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Actually I think, if I had to guess,I have 85-90% completion of the map...The only things I have left to complete are mostly missions nobody runs or missions I just didn't want to do ( I have one incomplete node on Saturn I COULD do easily solo,just don't want to).

Anyone that knows me also knows I am ONLY  MR 10 because I had the affinity built up and decided to FINALLY take the tests,I WAS MR 8 which is all that is necessary.....I used to say that since MR 8 was all that is needed I'd stay there...but I got bored one day....lol.

I've had people say I can't run missions with them because my MR wasn't "good enough" only to tell them to try me and THEN judge....

I have not had a single complaint....ever.


I think it is funny how MR went from JUST measuring what was unlocked for you to how "skillful" you are...

I guess no one remembers when high MR got you laughed at for how pointless it was (anything over 6 at one point and later anything over 8).

So yeah, you'll excuse me if I don't believe that MR has ANYTHING to do with skill when it was only ever meant to control unlockables.....

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Out of curiosity, if a Valet driver has driven more Lamborghini than a professional Formula 1 driver, does that make the valet a better driver?

Or the owner of a hundred Ferraris, does owning 100 of them and driving them qualify you to be a mechanic? You may know more than the average Joe, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna wanna have you poking around in my Ferrari.

in no way does this system function as a means of deducing player skill, too many variables & ways of obtaining the rank preclude this, were using it because there's nothing else that's as easy or readily available to function in its place.

To get the job done the right way, you need the right tools, the right skills & the right training, your experience grinding akboltos & broncos and a dozen prime weapons in regular defense/survival missions does NOT mean you'll be able to take on T4 survival/defense missions, experience playing these modes & individual research does, its a simple fact, you don't get good at kicking a$$ by buying & wearing more boots, you get good by putting boot to a$$ and doing the deed.

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Actually I think, if I had to guess,I have 85-90% completion of the map...The only things I have left to complete are mostly missions nobody runs or missions I just didn't want to do ( I have one incomplete node on Saturn I COULD do easily solo,just don't want to).

Anyone that knows me also knows I am ONLY  MR 10 because I had the affinity built up and decided to FINALLY take the tests,I WAS MR 8 which is all that is necessary.....I used to say that since MR 8 was all that is needed I'd stay there...but I got bored one day....lol.

I've had people say I can't run missions with them because my MR wasn't "good enough" only to tell them to try me and THEN judge....

I have not had a single complaint....ever.


I think it is funny how MR went from JUST measuring what was unlocked for you to how "skillful" you are...

I guess no one remembers when high MR got you laughed at for how pointless it was (anything over 6 at one point and later anything over 8).

So yeah, you'll excuse me if I don't believe that MR has ANYTHING to do with skill when it was only ever meant to control unlockables.....

Skillful? Yeah a lot of people have been adding that as an implication. Don't get that wrong. It wasn't like an equal sign. It's an arrow. It's implied that the player is skilled. Just like i said, from like MR 8 to 10 people start to get set of gears that they desired for the most part. To me, MR still shows skill levels somewhat, but it isn't an overall skill outlook. You can say it's only for controlling unlockables, but you can't ignore the playtime that is guaranteed in the mastery rank. There are exmaples where a high rank person can be a noob, but in general it is true that they have more skill than, say, mastery rank 2 player. Hence the word "implication."


I need to repeat myself here. Mastery rank shows that a player has a good amount of gears in their arsenal clearly. It isn't about distinguishing skill levels straight up.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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Skillful? Yeah a lot of people have been adding that as an implication. Don't get that wrong. It wasn't like an equal sign. It's an arrow. It's implied that the player is skilled. Just like i said, from like MR 8 to 10 people start to get set of gears that they desired for the most part. To me, MR still shows skill levels somewhat, but it isn't an overall skill outlook. You can say it's only for controlling unlockables, but you can't ignore the playtime that is guaranteed in the mastery rank. There are exmaples where a high rank person can be a noob, but in general it is true that they have more skill than, say, mastery rank 2 player. Hence the word "implication."


I need to repeat myself here. Mastery rank shows that a player has a good amount of gears in their arsenal clearly. It isn't about distinguishing skill levels straight up.

It is true about you words. 

Btw i finish all mission node when i am Mastery Rank 6, that 1 year ago, really enjoy that time, i totally no idea of Mission level works, whatever in my mind is about how to deal with those thick armor / health enemy and avoiding enemy fire. 

I already MR14 by now. Next aiming to max my Mastery Rank. Hope that in future i wont cause another player to start this kind of topic.

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Let's say you can bet 100 plats on team A with 4 random MR2 and team B with 4 random MR 18 on which team can stay longer in T4S, which one will you choose?


This is about statistics of how skillful/well-equipped people with low MRs vs people with high MRs are. "I know a bad guy MR18", or "I know a really good guy with MR2" is not so related when you recruit random people to your team. You just care about "what is the average skill/equip of these people with this MR lower than 5? I don't wanna recruit them to T4S cause they tend to be poorly equipped."


This is what I feel about MR ranks.

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Let's say you can bet 100 plats on team A with 4 random MR2 and team B with 4 random MR 18 on which team can stay longer in T4S, which one will you choose?


This is about statistics of how skillful/well-equipped people with low MRs vs people with high MRs are. "I know a bad guy MR18", or "I know a really good guy with MR2" is not so related when you recruit random people to your team. You just care about "what is the average skill/equip of these people with this MR lower than 5? I don't wanna recruit them to T4S cause they tend to be poorly equipped."


This is what I feel about MR ranks.

That's an extreme example. My OP obviously disregarded such outliers.

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That's an extreme example. My OP obviously disregarded such outliers.

Oh sorry, I just read too many posts in this thread and got carried away XD


Most of the recruitment restrictions I see is like MR8+ or MR10+, so you didn't oppose to these, right?

Or your point is MR restrictions should be lowered (like MR4+) or should it be removed at all? I am a little confused.

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double standards ahoy.


I'm saying you are comparing an experience between you MR14 vs MR 18's that said "you should be MR18 with your hours"... which is a different topic from MR1-6 not being invited to join a game.... (Which is logical).


Your experience has nothing to do with this thread.... MR 18 people did not say you were bad.... Heck they would most likely play with you in any mission since you are MR 14, they were just d*cks... We are talking about the fact that higher master rank 10 and above is more likely to be better than rank 1-9

Edited by --Q--AFKrasul
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Why can so many people here not get it. Many players have played BEFORE there is such a thing as survival (I still remember how the first survival was an event mission). Those higher ranked people are only higher ranked because they ACTUALLY PLAYED. Don't talk about "well, people could play Stephano" or "hey an MR1 can be very skilled as well". Back in the day, there was NO SUCH THING as survival, interception or excavation. To argue otherwise is to say that high MR people from the start of open beta could farm xp efficiently (ie Stephano etc), which obviously shows how delusional he/she is. Those higher MR people are LIKELY to be even higher MR now.


More time in-game = experience (that is whether they were successful or whether they failed. Failure is the mother of success). More experience = more likely able to identify tough situations and react accordingly. It is as simple as that. Whether or not a low MR person can be really good is completely irrelevant. For all I know, he/she could be MR0 with 6 forma mk1 braton, lato and skana, and have spent 1000+ hours in-game. But that is an extreme example.


Another point is about the utility of weapons. Sure, not all weapons are created equal. One could argue that settling on a few good ones is all that is needed. But what is a "good one"? Just because a person mastered many weapons does not mean that that person is incapable of using them well. A higher MR gives the opportunity to try out more weapons. Those weapons are very well capable of being "good" weapons. (Except the Spectra imho - and yes I only know this because, yes I have actually tried using it.)


Therefore a higher MR has OPPORTUNITIES to more weapons and mods, and means more TIME spent in-game, thereby giving more EXPERIENCE. More experience means better or more versatile SKILLS. (Don't try to deny that either. This is proven in various studies)

Edited by AcquisCommunitaire
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That's an extreme example. My OP obviously disregarded such outliers.


How is it an extreme sample?


It would just prove that a lot of low ranked players would not have the gears or mods to even do 1 hour in survival. Where as Rank 18 people are most likely going to have a fully decked out Warframes and weapons at their disposal.


Just because you have good gears at a low MR doesn't mean everyone else have. So you can't use that excuse.

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Assuming that we all haven't done this countless times, over our millions of hours combined.


That's why we have threads begging DE to better inform new players.

That's why we say "check the wiki" in region chat.


The amount of time we've spent teaching new players how to play is mind blowing.

It's not our job. Don't go guilt tripping the guys that helped build the player base to just help one more time.

We just need to look at our friends list to see how many people that we have helped and how many are still playing.

Maybe we are having a hard time remembering why we play this stupid game and don't feel like babysitting that day.

Leave the old guard alone.


We'll help them when we feel like it.

Hahaha . . .they prove they don't know the game because they aren't even aware of how we are helping them all of the time in a mission.

I have put in a ridiculous amount of time playing this game, enjoyed every minute of it, and observed many "old Guard" looking after the low ranked MR's . . . but, ok, fair enough that part of being a newbie is in the name "new", and, yes, I know they can get a bit uppety about being called that but here's the twist, we "old Guard" can run all maps blindfolded, read every situation and know what to do (not go blindly in swinging our weapon, lol), and tend to not make up the 3rd person reviving someone but instead controlling the enemies attacking.


God forbid that there was a revolt by the "old guard" over being continually told that high MR doesn't equal skill, because if we did the suckers would soon find themselves deep in the doo doo, lol , ,

Edited by CaptainEras
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I'm saying you are comparing an experience between you MR14 vs MR 18's that said "you should be MR18 with your hours"... which is a different topic from MR1-6 not being invited to join a game.... (Which is logical).


Your experience has nothing to do with this thread.... MR 18 people did not say you were bad.... Heck they would most likely play with you in any mission since you are MR 14, they were just d*cks... We are talking about the fact that higher master rank 10 and above is more likely to be better than rank 1-9

The majority of posts here are all waffle, why, because the 1-6 MR guys will eat their words when they are double that, why, because of all the extra skill and experience they will have at level 12 . . .


I'm level 14 .

Edited by CaptainEras
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