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Corrupted Mods


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The drop table for these are in dire need of a rework. If we take a look at the current situation it has a whooping 22 mods in its drop table. If any of you have taken a peek at the datamined drop tables as well you will know that the latest 6 have a very weighted drop rate as oppose to the original 16.


In addition to this 7 new corrupted mods have also been “rumored” to be on the way. So that will bring the total amount to 29 mods for one mission. They should definitively not be adding more and more mods to the already diluted drop table forever. One thing they could do is to divide the mods to the different dragon keys. For example:


Bleeding Key = 5 mods

Decaying Key = 5  mods

Extinguished Key = 5 mods

Hobbled Key = 5 mods


The last 2 mods could appear in all keys. This would give you a lot smaller pool to choose from when opening the vault. It would also partially help those who do these missions solo as they at least would have a general idea to which key they would try their luck with.


Other than that they obviously have to start moving corrupted mods around somewhere around the star chart bosses, void trader, syndicate rewards, etc etc. Just not the Void as those drop tables are already way to diluted.


Even if they remove the weighted drops of the newest mods and make them all "equal" down the line. I feel that nightmare mode with its 13 reward mods are a more balanced endeavor, and the corrupted mods should follow a similar path.


Any other thoughts to the future of corrupted mods? 

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After my 6th frail momentum in a row I definitely think corrupted mods need a rework in drops.


But not quite sure which way would be the best. I would like them to separate warframe, rifles, shotgun and pistol so I can run away from all these shotgun ones.

Edited by hotbeast
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